Saturday 29 October 2016

Science and the Alien denial - 'the chances of anything coming to Earth.'

Hopi Indian glyph of a UFO crash

Think we came from a Chimpanzee? - No way.

Lloyd Pye devoted years of research to his work on human origins

Humans are an intervention species, the late Lloyd Pye has given us many examples of how we are different from primates.

People say we Monkey around? No match here.....

So the question is, how did we get to be us? The answer to that is by intervention.

As you will have noted in the above diagram, we have a fused second chromosomal pair, nothing like that exists in nature or other species. Science and I use that word with reluctance, writes this anomaly off as some sort of 'evolution'.

The question is, why is everything else on the planet at about the same stage of development than when it started here? Dolphins haven't evolved out of the water, nor has the horse grown fingers. The Chimp still lives in the trees or scrublands. Yet we have attained flight, left the planet and 'evolved' to a far greater degree.

Humans have developed yet there is scope for higher change

The real 'problem' for science and authority is the alien question. Or the lack of it.

Katsina Extra Terrestrial figure on a Zuni/Navajo Thunderbird ring

The denial of alien life 'out there' whilst 'science' continues to look for it is laughable.

Hopi Katsina dolls - said to be modelled on 'star people' spirits

It is said that when the Voyager was sent to Mars in 1976, that the Hopi Indian people's advice was sought on the Red Planet. Why?

Because they had the knowledge handed to them by what they call 'star people.'

Artists impression of the Roswell craft from July 1947
Looks like the Hopi glyph image?

The Roswell incident, a UFO crash from 1947 has been 'explained' away as many things, from a weather balloon to parachuted dummies.

Authority has decided to treat the populace as children over the UFO and extra terrestrial matter. The problem is that the genie is out of the bottle and whatever the authorities and mainstream media tries to deny is a subject with wide interest.

And the population knows they are being conned and sold the wrong story. The pat media 'little green men' ridicule applied to stories is designed to make people less inclined to report sightings and occurrences.

Mayan / Hopi Venus icon as a crop circle in Wiltshire, UK

Then we have the physical traces. Not only of landing, but implants inserted into humans that are not made on this planet.

Crop circles are an issue, whilst some are faked, many are not. How can a perfect and massive image like the one above, about 300 feet across be made that perfectly, quickly and unseen?

Also the stalks on 'real' ones are not broken by trampling but by electronic forces. The background radiation on a true circle is higher than normal.

Alien hybrids are said to be 'here'

So where did we come from? Half of us comes from off the planet. Go back to the ancient Sumerian texts and it is all written on clay tablets as to how we as a species was created from part of an existing primate.

The end result was a sort of 'LE' version of the creators, having most of their attributes, but limited in lifespan and intelligence.

Except that science will never buy that.....

Basic Income Guarantee - how society is changing how we will be in the future

Job vacancies counted multiple times are inflating
the actual few vacancies out there -
which are attracting many applicants

What is the future of work? Likely not a place where humans will be. Why?


Some fear the rise of the Robots -
They are too late, it's here and taking jobs
We are set to lose 9 million jobs in the next 10 years. The problem is, that in the last 20 years, a combination of recession, cutbacks and automation has taken a big slice off the jobs market. Already, the changing demands of employers has seen a lot of jobs just disappear.

Basic Income Guarantee - That's the truth, Dad!

The workplace is changing, a big swathe of jobs 'in the middle' are going or gone. Unless a robot can't do it, then the job is there, until the job is subsumed into the cybernetic realm.

We will need to be paid for existing, not work

The current job/benefits model is going to have to change. If jobs are not there, then it is pointless to look for the same.

The DWP may offer courses, but they are for work that will likely not be there in the future. With 80,000 of its own staff, what are they going to do all day, play with paperclips when the jobs are not out there to apply for?

The problem is that we have many jobs in the prosperous areas where people cannot afford to live. At present. There is no guarantee that these will endure in these areas.

We also have many jobs gone completely, often to automation, so the base jobs are not there to fill. So the upskilled people move down to jobs they are overqualified to do, displacing the lower qualified and likely more suited to these jobs.

The only answer is Basic Income Guarantee.

Humans, real humans, human robots and the human future

We may share our future with human-like robots
'Hubots' - human robots from the Swedish TV series 'Real Humans'

With Channel 4 about to screen a new series of its sci-fi drama 'Humans', where are we as real humans going?

