Monday 2 January 2017

'Work until you are 70' - Shows just how much Government is out of touch!

Work until you are 70 -
There won't be the jobs out there!

A few years ago the UK Government trumpeted a frankly ill-thought out  notion that we would all have to work until 70 years of age.

That fatuous statement showed how out of the touch they were.

They had clearly failed to understand what many forward thinkers have been predicting for many years, that automation would take over many of the current jobs done by humans.

Look at many employers websites and their 'meet the team' page, usually a gathering of nauseating images of people trying to look happy. What you may observe is that most of the staff are under 40. 

Outsourcing work abroad means we no longer have much manufacturing at home

And this is the problem for older workers, employers seek to employ experienced workers who they can employ at lower wage levels who have less experience. They often think this is as saving, but it is a false economy.

There are many older workers 45 plus, who find that their skills may not be relevant in the workplace of today. Lean business practices mean that there is no slack in business these days, no extra capacity.

So the chance to learn in a job or with an employer is a thing of the past, unless they employ you to specifically do so.

Humans need not apply

The problem is that automation has been silently taking human jobs for many years, it is only now that the effects are really being felt.

The reason is that some of the jobs have just suddenly disappeared and there is nothing to take their place.

We will have to be paid when the robots take our jobs -
Basic Income Guarantee is the answer

So this work until 70 crap? Of course the Government wants you to work on and pay in to the system, but that ain't gonna happen no more. Basic Income Guarantee is the way forward.

Paid at a fair rate, it will mean that we will not have to worry about money, because it will provide a financial safety net.

Is it affordable? Yes. It will self-generate money, if you give people money, they usually spend it. 

This feed back into the economy and if people have free time they are likely to go out and spend money. This means that the Retail sector in which 15 High Street retail shops close A DAY may be helped by people out there spending money. 

The model the Government is working to is out of date and irrelevant, yet it seems to be blindly walking onwards towards an obsolescence of ideas scenario.

Basic Income is the answer and the government must look at bringing this in soon. Bank of England Chief Mark Carney sees the rise of the robots will take 15 million UK jobs, even those thought previously to be 'safe,' such as accounting.

If this business professional is aware of this coming situation, then why is the government so seemingly unprepared? Because government is made up largely of amateurs who lack the necessary acumen to see the future.

It is time for government to become more professional. They need to look at the future, because if they act Canute like, the tidal sweep of automation will sweep in and make them look very silly.

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