Monday 28 November 2016

That's funny - BBC comedy used to be in the days of Not the Nine o'clock news and Monty Python, is it now?

Not the Nine o'clock news -
the great comedy enterprise of the early 1980's

Turn on your radio at 6.30pm on BBC Radio 4 and it's comedy time, or not.

Apart from the 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue,' a stalwart program that started in the 1970's and attracts a wealth of high calibre guests, the remaining offerings of today are frankly, crap.

The 'Now Show' on Radio 4, used to be funny, it is not any more. A move to a more 'diverse' cast line-up has let it fall in to the puerile rubbish trap.

I could go on, maybe the golden days of BBC comedy are gone, having been replaced by a 'diverse' and politically correct-friendly bland and tepid, unfunny mush.

With all of our once comedy greats now dead or retired, will we see the like of the Not the Nine o'clock news team again? I remember willing the days to go round until Monday night to enjoy as a young teenager, their anarchic style of comedy.

Great songs, great comedy, parodies and impersonations, a wealth of talent and writing, which later led to post NTNON careers, including acting, writing and production.

Where is the new comparable, clever talent now?

The Goodies - why no repeats for so many years?

Another great talent team was The Goodies, producing hilarious and sometimes bizarre comedy, some of it probably judged too 'sensitive' to re-broadcast today?

Rutland Weekend Television - Eric Idle's post Python series

The post Monty Python Eric Idle project 'Rutland Weekend television' based on a mythical small budget TV station in England's smallest county, is in itself a parody of television of the time and now, cash starved, shoe string, least cost option, staffed by proud people, trying to do their best in trying circumstances.

RWT never really got the publicity it should have, but like all these shows featured here, has attracted cult status.

Controversial and bleeped out!
Strangling animals and golf was deemed ok,
masturbating, not so

The Monty Python's flying circus team

The title of the enfant terribles of comedy must surely go to the Monty Python's flying circus team. Perhaps, collectively, the greatest waste of university education in one sitting, this band of refugees from the university Footlights reviews, evolved their talent in shows such as 'Do not adjust your set', before hitting the jackpot with Monty Python.

Their cocktail of the absurd rubbing shoulders with the normal, should serve as a master class to the writers of today and tomorrow.

Their comedy broke new ground, made up of writing teams within the program cast, their sketches sometimes barely worked, seemed to truncate without an obvious punchline and to some were just frankly, bizarre. Many are brilliant and revered today.

There was some real genius and their university education often peppered the comedy sketches with highbrow snippets, that if researched showed a level of education that is way beyond the puerile crap of today's so-called comedy.

Mary Whitehouse - the self appointed guardian of the nation
and a thorn in the side of many Broadcasters

Although Monty Python broke ground and pushed boundaries, they faced like many program makers, the scrutiny (and for some the wrath) of the late Mrs Mary Whitehouse.

Mrs Whitehouse, a suburban housewife from the Midlands, decided that boundaries of decency were being pushed too far in the liberal 1960's. Her ill advised 'Clean Up National Tv' campaign name, which if used as an acronym spelt something rather unfortunate, a word that she was unaware of apparently, was changed into the National Viewers and Listener's association, a far safer name, unlikely to get the local vicar hot under the dog collar.

Her crusade against immoral broadcast output often aided careers, to be 'blasted' by Mrs Whitehouse was often seen as a badge of honour to some broadcasters. History has shown that Mrs Whitehouse was often right in her arguments, she could see that the 'permissive society' of the 1960's would lead to later social problems. The 'progressives' disagreed and she was often lampooned, but history has proven her right.

It may seem that we have embarked upon a rose tinted journey into the past, but the past was better for comedy and television. They great days were the 60's and 70's, the like of which we are unlikely to see again.

Demand TV availability has meant that broadcasting schedules are largely irrelevant as is the BBC licence fee, in an era of commercial broadcasting.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Home deliveries Small Beer? Heineken doesn't think so, is this another blow to the High Street retail model?

Heineken, deliveries now reaching the parts other beers are apparently not

We have seen recently the demise of BHS, from a High Street presence to an ethereal on-line business model.

The loss at BHS of 164 stores and 11,000 staff, replaced by likely a single large warehouse and perhaps 100 staff in an Amazon-like model, shows how the jobs market is contracting and business is changing.