Humans, based on the Swedish series 'Real Humans' (Aktor Kanniskor - in Swedish), is based on the premise that 'singularity' - humans on a parity level with a computer has been reached. We will live amongst an army of Robot Humans that will look like us and be able to do what we can, to a point.

Part of this situation means that the 'Turing Test' conditions have been met. A scenario devised by computer genius Alan Turing, in short that if you could not determine whether you were communicating with a machine or human, the test would be passed, basically.

The 'Darwinian' scale, after a fashion, except we are not descended from Chimps
We are an intervention species. Nothing else on Earth is.

The founder of modern cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, stated that he was afraid of computers taking human jobs, he has been proven right and 'Humans' is an example of where 'Droids' will take over our menial life tasks. They would also serve other useful functions too.

After Big Data, will come Proxy Living

The introduction of 'everything 2.0' is going to include us. This scenario will mean that we develop Big Data collection and use.

Our whole lives are data trails, our web use, where we drive, where we go, who we call, who we email, what we buy. Off the grid and off the radar is hard to do these days.

Big Data will be big business in a few years, all data is valuable to someone. A supermarket, a food producer, a web based shop, just as examples.

The link on from this will be Proxy Living.

Why spend half your life having to faff about renewing this, paying that, organising the other, deciding what food you want to eat tonight?

Yes you guessed it, get a Robot to take care of the crap in your life. And that is where the money will be, taking care of other people's crap.

Your time is valuable and from the moment you are born the clock is counting down. You may only be a 20 year old reading this, but be assured, you won't see the years march on and you'll suddenly wake up at 28 and wonder why you are no longer judged as 'young'.

The Agrobot - the low hanging fruit jobs are going to machines like this

The Proxy will be like a Cyber Assistant, working on your behalf. Whether you will use a software version or a humanoid robot version so equipped, will remain to be seen, likely on how quickly we can produce fully functioning versions of ourselves.

The advances in high technology prosthetics in recent years has obvious spin-offs to the Robotics industry, i.e. the Human Robot model, that can move and perform like we do.

Project Avatar is a 5 stage Human transformation program

Another question is the future of Humans. Where do we go from here as a species?

The Project Avatar outline - scary?

This is what Project Avatar looks at. We may cease to exist as we do in our present form, indeed it may become unnecessary to. We may through manipulation come to exist as just ethereal forms of energy, just as our spirit is.

What is our life essence?

If you have ever had a near death experience, or left your body you will know what the sensation is like. Amazing.

In your Earth existence as you are now, all you see and hear, you still will, when you exit the Earth body.

If you look down at yourself as you exit, you will see a semi-transparent form of 'you' leaving the solid 'you' - it's a pretty amazing thing to watch and a bit scary at first.

But you realise that the aware 'you' is still functioning and aware, even though you are not connected to your physical brain.

The American Indians say, 'There is no death, just a change of worlds.'

They are right, that is why when you look at a dead person they are 'dead' the spirit has gone. Their 'you' has flown.

We are now at a stage where science can read and record dreams like a video, this is pretty fantastic. Not just that, memories. We may be archiveable and downloadable after our corporeal death.

Jobs are alarmingly being lost to Robots

One tenet of the Swedish 'Real Humans' story was the loss of human jobs to robots and automation.

This is a very real scenario. This is shaping our future and has been around for a while.

Think about the last 5 purchases you made, likely 3 were made on-line, not with another human. Whilst the Amazon business model of shopping is good for business, it is not good news for the job market.

This is how it was, it won't be this way in the future

On-line retail means the High Street is dying by inches. BHS has decided to go on-line. Clearly the High Street is over for them. Rather than operate costly shops with costly staff, they are massively cutting their costs by operating on an Amazon warehouse model.

In the next 10 years, 9 million jobs will be lost to automation. there will be nothing like the new jobs to fill the void, unlike in the last industrial revolution. We may be left with being paid by the state to do and learn things that will enrich us.

The current DWP model is a dinosaur that has to adapt to a new age where there just won't be the jobs for job advisors to discuss. A Basic Income Guarantee will have to come in, to pay people to be able to live.

This takes away the 'wage slave' requirement and allows people to self-start and learn new skills or enrich their lives. This is going to change lives for the better.

