Friday 13 January 2017

A simple meaning of life? You could be a star seed and you haven't found it yet.

Earth - abandoned project or did it just evolve?

Planet Earth - what is the point of it? Its an anomaly, perhaps. Why have this inhabitable oasis in the galaxy and nothing else nearby?

Which surely begs the question, why are we here and what is our purpose?

To go back to the beginning, Earth exists for want of a deeper explanation. We are told that there are inhabitable planets 'out there' in the greater galaxy, yet they are so far away, they are almost as unobtainable to us as powered flight was to the cave man.

So, where is our missing link in all this? Was there ever one?

Interestingly enough, consider that most 'life' on this planet seems to have not evolved past its original brief. For instance, Dolphins, Horses, Dogs for example, intelligent in the animal world, yet have not evolved out to take over the planet. Not physically and not intellectually. 

Which kind of leaves the human species as an anomaly. We left the caves perhaps and developed to where we are now, so why in context did the animals not progress? Perhaps it has to do with our brain structure and the fact that we use language, which means we must have a brain that allows us to 'exist' in three separate states past, present and future.

That's how we plan our speech and indeed our actions, we are subliminally modelling all the time, outcomes and plans.
Humans are an intervention species, we have been modified by external means

So, what about this missing link? Is there one? The answer is we are the missing link. We were the product of an existing primate biped and the genetic material from visitors from off our planet.

Even Francis Crick who did much important work on human genetics believed that we were a species that had genetic material modified, that can only mean it was done by external visitors.

We need two things to give us purpose - productiveness and love

Is there a simple meaning of life? Yes. What drives humans and ensures survival are productiveness and love. By Productiveness, we do things of value, whether as necessity for providing food or shelter, for improving our lives through design, or for improving our spiritual enlightenment, things such as music or art.

Besides doing things that add value to our lives, we also need love, to reproduce ourselves and to allow ourselves to be who we are.

These may sound simple but without these we just die, of boredom or through lack of future generational continuity.

So, are you unfulfilled, have you no meaning or feel lost? There could be a reason.

Are you a Star Seed? You could well be, it could explain your situation

You would think these days, that human advancement has brought us to a place where we should be enjoying the position where we are the most technologically advanced we have ever been, we have so much more than previous generations, yet we are also 'lost' and unfulfilled, how can that be?

You might be a Star Seed.

Over 20 years ago, I came across a Star Seed quiz, a set of questions that asked things about what you liked or were attracted to amongst others. I hit 26 out of 30 100%, so I took that to be a sign that I could be different.

If you feel unfulfilled, alone, it could be that you have yet to understand why you are here. This goes back to the top of the page, why are we here? I was about 12 when I came to the conclusion that the Earth seems to have been started as a project and just abandoned.

When we are told about 'evolution,' then in some respects why has humanity not evolved further than at present?

As a star seed, you are on the planet to do something, yet it take many years for you to understand your function here. It may come to you by a series of situations pointing you to a place or situation that you feel makes sense.

This journey may take the form of unforeseen encounters or accidents of discovery.

The Indian tribes have a very rich culture and heritage -
far removed from the Hollywood movie portrayal

My own journey has been a puzzling one, to find out what I was here for. But it came, due to some research I was doing into human and robot history. Through that I came across the American Indian wisdom quotes and I started to look at their culture further.

It was through this that I could see that my purpose was as a conduit. My whole life has been about investigating, asking questions, learning and not for any professional purposes.

So, it became obvious that I could use my skills and experience to help the American Indian people in economic growth and job creation.

The reservation Indians have a tough life, they have a need to preserve their heritage and traditions but also to be able to exist in the world outside the reservations.

Perhaps my experience can help them to achieve this.

This will be a long job, perhaps I see that at my age, that I may never see this fulfilled, but perhaps I can supply the catalyst, the start, the way forward for them.

This brings us back to a meaning of life, a productive output and love, I think that my situation allows me to fulfil that.

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