The writing is on the wall, you need an on-line presence or you are unlikely to survive, unless you have exclusivity and a loyal customer base. But you'd be in the minority.

The way business is changing its operating mode, is all contributing to the 9 million job losses by 2026 we are faced with, thanks to automation, robotics and changing business practice models, retail included.

The late Sir John Harvey Jones
an opponent of 'least cost option' business models

Lean practice 'least cost options' are the barrel scrapings that should be a wake up call to businesses, if they are in that state, then they are in trouble. If they are not growing and retaining staff, they should take note.

I see a fair number of the same jobs advertised time and again and the question is why? Is the company that prosperous and growing it needs to meet demands, or is it a crap place to work for and managed by tossers with no idea what they are doing?

Anyway, back to the script and here's a new business model for the on-line age.

Now Heineken is proposing home deliveries in the London area within 20 minutes of order, direct to the customer's home from direct sales on-line. Will other manufacturers follow suit?

So what impact will this have on the retail drinks trade, which I worked in many years ago and for other companies and retailers, how will this impact on their markets?

If successive drinks brands for example adopt this model, the small, independent wine and spirit retailers could be faced with the choice of going totally on-line or hanging on to their walk-in trade model, if that is viable.

My old drinks trade employer did home deliveries in the shop locales and also to local businesses and restaurants, this was back in the pre-internet era when life was so much less complicated. This business has since ceased trading.

We have seen chains such as Threshers, one of our old customers, cease trading too, perhaps due to the availability of drink sold through supermarkets, who have better purchasing power and greater opening hours availability.

If this High Street trade ceases, the questions will be what will happen to the old premises, the people who have lost jobs and the future for the High Street?

The answers look to be a growth in on-line living, proxy living will order your food and drink for you, jobs will be lost and alternatives needed and the High Street will cease to exist as we know it.

Basic Income Guarantee payment will have to come in to provide the financial safety net, perhaps people will be freed up to cottage industry styles of work.  

So we are now seeing the tangible results I have long been predicting coming into play. We must without delay review our way forward so that we can have some idea how we will live in the future.

These changes may like small beer today, but we are only seeing the start of things.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Will China end up getting Trumped?

This President means Business -
Because Donald Trump understands business, money and jobs.

Like him or not, newly elected President Trump is something few, if any former American Presidents have been - a business man who understands business, money and jobs.

I have said recently, that the time for amateurs in government is over. How can a person be employed as in charge of transport one week and then seamlessly move to health a week later? inexpertise is a weak point that allows corruption, or was that the point of it?

The Brexit split is something America now seems set to echo

The Brexit split was met with real anguish from those on the opposite side of the voting paper when the UK made its choice. Well, too bad for the losers, the decision was made, democratically. Just because it didn't go your way, that's your hard luck.

And that's the reaction in the US to Donald Trump being elected, some folks just can't accept that their point of view was not shared. Well, that's showbiz folks and no hanging or dimpled chads in sight on this occasion.

The talks of trade are notable. With the hapless Obama sending us 'right to the back of the queue' for daring to Brexit, our friend Donald wants us right at the front. I can do business with this man, already.

Well, Obie never liked the UK much because of Kenya, did he? Anyway, goodbye to President Doolittle and hopefully Donald will reinstate the Winston Churchill bust removed through a 'lack of space wasn't it?

His 'Yes we can' was hollow rhetoric and turned out to be 'no he can't or didn't. The poor black folks who voted for change got more of the same old, same old. So that's why many voted for Donald Trump.

China has prospered jobwise at the expense of the rest of the world

If we turn to that economic and manufacturing powerhouse that is China, this is one nation where our new man wants to reclaim jobs back from.

Basic Income Guarantee has been proven on paper to be cheaper
than Social Security in the USA, even if paid to everyone over 16 in the USA

He understands the economy because he runs businesses. Its time for him to start going to work, to create those jobs back home and to reform government, to cut out the dead wood and the excess from Government or lack of it.

Time to rid America of the shoddy shambles that is Obamacare that is costing more than three times as much to buy into than anticipated, for ordinary people, time to introduce Basic Income Guarantee to cut the social security bill, yet leave people better off. 'Yes he can' where Obie failed.

The problem with overseas manufacturing has been the crumby trade deals. NAFTA was one deal that the new President wants out of apparently.