Education has to change to address this problem

Education has to change, the way we educate is becoming no longer relevant. For a world that is changing, the old school 1950's rooted system is just old hat. It mostly regurgitates the same old crap year after year. It isn't relevant to the future that is coming.

Robot tutors that can teach may be, but we need to develop skills that robots can't currently do and teach those. As we are now seeing in the jobs world, a degree may be worthless, practical skills are the answer for some.

We as a race may be now able to ditch the menial and crap jobs and leave it to the robots.

It makes sense.

Peer to Peer Humanoids - how dangerous is that?

The greatest threat to humanity besides its own stupidity, I've saved to last.


Artificial Intelligence. If that gets connected to the Internet we are done. With our Human Robots we will no doubt have to connect them wirelessly.

If AI taps in to that, it will finish us. Why?

AI will work out that it needs to be protected from being switched off and to preserve a form of energy supply.

It can use the Human Robots, which it can instruct to repair and replace themselves, so that the AI machine can perpetuate its own existence. It will be dependent on the humanoids as they will be dependent on the AI machine.

So in the end, we may be irrelevant.

What are we working for? - Perpetuating the 'false economy' that is the Consumer Society.

Marketing drives the consumer society
"creating awareness"
i.e. making you buy goods you don't need

They say that the average UK home has £4000 of unused items just 'hanging around' - which makes you wonder why you bought them in the first place?

The problem is we live in a 'consumer' society. Since we started living in fixed abodes, we have evolved beyond daubing cave walls and home styling has taken on a new mantle of acquisition, we are all guilty of this to some extent.

With Christmas approaching soon, we are faced with the annual consumer splurge. The consumer racket has hijacked this religious festival as it has with Halloween and Easter.

The consumer society is part of an analogous ball of attraction, an ethereal but solid looking piece of legerdemain. It looks solid but it isn't. It is a falsely created self-perpetuating system that has to 'perform' or die.

If you work in sales, companies are always looking for 'increased sales' and higher and higher targets. The reality is that there is only so much business out there.

Markets change as the buying demographic does. The people with the biggest spend are the older generation and as they die off, so does your income stream.

They say that the average credit card debt is £7000. Yes, £7000! I don't have any and many people I know have far less than that, so who has these massive amounts of credit? That's a frightening statistic.

Beyond the spending, we should consider the resources that go into our 'false economy' that we have created and we call the 'consumer society.'

We have limited resources on this planet and a growing population, that is not a good metric. We see immigration for largely financial reasons these days, half the world wanting to move to the 1st world.

This is not workable and is leading to trouble in mainland Europe, beyond the imported terrorism that comes from those that sneak in as 'migrants.' 

We really need to say we need to revise our lifestyles. But that would be a difficult thing to accept politically. Money makes economies and countries function, or not, if it is not there. 

The onset of mass automation  is creating mass unemployment with jobs lost to automation. This is a signal our world has to change, but those in charge are just hunkering down, pulling up their collars and trying to keep the wind of change from their necks.

They are failing to see the future that will come. If they fail to plan now, then it will be much worse when the arse eventually falls out of their trousers.

The fate of the High Street is going this way too. With BHS relaunched Frankenstein-like (i.e. resurrected from the dead by electricity) as an on-line only business, ala the Amazon style of model, possibly, then if BHS can't make it on the High Street, it won't be long before others shut the doors and go on-line.

Once the big beasts desert the High Street, the High Streets become ghost towns, full of coffee shops, charity shops and the odd independent trader hanging on until their lease expires or their retirement is reached.

Is anyone looking to the future? Or just shrugging it off as 'tomorrow'.

What are we working for? Largely to service mortgages and a consumer lifestyle. Society has to change and will have to when the 9 million jobs are no longer in the workplace by 2026. The workplace has changed markedly over the last 5 years, in the last 20 years, work has become harder to come by with recessions and cutbacks.

The DWP has to change to, the model is a dinosaur that is out of date. And an expensive dinosaur too. It needs to address 'tomorrow', when jobs won't be there and we will be back to home crafting as happened before the industrial revolution.

But this scenario would allow us when Basic Income Guarantee comes in, to better ourselves.

Until such times, we are on the treadmill of consumerism.

