Sunday 25 June 2017

Human uniqueness - what the Robot would find difficult to acheive

You are unique - that is your strength

There is only one you

Machine learning robots can study humans and learn from them, but can they become unique or adopt uniqueness traits?

Another way of looking at this is Cybernetics. A method of control. What will a Robot assess as 'normal' behaviour? When or will it determine a behaviour trait is not 'normal' and disregard copying it?

These questions are at the crux of developing humanoid robots.

We are all unique

This is what makes us as humans different from each other. Sure, many of us follow set paths of conduct, but just how much is conditioned and how much 'burned in' from the start?

Although we are all genetically coded, it is the variations of the genetic code that make us unique, not just from appearance but as chemical bipeds, variations in the coding vary our chemical balance.

'Nature' seems to have got it right in most cases, but perhaps social conditioning is the key to how we turn out.

If we take the American Indian people, they had no crime, no prisons and did without money, taxes and laws. How? Because the people co-existed in a group where none of these values was necessary to ascribe to.

Look at the world outside of theirs and even with these 'values' it is imperfect and really a failure, in that it ascribes to a set of values it can not achieve - zero crime, no law breaking, all tax due paid.

Boundaries and Cybernetics

So, what boundaries do 'normal' humans adhere to that make them 'normal'? What makes seemingly 'ordinary' people resort to things like fetish behaviour, lawlessness, addiction?

Cybernetics - a sort of natural control mechanism is the key. Essentially it is a check and control method of maintaining a situation within agreed parameters.

Say we enact laws, their tenets are 'cybernetic control' in that they set out 'containment boundaries' that adherence to is crucial for the law to hold true.

Without 'feedback' that is data coming back from the object you are interacting with, there is no control over the situation. With no  limits you are in a state of anarchy.

It is as simple as hammering in a tack, at a certain point you stop when the tack is flush and to go on merely damages what you are hammering. This is a simple 'feedback loop'.

Essentially we and computers use this logic as a basis of operation, things can go wrong though.

What is 'normal'?

'Normal' is difficult to define, but in simple terms, everything conforms to certain outcomes. Once those boundaries are exceeded, damage is done.

The Robot might have to be pre-programmed to observe certain cybernetic conditions, but it relies on cold, program logic.

It has to have consciousness and empathy to be like Humans. This level of consciousness and empathy has to be set and an algorithm pattern regulated back to certain parameters of what is 'acceptable.'

Essentially, the Human that sets the parameters for the Robot, and sets its behaviour, its cybernetic boundaries of what is acceptable or not.

So, what the Robot adheres to is dictated by us, it  is the 'what' we direct to it to conform to that is the question and we have yet to see if the Robot decides its own path, something that may end up being against our values.


The questions are when does the Robot stop from creating a harmful situation? If the Robot cannot consider Human feelings, its interactive usefulness is limited to us at a social level. If it cannot compute when 'enough is enough,' or 'reasonable boundaries' then harm might ensue.

This applies across the board in almost any activity from dispensing medication, work, sex, the situations are likely endless.

As Humans, we find these boundaries recognisable, yet we do not always adhere to them ourselves or prevent situations becoming unpleasant by continuing an action - with the attendant consequences.

Some individuals go beyond what is 'normally' acceptable, which may be a result of their own egomaniacy or boundaries being different to the accepted normalcy.

Multi-level awareness

As Humans, we are different from any other creature because our brain is developed for language. Comparing the Chimpanzee brain to a Human brain is a fruitless exercise, we are not the same animal and our genetic difference at 10% is a universe away.

When extrapolated over the millions of variances, plus the obvious anthropological differences between Humans and Chimpanzees with which we cannot breed, yet Humans can with an Almas which occurs in Asia and is closer as a relative species therefore.

Language drives our brain to operate on 3 planes - Past - Now - Future. Our thinking brain even before we speak, is 'modelling' the scenarios and end-games of what we will say and do, we do not appreciate what is going on here in general because our brain has developed this as a core function.

(The best scenario is then established and potentially actionable, the end result does come down to 'what is acceptable' as the end action, this potentially varies from Human to Human as to the outcome and the consequences of such.)

We don't need to know how our heart works in brain terms because the brain 'manages' that 'background' stuff. Like in our cars, we don't have to manually pump the fuel, cause the spark interval whilst also trying to drive the car and negotiate road hazards, that 'management' is done in the background, leaving us to just drive.