One thing the new President has done, much like the UK getting out of Brexit, is smashing the silent under government - the New World Order, tenets of which the EU wants to promulgate for as long as it can to control worldwide trade and money wealth.

No wonder a 'yesterday's man' like Tony Blair is desperate to get back into UK politics, he wants to perpetuate this United States of Europe and get Brexit overturned, but the system of that is failing, now Britain has voted to go, others will follow suit.

France and the  Netherlands, just two countries who have had enough of being told what to do and how many immigrants they must take, a situation which is causing unrest, despite the liberals calling anyone who raises the subject a racist. They want referenda and to leave.

The EU is the latest example of how the 'European project' is doomed - the historical figures who tried to conquer and maintain a European super state project were - The Romans, Napoleon and Adolf Hitler  - all met with defeat and failure.

The current incarnation of the EU control mechanism is failing too. This self-appointed club is about over and done with. Even Mr Trump questions NATO and whether the US should be a part of it?

Clearly, if we do not express aggression to Mr Putin, he is not likely to trouble us.

Now we see a new era where we might get the sort of Gorbachev - Reagan relationship between the US and Russia, we can only hope that this can lead to countering the real, common enemy we face.

Clearly, our present and future collective enemy is Islamic terrorism and that will be the focus from now.

That war is against a sect of people who have hijacked a belief system and used it as a means of control and wealth gathering, by means of terror and subjugation. 

It is the work of cowards and the inadequate, by people who can do nothing positive for humanity or make anything, except trouble. They can't fight real soldiers and they don't because they are not up to it.

Donald Trump is not one to shy away from that problem. Thankfully.

Perhaps the tide will turn and 2017 will be a splendid year, better than this 2016 has been.

Hybrid Humanoids are becoming easier to recognise - observation update

Send in the Clones -
the problem is they have been here for some time

Recently, I wrote about encounters with three 'Insectoid' human hybrid women, to recap, what was strange here was that they were all almost the 'same' base unit, just varied ages and heights.

In fact, they were almost identical to look at overall.

They featured, dark, shortish hair, very good unblemished skin, absence of jewellery, dark colour eyes, very thin build, no 'fat' on them, intelligent, personable and the hair was 'very good' almost synthetic looking.

Perfect eyes which are very vivid to look at are a giveaway

The sightings I had were, firstly, a lady about 38, around 5 feet 8, at whose wedding I was playing in a band at.

Second, also another band job at a local cinema and theatre building. She was around 5 feet two, wearing a red dress.

Third, at an employment agency, wearing red dress and around 5 feet 9.

All actually looked the same, the facial appearance was almost identical.

Egyptian bust of Neferttiti,
outstanding beauty and sculpture -
over 5000 years old

This last week, I went to another job agency and was met by a Reptillian hybrid human.

Now, interestingly enough, she was dark haired and very 'Egyptian' looking, in the Neferttiti style of face. Very striking appearance and could easily have been a model.

It wasn't overly cold and we were in an office, but she kept her long overcoat on and she had interesting eye and mouth movements, hinted at before by others as almost 'lizard like' her hand was slightly cold to the touch to.

Humans are a genetically modified species

As an aside, I have often wondered why I tend to see so many 'lookalike' people? The answer is becoming rather obvious, this is some sort of program.

When you consider probability and the billions of cells in our human bodies, even if you have a 'program' for appearance, for us to be so different looking to each other but not ugly 'mutations' means massive possibilities of variation in 'looks.'

In the past, even 30 years back, I saw people at school, that looked the same, from different years and different sexes, it was like 'she' was a female clone version of 'he' in some cases.

I'm not talking about related people, because I asked one boy if he was related to a girl in another year who looked the same? He said not.

So how with all this possible variance, can these almost 'identikit' type of people exist?

This leads to another interesting conundrum, the law of attraction, love at first sight, if you like.

What is it that when you see someone in the street, that you are instantly attracted to them? Without even speaking? What are we seeing? desiring?

Are we psychically enabled to project and receive information?

If we put aside beauty for a moment, say a man sees a woman across the street and instantly likes her, what is that equation that the brain computes to instantly 'lightbulb' the thought of 'like'?

Are we crossing paths with people from past lives, or are we attracted psychically to these people we see? Those are possibilities that we don't yet know.