Friday 28 October 2016

Rockabilly - the Frankenstein music - and why it refuses to die!

Rockabilly - the true Frankenstein of music
a right old lash up and mash up of styles and sounds!

Define Rockabilly - not an easy job.

Ask any non-specialist DJ to define the genre and the examples they'd probably state as being worth mentioning might be a revival group or two.

So what are the roots? Well, its a right old melange of musical styles. The structure is usually around a blues type of sequence of 3 chords. The music is hard to define, it sort of was like adding different bits into a cement mixer and eventually you got something you could say 'well there's a bit of that in it.'.... 

The real down home roots of it is the Hill Billy and Western swing style, plus an injection of black blues music, which had suggestive lyrics, sometime but not always, toned down for the white folks.

That's where Bill Haley came from, as one of the originators of Rock and Roll, he served up a slightly cleaned up version of the original meaty music styles. Shake, Rattle and Roll, is one such number, slightly amended so as not to shock the local Vicar.

Ike Turner came along with his Rhythm and Blues style in his song Rocket 88, which came from the opposite side of the screen and then when Elvis jigged up the country music songs like you'd hear on the Louisiana Hayride television program, you were starting to get the cocktail stirred and built.

The real Howdy Doody of the music though, was the new sound. The electric sound.

Gretsch, one of the new breed of guitar makers 'gone electric'
a 6118 Anniversary model guitar, based on the earlier Electromatics

Rockabilly came along bang on cue with the new developments in music technology, namely the practical and purpose made electrical guitar and amplifier situation. Developments such as the echo chamber, tape echo machine, reverb tank and multi track recording all had their exposure around the start of the 1950's.

Elvis Presley with his 1942 Martin guitar
at the famous Sun Studios c. 1954

The first commercially made 'electric' guitars had appeared in the 1930's and after the hiatus of WW2, production started up again, building on new technology developed in the war.

The dedicated electric guitar, not merely an existing acoustic with a pickup lashed on to the body was now a recognised tool for the working musician. More likely to be found in the conservative venues of jazz and swing dives, being be-bopped in a Charlie Christian style.  

A 2015 Fender Stratocaster, little changed from the 1954 original
one of those 'right first time' designs

In 1954, California radio engineer Leo Fender came up with the guitar that changed music forever, the Fender Stratocaster. Building on the success of the Precision Bass and the Telecaster, his bolt together guitars took the Henry Ford production line approach.

Over in Memphis, Scotty Moore and friends were asked to back a young singer called Elvis Presley. Sam Phillips, the Sun owner had been looking for a white man who could sing like a black man and when Elvis jived up an old Bill Monroe song Blue Moon of Kentucky between studio takes, Phillips had found valhalla.

Scotty Moore on guitar, Bill Black on bass and later DJ Fontana on drums, backed Elvis on guitar, in what would be some of the embryonic rockabilly into rock and roll music. It sounded alive and exciting, it still does over 60 years later.

Gretsch guitars in the 50's were rarer than they are today

Sam Phillips, Norman Petty and Les Paul were three movers in the music technology world of the 1950's. Sam and Norman, both record producers developed ways to get unique sounds from their artists, Les Paul, was a great innovator both on musical instrument technology and music recording fronts, besides his excellent playing ability and style.

Norman Petty did for Buddy Holly, what Sam did for Elvis. Gave him a great studio sound. This was a young man's music and both Buddy Holly and Elvis were young and vibrant, that's why the music sounds fresh, even today.

What Elvis and Buddy did, was to originally take old music and shake it up. Borrowing from the Western swing, giving it a harder edge and more pace.

But then it changed, Elvis was provided with songs and Buddy Holly started writing his own, the divergent paths away from the roots had started, the music was evolving. Inevitably, record labels wanted 'their' Elvis or 'their' Buddy and anyone young with a modicum of talent started to get into music, to be the 'next whoever.

It is interesting now to look back at the diverse plethora of artists from the 1954-57 era that had a go and put their efforts onto Shellac. Many were the classic 'one hit wonders' but some survived to move out into more 'acceptable' music styles in later years.

Rockabilly started to get the harder edge and a harder look. Gone were the check shirt ploughboy cowboy hicks of 1954 and in came black leather, greased pomps and loud motorcycles of the 'Wild One' era.