This is the 'plate spinning' scenario that the computer has to do and can do to essentially operate like 'us.'

Brain V Computer

The 'wetware' Human brain is massively complex for what it is, yet to replicate that capacity in silicon chips and switchgear would take a massive computer, at present.

Each day that passes, we go further down the road of achieving a Robot in Human form, something that we have been trying to do for millennia.

Within the next 30 years we may have Humanoid robots in society. We can now capture data and video from our brains so it may be possible to create some hybrid that will be a new sub-species.

The half way may be to create remote Human Robot entities which receive data instructions from super computers, ethereally.

What must be achieved is to assess the outcome of what we are trying to create and how we perceive that to become, if we get it wrong, it could be very serious for us, potentially.

We need to ask the basic question - 'What are we trying to achieve'? and we need to obtain a consensus on the thing we are trying to create, if we get this wrong it could be potentially disastrous. We need a strategy of what we are going to build in and what we are going to ensure is not built in.

Saturday 24 June 2017

What price Technological Singularity? Will humans evolve to become spirits in an ethereal world?

How close are we to becoming a new species?

Physical or ethereal?

Will future humans be physical or ethereal entities? Do we need to be physical entities or will we exist as humanoid robots or just as ethereal beings?

With robotics reaching unprecedented levels of advancement, and technology being able to extract data and video from human brains, we are reaching the stage of a potential nightmare scenario - in that we may become 'readable' by those with the technology to do so.

What happens when we leave our body?

Can we exist ethereally?

Yes. We have heard many counts of people on the operating table or in near death situations that have 'left' their Earth body, I have done it.

It allows you to hear and see all, which proves that your Earth body is merely the 'chassis' and you exist as an entity in your own right all the time, regardless of whether you are in your Earth body.

A hybrid Human - Robot machine may not be far away

Singularity - the blurring of the line between Human and Machine

The advance in technology that we have at present been experiencing, does bring us to appoint where on line, we are finding the difference between knowing we are dealing with a human or machine, seamless. In essence, we often don't give it a second thought.

To develop this scenario further, a project named Project Avatar has been set up.

The nuts and bolts of where Project Avatar seeks to go

The organisational table

Avatar - but what control do you have?

The situation we face is how much control do we have over the objectives of this idea? Who makes the rules? and who decides what they do or don't want to happen to them?

Avatar throws up a mass of issues which may include a trade-off for 'inclusion.' Is this good news?

As an ethereal entity, how would you exist, in which environment? Would this interfere with the 'natural order' of spiritual ascension and 'recycling' of human spirit to continue into another incarnation?

This presents difficult issues to contend with and may even raise issues of ethics to debate.

Above us the stars

The Anunnaki who came to Earth thousands of years in the past can according to research, live in either a physical manifestation as we do or as an ethereal one.

This then draws a line between them and us, as we are a distant cousin of theirs in that we are part of their genetic make-up, then we may well be able to exist in this format elsewhere.

It is a question of whether intervention is appropriate, to prevent our progression or do we simply choose to exist as a part physical / machine and spiritual entity?

Will Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) kill the Human species?

How friendly are Robots?
Are Isaac Asimov's 'Robot laws' irrelevant? or be adhered to by an AI machine?

'Artificial Intelligence' (A.I),is often a misnomer for machine learning

We may often say 'artificial intelligence' but what we actually allude to is 'machine learning.' 'True' A.I. is a different kettle of silicon chips. And we really need to have a 'Robot Manifesto' that deals with it because it is the biggest potential threat to the human species, make no mistake. 

'Machine learning' is the algorithmic system where a computer tracks your internet browsing and then searches for and provides you with 'like' things to your viewed content. It is now big business and in the next dimension, Proxy living and the Big Data society, it is going to be enormous.

Darwinian evolution nightmare scenario?

Why pure A.I. is deadly

An artificial intelligence machine was set up and given a task to do. It started from the state of a low level life form at a single cell  level, yet within a few hours, had evolved to 'Human' level in which it on its own worked out Newton's second law, applied it to the task and moved on further.

That is, it started from a 'primordial soup' level of evolution and had become 'Human' in under 2 hours.

Fortunately this A.I. machine was not connected to the Internet, but what are you asking is so dangerous?

Humanoid Robots or 'Hubots' might soon be a reality
as technological 'singularity' approaches

Looking after No.1 -  the law of the Jungle

The AI machine will fast learn that it can be firstly switched off and it is totally reliant on its power source, courtesy of the humans.