I believe that we are now awakening, some of us at any rate and seeing the bigger picture. I think that we are developing or unlocking previously lost powers and growing more aware!

American Indian style jewellery copies - buyer beware!

Genuine Navajo made Turquoise rings

Something I predicted a while back has sadly come to pass.

I was doing some work advising the Lakota people, part of the Sioux nation, on the importance of protecting their craft work with a recognised trademarking system.

The reason was two fold, so that purchasers could be sure of buying an item genuinely made by someone from one of the tribes and to protect their work, to hopefully prevent mass produced Far Eastern copies being sold as 'genuine' when they were not.

Calvin Begay 'Starry Night' ring

I recently came across some examples of American Indian jewellery which were in the style of Navajo artist Calvin Begay, famous for his Starry Night pieces, amongst other works.
Smaller, 'Starry Night ' ring

His Starry Night pieces pictured here, are exquisitely made micro inlay pieces which are highly valued and prized amongst collectors and followers of his work.

Below are three Far Eastern made examples 'in the style of' which came from the Philippines. They are a third of the price and not as exquisitely crafted.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with this, there is a risk that these maybe passed off as 'genuine' American Indian, somewhere down the line. So is it easy to spot the copies?

Examples of micro inlay Far Eastern made jewellery
in the 'American Indian' style of 'Starry night' pieces

Whilst these examples are in the main nicely made, they are not made by American Indian people with heritage going back hundreds of years.

How can you spot modern copies? Not always that easily.

Horse ring in the Zuni style, made in the Philippines
Nicely made with a 'handmade' feel.

Quite a lot of the genuine ring base units used, are often made from casts, that said, on some individual parts, you will see variances in geometry, say on a Thunderbird, the feathers may not all be exactly perfectly patterned, so you can see a 'handmade' situation. As you will observe on this great ring below.

Genuine Zuni/Navajo Katsina Extra Terrestrial detail on a Thunderbird ring

However, being 'too perfect' may be the giveaway on many reproductions.

Someone like Calvin Begay makes their own ring settings, to suit the inlay work or materials they have decided to use.

The danger to artists like Calvin, is outright copying of existing pieces.

That is where someone takes a genuine piece, disassembles it and outrightly reproduces it as a nuts and bolts copy.

Early style of a genuine Thunderbird ring

Richard Hoskie & Ella Cowboy genuine
Thunderbird ring from my own collection

What we have to guard against is that items being listed with terms that suggest they are made by American Indian artists. It will have to be that the items are referred to as 'Zuni style and design' rather than 'Zuni' which tends to suggest authenticity.

Genuine Zuni made cuff bracelet

As pieces of artwork the reproductions if we can call them that are in the main, nicely made and attractive.

I do personally prefer to buy something that is genuinely made by an American Indian with heritage going back centuries if possible. This also helps to support their art and career in this work.

The downside of reproductions is that they will be seen as a 'price level' object. And this compounds the problem of authenticity, whilst some Indian makers stamp their own trademarks on the rings, many are plain and rely on resalers to say who made the item.

This all goes to prove, if something is good, someone will; copy it! 

Climate change farce - Part 2 - Heathrow can pollute for free but power stations can't and are shutting, forcing a reliance on wind power.

Didcot power station - sacrificed to the greens
So what will meet the power requirements?

We inhabit a modern, consumer driven world which requires a demand for electrical power is met.

Historically, Nuclear, Gas and Coal were the methods of fuel for the demand. We use too much electrical power. Every home nigh on has devices such as computers, televisions, smart phones, you name it, likely to need power, to charge or run it.

Against that is a ridiculous set of so-called 'climate change' reduction measures. Well, they had to change the name from 'Global Warming' because it was actually 'Global Cooling.'

600 jobs in rail freight are being lost as Coal is phased out

Thanks to the ridiculous EU superstate, we are now saddled with extreme CO2 reduction demands. And whilst Germany is BUILDING Coal fired power stations, we are closing them.

The stupidity of this is that the proposed Heathrow Airport runway extension plan will make the biggest sole polluter of CO2 in the UK - Heathrow airport, an even bigger polluter with all the extra flights and aircraft movements to come besides the construction required.

Untaxed fuel still emits massive amounts of CO2

Worse still, is that the aviation offenders use duty free fuel.