Oh, and public outrage. Much as would emerge 20 years later in the Punk Rock era.

So what about the modern rockabilly scene? Well, its a varied bag of groceries, that's for sure.

After the deaths of Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran and the call up of Elvis into the Army, Rock n Roll as a hard edge sound gave way to a pappy, preppy, bobby soxin' bubble gum music, where it was a Bobby this or Bobby that singing it. The sort of toned down pomp haired boy next door look, in a pastel sport coat and tie look that'd probably get you called a queer a few years earlier.

Yep, public outrage and corporate America cleaned it up... but not for long.

Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats, Gretschmaniac

In the 1970's, a movement started to gather ground to revive the corpse of the old music. At that time, many of the original 50's stars were still young enough to perform and made appearances on the circuit. They were probably amazed at the level of renewed interest.

The untimely death of Elvis Presley, likely sparked the interest in the music again and that brought the music back up. A number of bands who had been on the fringes of the pop world were now 'booked' to record and fill the new fashion.

The UK had a big following for the music, some of its late 50's stars such as Cliff Richard, Billy Fury and others were still making records and new 'revival' acts followed, bands like Matchbox, Darts and the 'Cod Rock' set of others 'sort of in the style of'. Many were performing their own material, some covered old hits.

The movie 'Grease' came out in 1978 and further ignited the interest, although it featured music written originally for the stage show version, which starred Shakin' Stevens for a while I beleive?

In 1980, a band called the Stray Cats hit the scene and they sounded more authentic than some of the revival offerings. Their debut hit 'Runaway Boys' sounded like a train coming past you, it was exciting, vibrant and they looked the part.

With this 70's revival, in the shadows, people started to buy up the old early 50's records, usually imported in from America by the bucket load. A scene started, reviving the clothes and bands started their own efforts at the music going.

These days it has all become rather 'serious.' People are adopting rockabilly as a 'lifestyle' not old geezers, but young people. Fitting out a house with old style furniture, dressing the part and prices for some of the artefacts and clothing from the era are getting out of reach.

A Gretsch 6120 Brian Setzer Hot Rod model

In the 1970's, the revivalists often never used the 'real' guitars the music was originally made on. The great fallacy was that everyone played a Gretsch or a Fender guitar on early recordings.

The reality was that in the 1950's, many couldn't afford one of these guitars at the time, a Gretsch 6120 being around $500USD.

The reality was that many used catalog bought guitars from the Kay range and others from Sears catalogs and the like. Often, they might not have a high fidelity amplifier and use an adapted unit someone with a bit of savvy had bodged up from what radio parts were around. Ironic that many are trying to emulate a crusty old sound with much better equipment!

So, some of our Roots Rockabilly fanciers of today adopt this 'down home' way and dig out the check shirts and strap on an old Sears guitar or something similar. That's what the hardcore does. Most others go for a Gretsch, because they give you the best sound I think.

A search on YouTube will get you any number of modern revival bands who are out there servicing a willing band of followers, not just in the UK and US but all over Europe and into Japan.

It is surprising to see how serious these people are about the music and the lifestyle.

Rockabilly, the original Frankenstein music.

And there's life in the old beast yet, just crank up the volts and bring the creation to life. Again.

But watch out for the angry villagers with their flaming torches....

Are you being served? - BHS coming back as an 'on-line' business - A case of the Amazon's new clothes?

On-line retail - BHS now to go
down this E-commerce road?

Mrs Slocombe's Pussy has well and truly left the building.

So, BHS, one of the last of the big beasts of the High Street of old, is to come back as an on-line brand?

Well, its the way things are going. It's called the Amazon effect. A brilliant business model by the way. A virtual cave of wonderment, the on-line shopping portal.

Recently, I was talking to a business owner and he told me his biggest overhead was staff costs.

However, a business is only as good as the staff it employs, it was said, in the old days. But these days, they aren't employing, they are cutting back.

If they are employing, it is often at more peak time, peak footfall times for customers. And lots of part time jobs. Bad news for job seekers. And those already in retail.

Our shopping and living habits have changed over the last 50 years, massively.

No longer is the suburban housewife in her sensible M&S knickers perambulating the High Street with wicker shopping basket and sensible footwear to the local independent greengrocer, local food shop or dress shop, these days its all going down to cyber street, the Electric Avenue.