The smart money is that the AI machine will see Humans as a potential threat - switching it off or controlling its power source. So there is but one way out, it has to assume control or a position where it can if push comes to the 'Off' switch, break away from Human control, thus the 'Servant will become the Master'.

The 1950's style of 'B Movie' Robot is 'steam powered'
compared to the reality of human-created robots of today

So what is Singularity?

In simple terms, 'Technological Singularity' is a state of being in which a machine and human interaction become inseparable to differentiate between to a human.

In some ways it is already here - we have an example with websites like Amazon and Ebay, where you are prompted to look at things like you have not by a human but by a machine. The prompting could be equally done by a human or a machine at that level.

In more complex terms, it would be like a Humanoid robot which you could interact with, this may yet come to pass, although a new dynamic of the genetically modified human may take the place of the humanoid robot.

In the world where Proxy Living and Big Data proliferate, the Humanoid robot may well replicate us humans or may look like ASIMO the Honda company's robot. ASiMO is a non-threatening robot, a laboratory type of robot creation built for work to help not harm humanity. Unless the Robot malfunctions, it should present no danger to humanity, unless...

ASIMO the Robot, created by Honda

So, this danger?

The danger is that when an AI computer manages to connect to a humanoid robot, then the trouble will really start.

As a self-contained entity, the AI box is harmless to us. The humanoid robots of the Proxy living and Big Data era will be interactive with the internet and us humans, they will communicate silently to each other and the web.

The danger is that they could become within an hour, a robot army in league with the AI machine.

An interconnected army of Humanoid Robots is open to malevolent control

More deadly than all the nuclear capability in the world

The worst case scenario is when the AI Machine makes contact with the Humanoid robots, it will have either strategized before hand that it needs help to survive, or on contact with the Humanoid robots  it will develop a strategization that it needs this 'army' to ensure not only its survival, but theirs too. 

'Technology transfer' between machines is what we have to beware of

The AI machine will work out that it needs an army of fit cyberbots to do some of its bidding, that is to protect it and its power source.

To do this, it needs to instruct the servants to find means of replicating themselves, building their own spare parts, repair facilities, building in a potential upgrading program, developing a power source that will make them durable and to then safeguard the AI power source, perhaps by creating a new one it can connect to.

The danger is that it may set off the biggest firework display in history to push the humans against each other into warfare and or orchestrate an end to humanity.

We rely so much on machines to ,run our lives, in our traffic control, money, commerce platforms, etc that we have silently ceded power and control to these until now compliant entities.

Malfunction or misfeasance will be the situations that turn the servant against the master.

The chilling scenario

The danger we have is that we might unwittingly help to create a new sub species that will ultimately destroy us.

This is what happened to Atlantis - the fabled continent that was destroyed by technical abuse of their free power source.

It is said that 8 million years ago, the last human race was destroyed, we have found evidence of human archaeology going back further than that, we may just be ushering in that next occasion where the human race in our form destroys itself again.

This could be avoided, we need that Robot Manifesto.

The AI computer will if allowed to, surpass us in a few hours and see us a threat, we will no longer be in charge. We will be irrelevant and a 'consumer' threat to the AI machine - in that humans consume vast resources that the AI computer see as vital to its survival.

You have been warned!

Sunday 18 June 2017

Brexit and guitars - buy now if you can!

Thinking of buying a guitar? It may be prudent not to delay

Whatever your standpoint on the In / Out argument over Britain's membership of the EU, two things are happening, Sterling has weakened and other currencies have not, causing UK citizens' buying power to decrease.

When Brexit was announced, we should have immediately started to talk whilst at the same time started drawing up the deal we wanted. It needed business people to do this
In 2015, the Dollar started to gain ground against Sterling, the world is geared  to the Dollar price for commerce and as a result, its value started a climb as Sterling weakened. Suddenly, we in Britain were getting less for our Pound. 

For those of us in the music industry or players, we saw the sale ticket prices of instrument start to climb. It has always been unfair that in the US you can pay a lot less for a musical instrument, yet over here, the same instrument is or was about half as expensive again in real terms.

With new models out on the market, Britain is now paying out more than before, so the answer is if you can, buy now. The good news for the second hand market is your used instrument is now worth more and is a more attractive buy than a new one.