This is one of those 'you couldn't make it up' stories, if only it were so, unfortunately, it is real.

We are being forced in to a reliance on Wind Turbines, those hideously inefficient, costly and subsidy parasitical 'clean' energy producers that are around 27% efficient, if you are lucky.

The biggest killers of Bats and birds? - Wind Turbines.

Just exporting CO2 problems to far Eastern shores such as China, Vietnam etc by relocating manufacturing, is not the answer.

We need clean, reliable and immediate power in the UK, Coal can provide that. We cannot afford to piss about with Windmills. The lights will start to go out soon if we are not careful.

Donald Trump recognises this. He knows about Business and making it work, not hobbling it with stupidity, which is what he is fights against.

We can burn Coal fairly cleanly, we have 300 years worth of supply underground, this can help provide British jobs.

Why not? It is a risk worth taking, better than the risk of no power! 

Thursday 3 November 2016

The Heathrow Airport expansion, the proposed London Ultra Low Emission Zone and time to rethink Vehicle Excise duty

After approving the Heathrow Airport expansion an
'Ultra Low Emission Zone' for vehicles in London proposed

If there was a league of stupidity, this is the sort of thing they might come up with, except this is actually a nanny state type of proposal.

With a new increase in flight movements at Heathrow, which will create more CO2 from Britain's biggest single CO2 emitter, to redress the balance, it is proposed to create an ultra low emission zone. For vehicles. Not aircraft.

But, the aircraft which do not pay tax on their fuel, go on increasing the damage they do.

The reality is that the most fuel usage and CO2 production an aircraft does at a peak part of its operation, is on taking off. And they use A LOT of Kerosene to do this.

The requirement to display a Vehicle excise disc has now gone

Those facts on aircraft use may surprise you, but aircraft, along with shipping produce a lot of CO2.
Car efficiency has increased but some ecological measures
actually make them less efficient, such as Ethanol in fuel

Cars on the other hand have become much cleaner over the last 30 years.

Leaner burn, the switch to fuel injection and other measures have reduced the pollution. You will know if you used to commute in a city all that time ago how you don't smell a Diesel engine like you used to nor a petrol engine over rich on mixture.

And the blanket light goods class of excise duty has gone and has been replaced by a staggered banding arrangement according to the amount of CO2 the engine produces.

The banding takes no account of actual use

The staggered banding method is wrong and unfair.

It takes no account of actual vehicle usage. It is ridiculous that a car that has a Zero rate can drive thirty thousand miles a year for free, yet a Band M car that does 2000 miles a year has to pay £515 a year. Where a Zero rate car pollutes more.

Clearly there is a discrepancy.

In the past a flat rate was paid for all Private Light Goods classes which covered cars and light vans, the more you drove, the more fuel you bought and paid tax for. A much fairer system. And more logical.

And it gets worse.

If you convert a petrol engine to run on LPG, you run a very clean engine, yet you still pay the same amount of excise duty as if it had not changed fuel. Unless the car was manufactured with the LPG system.

That is a complete farce.

Converting a car costs £1500 to do on average, yet you do not get any excise duty reduction for doing so, although LPG is cheaper as a fuel to buy.

Poorly adjusted modern cars can be polluting too

Another farce concerns the Historic vehicles class.

Many of these vehicles do less than 5000 miles a year. If the vehicle is 40 years old, it gets free vehicle tax by way of exemption.

However, those 15 years old and less than 40, pay full tax.

In France, cars over a certain age are exempt from excise duty, at a lower age than in the UK. They are also MOT exempt at this earlier stage.

The MOT is just a useless piece of paper, it does not guarantee the condition of a vehicle once that vehicle has left the testing station.

The only relevance is that the piece of paper has to be 'in force' and valid if you have to produce it.

The reality is that in the UK, classic or historic vehicles are a small part of the total vehicles on the road, the duty could be slashed for anything over 15 years old, which would mean that most vehicles on the road in the UK would still pay. Many vehicles 15 years and over have been scrapped by now.

It seems ridiculous for an MGB of 1979 vintage to pay perhaps £200+ a year duty when a 1976 model MGB is exempt. Both produce the same emissions.

More so when you consider the Band A car doing 30,000 miles a year or more at no excise duty cost. Which does the more damage?