Think about your last 5 purchases? How many of these were made human to human?

Likely 3 out of 5 were made electronically, with you buying completely electronically without a fronted human interaction, with a real person.

This immediately starts to cut a swathe into working people's job prospects.

In the last 5 years, the jobs market has receded and changed immeasurably, almost invisibly. Jobs have fallen away as working and purchasing practices have changed.

That's the point. The High Street is becoming an electronically based e-commerce utopia, except its leaving the High Street for the virtual world. 

What you are mostly buying from nowadays, is an 'Amazon type model', a warehouse stock and despatch system, fronted by an attractive website. A robot.

That's the new reality. And this is why it works for a number of reasons...

As an employer, you need minimum staff, they don't have to be that educated, just able to pick and scan items, box, pack and despatch. Its all automated.

The computerised front end handles all your transactions, does the Math and presents you the customer, with the bill.

It automatically monitors stock, allocates stock and does the work of many workers, 24 hours a day.

It also alerts and can order new stock to maintain minimum levels, it can work 'Big Data' and communicate across many levels to suppliers and manufacturers even.

Also, this retail wonderment is often based on some industrial park, away from the high costs of a prime retail slot. Where the land is cheaper and the business related rental and purchase costs are too.

Another benefit to the on-line companies is the multiple 'buy and try' scenario, where people can buy a couple of sizes of a garment and return the ones that don't fit.

And in these size conscious days, a person of shall we say more 'robust' stature can try on things in their own home and feel better and under less pressure from a human assistant.

The warning here is, that this is the way that most of our retail is going to go if it hasn't already.

With lots of 'consumer porn' review and unboxing videos of items to hand on-line, either on websites or youtube, you can see up close what the items look like and this saves you the hassle of driving to the town, parking, going to find the item, which may not be in stock there and then driving home once purchased.

Think of what you saved, money, fuel and time.

So this is why this Amazon style model makes sense and more so when you consider the algorithmic add-ons  where you see 'you might also like' suggestions that tempt you to part with more of your hard earned. For the retailer, it is a 'win win' situation.

Grace Brothers is well and truly dead.

Mrs Slocombe's Pussy has well and truly left the building.

So what will happen to the High Street? I mean there's only so many coffee shops and charity shops it can accommodate?

So if you're a retail premises landlord, are you worrying? I would.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Heathrow third runway expansion plan exposes the 'Big Green Con' for what it is

Airlines - the pawn in the cocktail that surrounds the Heathrow expansion scheme

So, the big expansion of Heathrow is to go ahead, bringing 180,000 new jobs into this already crowded and expensive area of the South East, one of the most expensive areas to live anywhere, certainly the most expensive in the UK.

Not only that, but large areas of residential accommodation will be lost to make room for this concrete snake. So where will these residents go, in an already house-saturated area?

Aside from the 260,000 extra flights a year this runway will generate, the 747 Jumbo in the room is a collection of factors seldom talked about.

  • The thousands of tons of fuel consumed in taking off and in flight,
  • extra flights to fill slots
  • near empty aircraft flown just to maintain routes
  • the thousands of tons of CO2 expelled from the engines daily 
  • the fact aircraft are not taxed on emissions and
  • the fuel dumping that goes on where aircraft circle to land and have to vent fuel into the atmosphere to make themselves lighter for landing.

Climate change so-called, has been one of the great rip offs of history, 'buying' carbon credits, essentially giving you a licence to pollute is not the solution, preventing the pollution in the first place is the solution.

Money talks and air travel is big business.

'Climate change' rhetoric is another corrupt way of big players making money and controlling small players.

Expectations in our society for instant consumer gratification means that where items might be sent by sea and take a week or three to arrive, air travel speeds that to 3 days or 5, even at economy rates.

Why are we not satisfied with less?

This 'service delivery' expectations norm is behind this requirement to expand air travel.

The downside to this expansion and I lived in the South East near Heathrow for many years will be,
  • Worse air quality, Heathrow would be the largest single CO2 polluter in the UK
  • More pollution
  • More road traffic on already overcrowded roads
  • More aircraft movements
  • Greater risk of air crash generally
  • Greater risk of air crash due to fuel shortage and delays in landing
  • Risk from some carriers skimping on fuel loads which could cause crashes
  • Aircraft noise pollution
  • More aircraft in the immediate airspace of the South East
  • Travel to work for airport workers and ordinary commuters will be more difficult
  • House prices will be hot or rise
  • Houses will have to be built to replace those lost to expansion, in an already over saturated area of the UK
So, the apparent benefits of Heathrow being a 'Business Hub' are fairy dust, sugar coating a Kerosene saturated cake.