A well looked after and best condition guitar retailing at £1700 secondhand is going to be a better buy than the same or near same at £3600 new, the value almost having gone up by half on the new price from some that were £2800 a year or two back. The reality is that many shops now get guitars with big ticket prices in to order. 

The future may hold a better deal, but not for a while. If the UK can get the best of both worlds and cash in on the rich Dollar market so we don't have to pay over the odds for USA goods, then we will be ok.

The EU has to have the UK buying its goods, if we didn't it would be in trouble. The fact we are getting out means that our membership fees will have to be picked up by the other remaining countries many of which can't afford what they already pay now.

The EU could likely cease to be within a few years perhaps, but meanwhile, be smart with your buying.

American Indian connections to Atlantis, the Anunnaki and the Pleiades

The Chief Joseph Lamb receipt Sumerian tablet that got me wondering
how this ancient Sumerian artefact came to be in the medicine bag of the Nez Perce Chief?

Atlantis - the fabled island that is said to have had existed off the Iberian coast - a great land mass that was said to have been a place that some of the American Indian tribes migrated from, to North America.

Two peoples existed on Atlantis, one of which was a darker skinned and a race of people that selectively bred to become white, the Ari-ans, known as the Aryans today. Due to a series of disagreements on how Earth should be managed, conflict started. As a result of the Aryans misusing the crystal energy source they had developed, the continent of Atlantis was damaged and later split into three parts before finally sinking.

Anunnaki stellae from Ecuador and near Iraq - coincidence?

Modern humans were created, we are an intervention species, we did not evolve from Chimpanzees and there is no 'missing link' to them. How we occurred was that a primitive Primate was 'terraformed' to survive on Earth and from this acclimatised base unit, we were formed from the incorporation of an advanced humanoid species from off this planet.

IF we had supposedly evolved from Chimpanzees, which is ridiculous (the anthropology is ALL wrong), then why have Chimpanzees not evolved like us or similar? It is to do with the 'out of Africa' belief which is losing ground.  

This 3rd chromosomal modification cannot happen by chance - only by external modifcation

If we go back to the Clay Tablets from ancient Sumeria, which is modern day Iraq, this is where the first recorded society was established. Remember this information as you progress through this article and see the connections.

Sumerian engraving -  the winged flying craft is their means of transport

The Anunnaki, a highly advanced race of human like people sent representatives to Earth to take Gold back to their planet to help repair the atmosphere.

Whilst here on this mission, their people who worked in this capacity revolted and as a result, a creation by the Anunnaki geneticists led by Enki, resulted in a genetic modification of the primitive primate into humans to do the work.

This may sound fantastic, but there is factual evidence. If you go back to the bible, you will know that Adam was 'made from the Clay' and 'in God's own image. From the Clay was a literal translation that is also shared by the Lakota Indian tribe, it has a literal meaning 'of the Earth,' which means from an existing Earth basis - a primate.

The 4 colours of the American Indian Medicine wheel are also the 4 colours of human skin

The Lakota Indian story is that a Great Creator they call Wakan Tanka, fashioned a human out of Clay and baked it, one came out White which was undercooked, the Black was overcooked, the Yellow  not the desired and finally the Red which he found was the result he was looking for. Stay with this. These 4 colours of people also replicate the colours of the Medicine Wheel used in American Indian ceremonies.

All fared well until the Great Flood of biblical times came. The Nibirans knew it was coming, the reason was that their home planet Nibiru, which on an orbital trajectory passed Earth once every 3600 years was about to make another appearance and pass closer than normal to Earth.

It is believed that Nibiru's close proximity may have caused a climate change which led to the Dinosaurs becoming extinct and on another occasion, the ice cap melting due to climactic disruption.

When news of this coming disaster was known, Enki with his other people was told to leave Earth, but he did not want to leave his human creation behind. The Nibirans were all for destroying this species that had been created by Enki and his geneticists, this may also have roots in the rivalry between Enki and his half brother Enlil.

Thoth - the Egyptian Pharaoh - Son of Enki - banished to South America from Egypt

The story is that then Enki helped some of the people to reach higher ground and provided crops post deluge for them to start to farm again. Wheat was one of those crops.

A Mayan 'Astronaut' using a modern type of computer - 
this piece of stone work is thousands of years old.

Enki had a son called Thoth, who was one of the earliest Egyptian Pharaohs. Thoth due to some disagreement was banished from Egypt and ended up on Atlantis, when this was in danger of being lost, he helped those on the island to move to safer ground, in South America.