Then you consider the damage that will be done by the big increase in aircraft movements thanks to the Heathrow expansion and it makes the piddling vehicle emissions a complete farce and just a money grabbing exercise.

Time for a rethink.......

BBC Radio 4 in our time - the ordeal of Gilgamesh and what it failed to say.

Berlin Museum Cylinder seal image of the story of the
Ordeal of Gilgamesh - note the 'Robot' figure (centre).

I was intrigued to hear dear old Melvyn Bragg on Radio 4 this morning discussing the poem of the 'Ordeal of Gilgamesh.'

However, there was a glaring omission or two in my view.

Had the research been done with regard to the late Zecariah Sitchin's work on the decoding of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets, of which he was probably the world's most qualified practitioner, we might have gotten more revelatory information on the program.

What the program did not mention was that Noah was a half human half deity hybrid who lived to over 900 years of age, 953 I recall, not uncommon for those hybrids of the time, think Methusalah for instance, deceased at a similar age.

Noah being a son of the Anunnaki Enki, with an Earth human, therefore a half deity.

The mission of Gilgamesh was actually to the 'Garden of Eden', called Edin on the tablets.

If you look at the above illustration from a cylinder seal, the 'Robot' like figure has much in common with something out of 1950's science fiction. But it is real.

Mr Sitchin translated that the sentinel robot had a 'rotating sword of flame' what we might call a laser. The sentinel is very similar to a US Army project of the Vietnam war called 'Shakey' which was designed as a surveillance robot which was armed. It was never used in action but the technology proved useful. It is a direct descendant of the Gilgamesh robot.

In the story Mr Sitchin relates, the Gilgamesh robot dispensed its laser onto a Deer, which it killed, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, his companion, stripped off the cooked flesh and ate it to sustain them.

Gilgamesh it was said then sent signal to the Gods and a light came down and incapacitated the Robot 'blinding it temporarily', which they finished off.

What was it guarding? The tree of life and the water of life.

Enki (mentioned in the program I think) and Enlil were two related human like creatures from a planet called Nibiru. They came to Earth to mine Gold to take back to repair the atmosphere of Nibiru, which had become damaged.

In this endeavour, they brought 300 astronauts called the Igigi who worked the mines until they rebelled as part of an internecine situation.

Then, Enki, a skilled scientist and Ninhurshag, a skilled female geneticist modified the DNA of a primate hominid with their own material to create humans like us.

However, this did not feature in the program as the mention of a tablet 'talking of the great flood' which pre-dated the Bible seemed to prevail. This tablet predated the Bible by some thousands of years which I agree with.

From my research on this subject, the Tree of life and the water of life were installed here for a reason. The pure Anunnaki such as Enki, Enlil etc. could live for many times the lifespan of us humans, limited by them through genetic modification to last for around 70 years.

To prevent the Anunnaki from aging in this semi-alien environment, my theory is that the tree was a genetically modified resource that revitalised the Anunnaki in a slow-release method, as our food fuels us by the same method. The water contained some formulation to aid this process of non-aging, likely containing necessary minerals.

But I guess that was too radical for the BBC?

If you read Mr Sitchin's the cosmic code, Edin is likened to be in the Cedar area of the Lebanon, where even today massive stone blocks exist,  unmovable by our current technology, part of a spaceport, no word of a lie, if you research into the Anunnaki deities such as Enki, Enlil and others of the original landing party.
The Abydos burial chamber Lintel verified at least 5000 years old
Note the 'modern' machinery carved onto the stone

Yes you read that right, landing party. They also have links to Atlantis, the fabled island. Enki's son Thoth, a Pharaoh of Egypt went to Atlantis and then to South America. He is partly responsible for taking people to the continent who we know now as the American Indians. They have a large amount of European genetic material in their makeup, which cannot logically be. But it is there.

The Cherokee and the Hopi Indians were given information on Clay tablets in the same vein as the Sumerians were by the Anunnaki. The American Indian people have a long tradition of contact with what they term 'star people.' I would refer you to read an excellent book called 'Encounters with Star People' by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a collection of first hand contacts with the off-planet visitors.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe

A Sumerian Clay tablet, a receipt for a Lamb from Ancient Sumeria
Taken from Chief Joseph when captured by the US Army

Indeed, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe had a Sumerian Clay tablet in his medicine bag which was thousands of years old when captured by the US Army. So how did this artefact get to America and so long ago? The tablet had been passed down many generations. The Thoth connection seems logical.