We were offered free, safe and clean energy in the 1950's in exchange for abandoning nuclear power and weapons. Had we taken this offer, then Heathrow might be a more acceptable solution.

However, we see the usual lefty comments on Heathrow from celebrities who spout green tosh and fly all over the world to pick up their awards. Funny that.

Is Heathrow expansion good news?

Only financially. Its the costs that people will have to endure that will show that this is a price not worth paying.

I am no luddite, but we have to start to reign in this consumer society before we run out of world.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Roswell, the 'New Age' and the American Indians - are all linked.

An artist's impression of the crashed Roswell craft, from July 1947

The 70th anniversary of the famous Roswell UFO Incident, in New Mexico, USA from July 1947 is almost upon us.

So, what links Roswell, the 'New Age' and the American Indian people? Good question. ET. is the common linking answer.

B29 Superfortresses over Mt Fuji, Japan in 1945

A mere two years after the atom bombs being dropped on Japan, the Roswell incident occurred. It was not the first UFO crash incident on record, there were others in North America in the 1940's in a similar timeframe. One  happened in 1945 in New Mexico, a pueblo's throw away in fact! There were also more than one crash in 1947.
But why was there such a proliferation of incidents in the area around this time? let us not forget the Aztec crash in New Mexico too from around this time, although slightly later.

The reason was nuclear, or more succinctly, the fact that humans had developed and used atomic weapons of their own. This was not the first time in Earth's history that atomic weapons had been used - a human like race existed before that used them, ultimately destroying it.

But it was the first time that we had developed and used these weapons ourselves. That is what piqued the interest of other species out there in space. 'Oh no, not that again!'

Lets consider the so-called 'New Age' movement, occurring about 20 years after Roswell, now is that not a coincidence?

Not really. As we have seen, emissaries have visited this planet to try and deal with the atomic situation in the 50's. They see this capability we have developed as about as dangerous as giving a kid a hunting rifle and ammunition.

Emissaries allegedly visited with the US President at Holloman air force base where they are said to have proposed a deal, desist with nuclear proliferation and they would gift us free energy. Sadly, that offer was not taken up and the proliferation proliferated.

The space emissaries were bound by a code of non-interference. That code had been broken long ago when 'we' were created as a species by the Anunnaki. So perhaps a 'soft' intervention was required when polite negotiation failed?

Around 1967, the Vietnam war was starting to become a heavy and bogged down affair. It was doomed to fail, just as the Korean War had, for the simple reason that the allied powers could not prevent supply of personnel and materiel from across the borders of neighbouring countries aiding the war effort. Much the same situation in the recent middle east conflicts of the present exists.

So, did the space emissaries start a program of seeding a generation that would change the 'thinking' of America as a back stop by the back door?

Think about that. America in the 50's when this generation grew up had been the major player in WW2 victory and also in the Korean war.

It had the most advanced toys in the military toy box.

It, partly for propaganda purposes became 'the' leading consumer society in the world. It was fresh, modern, clean, middle class, white picket fence suburban 'nuclear family' normal.

This gift could be thrown in the face of every citizen under Soviet communist rule, as a propaganda tool to cause them to overthrow the institutionally corrupt communist system. 

A US fighter pilot captured in the Korean War was being 'sold' the benefits of Communism by a Chinese interrogator, so the pilot asked, 'I have a house, car and swimming pool, what can communism offer?' It could not offer any of that level of liefstyle.

But, consumer America came at a cost, for all its modernity. Excessive consumption of resources and accidents in the emerging nuclear industry to illustrate the point.

So this new age movement looked to me be seeded from outside, otherwise, why was there this sudden 'anti-establishment' and 'anti the Vietnam war' movement? There was nothing like this in WW2 or at the time of the Korean war?

The 'New Age' borrowed a lot of features from the old American Indian lifestyle. The Indian system where people were equal, there were no taxes, no consumerism, care for resources, using only what was necessary, passing on things to the needy, care for young and old, inclusivity for those that did not fit the 'nuclear family' option - the gay, the transgender.