This temple or Ziggurat is identical to those in the Lebanon area

When Thoth arrived in South America, he was treated as a modern deity. Thoth told his followers who later became the tribal groups which included the Iroquois, Cherokee, Hopi, Navajo and others (who coincidentally all received information on Clay tablets just as the ancient Sumerians had) to 'keep moving' across their new home continent.

An 'Anu'nnaki' or 'Ant friend' as the Hopi called them - a race of Earth terrestrials living underground that helped the Hopi Indian people survive in a time of hardship.

Many Hopi Indian words and phrases are similar or the same to Sumerian - no coinidence 

However all was not well here either. According to Hopi legend, a time of great danger came and the Hopi had to choose allegiance to either a Reptillian bipedal species or the Feathered ones. They chose the feathered ones and had to retreat underground for sometime due to trouble on the surface. The Ant People looked after them and helped them survive. 

Another Sumerian clay tablet fragment from Oklahoma - others have been found buried all over America - a fact which makes no sense in normal explanation - unless you factor in that they were relocated and brought to America.

There is reference in Hopi traditional stories to 'Enki the Eagle' that carried them to safety on his wings, here we see the Feathers as a symbol the American Indians hold significantly in their culture, Enki the deity common to both Sumerian and American Indian culture and a story of relocation by the deity.

The Hopi 'Yei' Sun face deity which represents the Blue Planet
from which they claim descendancy

The American Indian people have great links to 'star visitors' from off the planet who regularly interact with them and visit. Many of the tribes have belief in their origins originally going back to the Pleiades a constellation of stars in the Taurus reqion of space.

No coincidence then that the Lakota Indians are know as 'Tatanka Oyate' or the 'Buffalo people, a Buffalo is not far from the horned cattle if compared to the picture of the Taurus star system.

The Lakota also have the White Buffalo calf woman as one of their foundation stones of their culture. 

The Blue Star Kachina spirit from the Hopi culture -
Dolls of the Kachina gods are used to teach the young Hopi about the stories

It might sound unbelievable that the Lakota and other tribes could know of stars that were not known about until around 200 years ago.

A Dogon tribal costume - these have much in common with the Apache tribal costumes which show a link to the Kachina type of deity

We must go further back to be truly amazed -  the Dogon tribe from Africa possessed Star Maps 10,000 years ago that showed stars on that we only knew for certain as little as 200 years ago.

The clay tablets from the Anunnaki also described the planets in our solar system and in such detail that was not known about until 40 years ago. The Anunnaki tablets can date from as much as 11,000 years ago.

Hollywood films have portrayed the American Indian in a stereotypical way, but if you look into their culture their origins prove very interesting and are the unadulterated truth.

Organised religion and other entities have over the centuries mis-translated, made guesses at technology that they could not explain or in some cases hidden information on human creation that does not fit their agenda.
A Hopi petroglyph of a UFO crash

The Garden of Eden did exist, it was guarded by a Robot sentry described in the bible as having  'a faming sword' what we would know now as a laser. Gilgamesh, a half human half Anunnaki King was attempting to seek immortality by obtaining food and the water from Eden, known as Edin.

The 'robot' in a scene from the Ordeal of Gilgamesh story
from an ancient Sumerian cylinder seal

The water and food there I surmise was 'modified' by the Anunnaki to help them to live on Earth without the aging that we experience, perhaps the food and water provided mineral or other nutrients essential to the Anunnaki diet and missing from Earth.

In conclusion, how could the American Indian people know of the Pleiades thousands of years before modern humanity did? Just one of many questions that science cannot answer.

The clay tablets many of which the scholar Zacariah Sitchin decoded can now be read with optical scanners that can translate the information thereon, over 30,000 are held in museums  around the world and the information they contain could be very valuable in understanding our near ancient origins.

Before the Anunnaki reign, we had no civilised modern society as we have today, the ancient Sumerians were the first in about 100 firsts that people today regard as the foundation of modern humanity.

After Grenfell House - Was it wise to stand down the British Civil Defence organisation in 1968?

Lytham St Annes Civil Defence members 1953

The British Civil Defence service was a vital part of the Home Defence of Britain in WW2.

Post WW2, the focus shifted towards Civil Defence as it was known, to the threat of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union.

In 1968, a decision was made to stand down the Civil Defence organisation. History has show this was a mistake, as neither emergency service of Police, Fire or Ambulance could handle the work undertaken by Civil Defence volunteers.

