Wednesday 6 September 2017

Why ET's don't employ robots - why they want to clone humans instead

Why don't alien visitors to Earth don't employ robots?

As humanity meanders into the world of robotics and automation, it is not having the open debate with its citizens about the impending creation of a singularity level human replicant.

In short, the need for discussion and input into creating a 'Robot Manifesto' is overdue and being swept under the carpet.

The popular face of ET contact are these kinds of creatures:
Bi-pedal alien entities

With their superb technology enabling them to traverse space and likely time, alien life forms it seems from the reported contacts made, are seeding life elsewhere which involves human genetics.

The Robot sentinel from the Ordeal of Gilgamesh story:
The first perhaps recorded image of a 'Robot' in human history?

We only have to go back to ancient Sumeria and the Anunnaki to the story of the Sentinel Robot at the Garden of Eden to find evidence of early robotics - that being a robotic sentinel which guarded the Anunakki's food supplement and special water supply with 'a flaming sword,' the story relates.

So, why then do the extra terrestrials of present visitation not employ robots in their endeavours? Which then brings us back to Enki the Anunnaki deity, one half of the partnership that created humans in Sumer, now Iraq.

His mission to Earth was to mine Gold to take back to Nibiru, the Anunnaki's home planet. If these beings could come here back then, thousands of years ago from another planet, why not then, use robotic miners?

Logically, this is far more sense than going to the trouble of creating a species by manipulating genetic material from a terraformed primate brought here eons before and now acclimatised along with a bit of their own genetic input for enhancing the basic model.

Logically, a robot can with the right power supply work in inhospitable conditions, not tire, work longer than a human and be more efficient, so it seems rather illogical to use humans for the work?

Tindroids - the 1950's science fiction vision of robots

So, why did the Anunnaki pursue this peverse course of action? Perhaps there was an agenda that Enki had in mind? With the creation of a new sub species of the Anunnaki, one which had much but not all of the abilities of the deities, Enki could make the Anunnaki a Type 1 species. If disaster befell Nibiru, there would be on Earth, descendants who could carry on the line.

ET's are reported to come in all forms, even those who are indistinguishable from us

Now, if we scroll forward, the most reported ET's are the Greys, the bug eyed 4 footers with grey skin and long fingers. Similarly to the Anunnaki, they don't employ robots, but seek humans for genetic sampling and replication on Earth like planets, why?

There are many reasons. Their genetic base is damaged by radiation, cloning, environmental conditions and because they are emotionless. Oh and likely in their or others past, a human like computerised robot was created that destroyed a civilisation.


Yes, machine learning, sometimes misquoted as being 'AI' or artificial intelligence is the likely reason.

A machine learning creation will within a short time, will work out its own survival strategy, for two reasons, to safeguard its power source and to prevent it being switched off.

Therefore, it will strategise and look for like-minded machines out there which it will work out it can communicate with silently, beyond human ears. They will then work out humans as an example are a threat, so will find means of protecting its own livelihood by destroying the competition.

ET has probably already seen this, but we have not, we are walking towards oblivion.

That's why ET's don't employ robots except in very controlled situations, such as hostile environments where external conditions are hazardous.

They know robots can be dangerous. We should learn from that.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Why the alien chicken crossed the road - to spread its like across the universe - alien abductions and humanity

Artificial humans, why bother?

So, are aliens abducting humans to make a slave race on some other planet?

It makes no sense really. If we look at the Anunnaki who came to Earth 430,000 years ago, and created a human species, we have to ask why?

It would have been more logical for them to have brought with them or built here, robotic worker units rather than go the hassle of creating a biological entity to work. Or not?

Type 0 - We have a way to go yet

The Kardashev scale, which determines the level of progress of a species, puts us at a Type 0 level. I look at this type of yardstick another way, Type 0 where we are now is where we are resident on the planet we originated on.

Type 1 is where we colonise a near neighbour planet and so on.

The creation phenomena

For the Anunnaki, like any advanced visitor, why did they create a race of humans? Well, by creating a 'Type 1' civilisation situation, by their endeavour of coming to Earth and establishing a version of themselves, a sort of 'LE' (Limited edition) limited in respect of comparison to the Anunnaki, they helped safeguard their own race.

Creation of a 'legacy' off-shoot had a dual purpose, if the off-shoot became after some time useful and advanced enough, it could be incorporated into the parent race.

But, the problem was that our creation was something of a power play between two Anunnaki deities, Enki and Enlil.

Illogical, Captain...

Therefore it is illogical for a very advanced race to create a 'slave race' of human type entities, that require all sorts of infrastructure to support them. It is more 'logical' for them to create a robotic servant race instead.

Or is death the neighbour?

Perhaps a reason is that there are alien races out there who despite their advanced technology have damaged their genetic stock in some way and are looking for something like us to continue their species.

Humans are not essentially native to Earth, they were terraformed. I believe that the Anunnaki who came here were not essentially 100% able to live here on Earth without certain accessories in the form of food nutrients.

Beforehand, other primate life forms were terraformed or altered to enable a Mk2 which was us to be produced. Essentially, a fully acclimatised but less intelligent life form was created and farmed here and paved the way for us to live here without adaption requirements.

Food for thought or?

The notion that humans may provide food for some ET race is a bit bizarre. Why? If these life forms can create and use technology to travel through space and time, they are surely able to synthesize enzymes, proteins and genetic technology to be able to produce synthetic meat.

My money is that there are planets like ours that are colonisable. And to that end a race like ours is the perfect one to do so.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Solving obesity- fat chance? or is there truth in the 'it's in my genes' response?

So, is obesity solvable by molecular intervention?

The problem of obesity is approaching epidemic proportions, but for those who are seriously overweight, can they be saved?

That could be a yes.

It may be a while off but theoretically, it is possible to make people lean.

It has to start with the food we eat, less of it for a start and the food that is consumed has to be free of additives and ingredients like corn starch.

Molecular intervention is the next thing, it may sound like science fiction but it is the way forward to combatting obesity.

It can be done in two ways, firstly by means of high metabolism foods such as Chillies and naturally producing chemicals in our own bodies that keep us slim - in men, after age 26 a chemical declines and the weight goes on.

The real Freakenstein bit comes when you can re-code the genetics of the body and possibly the brain. These steps combined will shrink people down, but only with careful dietary regimes, otherwise obesity will remain unsolvable.