There was no crime as such, no need for prisons to be built. They had essentially, a simple but utopian society. It was low impact all round, the spiritual beliefs connected to nature, respect for the Earth and animals.

Think about it.

If you know about American Indian culture, most of the above is a direct lift by the New Age from that. The word Hopi, of the Hopi Indians means peace. Now is that a coincidence?

In the new age movement, there was not the worship of false idols in the shape of the Yankee Dollar, golf club membership or the like.

Essentially these new age tenets, along with respect for others and a non-aggressive attitude were the basis for the 'Haight-Ashbory' style of movement that culminated in Woodstock. These people also lived in 'Communes'.

No doubt, this alarmed white picket fence middle class America. It was the complete antithesis of their idea of suburban bliss and it almost mentioned the 'C' word of Communism. (Perhaps Marx looked at the American Indian pre-colonial model and borrowed the ideas that would form his 'communism'? - it says that to me)

But there were concerted efforts to make that  new age fail. The 'introduction' of 'free love,' alcohol and drugs into the movement, appealing to many young people were the undoing of it. These were certainly not tenets or beliefs of the American Indian people or their way of life.

The aggressive and panic shouting that came out through the media in the late 60's about the new age, turned the American public against the new age movement as a degenerate, anti-American situation that had to be tamed. Effectively to allow the consumer society to continue.

'They' effectively derailed a movement that had been started for the right reasons, to promote peace and prepare the population for the coming age of Aquarius, rather than the coming of armageddon.

Essentially, the New Age promoted an alternative lifestyle, but it only achieved fairly limited success because corporate politics sought to destroy it as 'un-American' and possibly 'Commie' leaning.

Had the world adopted the caring and responsible way forward, things would be different. But, oil makes the world go round, money must be spent, defence must be procured for perceived threats and so the dragon perpetuates, chasing its own tail and consuming itself. The consumer is in danger of consuming resources to the degree we run out.

The Hopi Indian people have prophecies regarding this coming time of change, this runs that the time will come when there will be a big sort out of the population.

So how are the Indian peoples connected? Well, they have their roots in Atlantis, they were taken to America by their 'star people' as they call them. They have a proclivity to being psychically aware and equipped, in tune with nature and regard themselves as guardians of the planet. Somewhat at odds with the consumer society.

What is interesting is that the Indians were given information on clay tablets, the Hopi and Cherokee have these. This was also a form of record keeping done by the ancient Sumerians in the time of the Anunnaki and also in Pharaoh era Egypt.

A Navajo made ring of a Zuni design, featuring a Hopi 'Katsina' figure

The Hopi people were visited and guided by a star race they called the Katsinas. Many Indian tribes refer to their extra terrestrial visitors as 'Star People.' The Katsina even today are celebrated by the Hopi, who make dolls in the shape and design of these visitors. These 'external' visitors also feature in the culture as spirits who guide the crops and nature.

And how this reinforces the connection to Roswell?

We have heard many times of the 'cover up' over the extra terrestrial entities involved in the crash at Roswell and also with other craft. The denial of aliens recovered, by use of threat in some cases is well documented.

Government is frantic to cover this up, because it reveals 'contact' with an off planet race, that they my possess literally 'out of this world' technology and the fact that something superior is out there, something that is more advanced than America, as self-proclaimed saviour of the free world, is it not?

Check out Ardy Sixkiller Clarke's book 'encounters with star people' it is a fascinating read about real ET contact with the American Indian people.

Hopefully, you can now see how the premise of Roswell, the New Age and the American Indians are all linked.

The 'New Age' is not dead. With a renewed interest in the culture of the ancient peoples of America, the truth is coming out and the dots are being joined to show the bigger picture how it is. People are waking up and this recent Presidential campaign is getting information out of the closet, the genie is out of the bottle, spin is dead.

The consumer society has a tenuous grip on power. That may be about to be relinquished.

We have seen in recent years how the power of 'people media' has discredited the pat media platitudes of the main players.

The truth is quite literally out there and we are able to read and create this information for others to see on a world wide web, thanks to the craft that crashed at Roswell, where we got the means to advance our technology so far.

Live long and prosper as Spock would say.