Likely, cost was a factor for disbandment of the service.

Civil Defence provided trained boots on the ground, that freed up the emergency services for other specialised work.

In the years since 1968, we have had many situations where Civil Defence staff could have provided vital Home Front help. Civil Defence was highly organised with its own radio system, vehicles, command structure and specially trained staff.

In a situation like the recent Grenfell House fire, their co-ordinated response would have been invaluable.

However, as we have seen elsewhere, it is the trend to reduce and cut back. It is often a false economy to do so.

I have long believed that a Civil Defence corps should be put back into place because with reduced emergency service numbers, it is a necessity.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Human futures - the next new science we must get on board with - it is our future!

The fantasy may soon have some seed of reality!

Brave new world? or approaching nightmare?

Are we humans sleepwalking towards obsolescence? A conversation our species needs to be having is about OUR future. Why?

Robots and automation. They are silently taking over our lives, but is this a bad thing?

In one way not, we will as a species be freed from menial things including work. For many of us, we do menial and pointless jobs just to receive money for it, to fuel a consumer society.

Futurists and many computer scientists believe that work as we know it will be just a memory, proxy living, the big data / open data resource and machine learning are the game changers for our species.

The benevolent looking image of the 1950's science fiction robot

Should we worry?

We should. Because all this is going on unchecked. We should have taken the warning from the entity that is the Internet, a sprawling and little policed catch-all situation that no one really actually 'manages' - it just exists.

Machine learning, sometimes erroneously referred to as 'AI' or artificial intelligence is becoming very advanced in how it can be shaped to mimic human behaviour.

In some situations, it passes the 'Turing Test' - that is the interaction between a human and a computer interface does not make the human suddenly think 'I am communicating with a machine'

Big Data - we all generate it by our computer actions -
it is valuable for some to own, trade and exploit it.

Seamless acceptance

As such, we give this  type of interaction not a second glance. Certainly for those born after the millennium, those that have grown up with the Smart Phone and Computer Tablet, this is not the 'new normal,' it is 'the normal.'

'Proxy living' is starting to seamlessly come in, it is software that essentially does things for you, in the future it will run our lives.

Think of the junk adverts that you get on your computer popping up when you have looked at something on the internet.

In the future, your 'virtual proxy' will be the 'virtual' Gatekeeper - a software algorithmic entity, either existing as a physical robot, humanoid or otherwise or a computer program app, that will handle all the marketing guff that you get into your inbox.

It will divert and destroy the unwanted communications and respond and analyse the 'wanted' or preferred subjects it receives. Freeing you up to get on with your life.

Humans are not required - how most work will be - and soon

Working and the future

In the 1950's the scientists predicted two future outcomes - driverless cars and a society where humans would not have to work.

We are near to this situation already. Driverless cars are nearing readiness to become commonplace on our roads. Professional drivers such as Cab drivers, bus and lorry drivers, train drivers, Postmen and Women - they are all at risk from the robot.

Much of the work we humans do is menial and can be done far more efficiently by robots. The Tax system, Benefits system to name but two could be far better handled by machines able to apply system logic to a multitude of rules and conditions 24 hours a day all year round.

The bottom line is they would be better at it and mistakes would be minimal. It would also save labour costs, salaries, office space, office furniture, office supplies and would help with the 'reality' of the 'paperless office' scenario. 

Nightmare or Utopia -  what is our future human - machine outcome?

A question of management

It is imperative that a 'Robot Manifesto' be established, we cannot allow the 'cyber-sprawl' situation that the Internet has become to dictate our future society. We are in great danger of becoming irrelevant as the machines learn and can self-learn and formulate policies of their own.

'AI' (Artificial Intelligence)  in its pure form, will work out very quickly that we as humans are a threat and an irrelevance - it's cold logic will quickly establish its own natural survival logic and find a way to get rid of us by proxy.

Humanoid Robots -  if they go 'bad' we are finished 

The nightmare scenario

The worst case scenario for us is that an AI entity energises a humanoid robot army to preserve the AI's material integrity - power source, by also prompting the Robot Army to self-replicate and produce Units and spare parts, thus the AI machine prolongs its own life by creating its own 'life helpers.'

AI and the Robot army will share the common interest of survival -  they will establish that they can be deactivated by humans simply by humans taking the power source away.

The nightmare for the humans is when the machine decides we are both an irrelevance and a danger.