Sadly, many academics do not want to 'rock the boat' or Ark so to speak, they could easily have expanded to cover Mr Sitchin's work, but this work regarding materials written many thousands of years before the Bible (which is a collection of stories) (from the Greek, Biblios a collection of books) might upset the apple cart of the various established belief systems.

What Mr Sitchin's work does essentially, is to report the earliest known writing, from which Hebrew and later texts were established and found their way into the Bible. What the Sumerian material reveals is powerful stuff. But,. the Book of Enoch, is missing from the modern Bible, why? It 'doesn't fit' with the message in the new Bible.

Mr Sitchin has been proved right on his output, although in recent years since his passing other artefacts have been translated.

There are thousands of tablets in the various museums and a computer can translate them through OCR Optical Character Recognition in an instant. So what do these reveal? It deserves to be published.

If you want the unvarnished truth check out Mr Sitchin's work. It details how our recent human species was established.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

BHS goes on-line - why this makes sense - the cost savings are staggering and the model is bad news for the jobs market

BHS is no more on the High Street and is now going on-line.
What are the implications of this trend?

The shock news of BHS's demise has been compounded by the decision to relaunch this business, in an on-line format only.

This raises the question why, if it couldn't make the High Street pay? Because the High Street retail business model is becoming too expensive. Bricks and mortar, rents, staff costs, retail staff not selling all the time in the main.

Lets look at some costs and facts.

Shop assistants might largely not be engaged in selling
for most of each working hour they are employed.
Suit you...

If we show some basic figures, we can see the benefits of changing to on-line only retail model.

We will use the quoted figures from the BHS wiki page of 11,000 employees and 164 stores, all other figures are estimated and for example only.

If you had 11,000 employees on the High Street, On-line you might exist with as few as 100.

At an example of paying £15,000 per employee, this could cost you:

£165,000,000.00 for 11,000 employees at £15,000.00

£1,500,000.00 for 100 employees at £15,000.00

Big saving.

Operating stores 164, value estimate £82,000,000.00 in bricks and mortar

Warehouse operation, value estimate £3,000,000.00 as a big shed

Neither value includes retail stock. Based on outright ownership.

Big savings all round and headache for Landlords if only leased and you do not renew.

The largest cost of a business is staff, which is also its best asset, apart from a good product or service.

Bean counters preferring the 'least cost option' are going down the 'on-line' approach and scaling back the retail 'boots on the ground.'

Many retail place jobs are being advertised as part-time only these days and they are
'optimising the staff to be there when the customers are' as the key driver.

Unlike the motor trade which relies on big profits from single sales, they can afford to have someone hanging about for 63 hours a week on low pay as they will make it up on commission.

Retail in shops is a different animal. Usually, multiple sales of lower value products.

The jobs problem is being hit by a double whammy

Yes, the real casualty of the BHS crash was the 11,000 employees hit by the sudden loss of their jobs.

They are in a poor position, having to enter a job situation that has been slowly sucked dry over the years.

The problem is that by 2026, 9 million jobs will have been lost to automation. That will not happen all at once, but is happening right now and the effects are being felt greatly.

Even 5 years ago the jobs market was healthier than now.

The 'record job vacancies' level is a false flag, the victim of vacancies being multiply counted as they appear on multiple agency and job sites.

When you scale down a work force 90+%, that was a fair size to start with, that is a real problem for those looking to get employed and quickly.

Many of the jobs that were there 5 years ago just are not now.

A vast swathe of lower end jobs right up to degree level jobs have vanished.

And that is also the problem perpetuated by the out of date education system we have, which is running on an irrelevant sausage machine mentality model.

The jobs they are educating children for now just won't be there by the time they leave school. The technical skills needed to fill the skills gap are unfilled too.

Basic Income Guarantee  will have to take the place of Benefits
Because the jobs won't be out there to fill

The reality is that this creeping automation has been put to one side and not looked at, even though Norbert Wiener identified this situation as being likely over 60 years ago.

The Pick and Pack on-line model of retail is now the way things are going and it is sadly seeing off the High Street players one by one.