Sunday 29 January 2017

3D food - is the future a 'food synthesizer' as we enter the Big Data age?

Computerised food Jetson's style -
synth food could soon be a reality in the Big Data age

We now have the capacity for 3D printing in our houses which only 15 years or so ago was at the cutting edge of technology, only available at laboratory level.

We can replicate items from .dxf file drawings of just about anything, so what about the next stage, now we are in the 'Big Data' world? Food.

In the 1960's Star Trek era, this was the next big thing - automated food - 
From the genetic nuclear level

The 1960's being the race for space era, catapulted technological development much as WW2 had done a generation before. Technology for the space program was a key driver in the advancement of technology generally in that decade.

It's Paella Jim, but not as we know it - Star Trek TNG cuisine via a replicator -
we think the future and eventually it becomes so as so much from Star Trek has,
via technology reverse engineered from Roswell

NASA spearheaded space nutrition. To enable its astronauts to eat in zero gravity, it developed foods beyond the early MDF-like agglomeration of bits contained in a pill, to fully fledged food as we know it, adapted for space conditions.

The problems NASA faced on long missions was the storage of food, the lack of fresh food and indeed the growing of food to sustain personnel. Of course if you want it microwaved, just hang it on the outside of your space ship as you go through the Van Allen belt for 10 seconds and that should cook it.

Open Fridge - a new way of food management a 'smart fridge'- Fridge 2.0 -
this is the halfway stage towards the 'big one' - 3D food from scratch

Going forward since the space race of the 1960s, we are entering a realm where 'Big Data' is the new thing, actually, it will be part of a new 'thing' called global data, involving 'Proxy living' and 'Smart living' where all will be connected.

Future Data will be big business more so than it is today -
Data will drive everything we do and how we live

Our next generation of fridges are building on the use of data and algorithms, they will also capture data. Think of our fridge of tomorrow, it will scan what you put in to it, analyse what you used, didn't use and what went bad. This information is useful to the supermarket, food buyers and the producers.

This fridge will be Fridge 2.0, like Web 2.0, the Fridge of tomorrow will start with analysing your food use, then interfacing with your supermarket food open data from your supermarket card. Remember, this data is valuable, it is live, current and real. 

Your meals will be planned for you under Big Data and Proxy living

This device will analyse what you buy, what you consume and throw away. It will plan your meals based on what you buy, know what meals you do like and when Proxy Living comes, it will order your food shopping on your behalf (by proxy) and it will likely be delivered by automated vehicle. That's some way off, but you get the idea. But that's just part 1 of this.

Automated harvesting based on scanned produce picked at the peak of condition -
note no human involvement here

Food is now being harvested robotically in some places, it allows picking of peak ripeness produce, optimum shipment times and longer 'on the shelf' life in the supermarket. As a part of integrated big data, it is the future of food production.

Simple food can be 'built' by robots, such as this Burger -
even the waiter service is being robotised - scary?

Robotics and automation are now making in-roads into the fast food market and restaurant trade. Gone soon, may be the days of young people working in fast food outlets to make money for college. Yep, automated food preparation and waiting on table is coming and is already here in some places. So, where is this going next?

You want chips with that? Silicon ones? -
after robot chefs, what next?

The next logical step after robot chefs and smart fridges could be the really big one. If we go back to our space age, futuristic scenario, we will logically end up with at some stage, 3D food which could be cooking as you walk through your door.

3D food for space travel is one thing,
but this 'synth food' is only the MK1 of where 3D food is ultimately going

If we can 3D print items, then what we can we do with some base materials? We can produce simple 'MDF' agglomerated 'foods' such as biscuit type products. This is part 1 of a project that will synthesize food from a genetic basic structural level and take it to replica food as we know it.

This may be a lab version, but within a few years this could be the norm -
3D food originated from the genetic nuclear level

3D food is possible because when you pull it down, it is only data. Big data, but data. What I mean by this is that like the human genome that we have now sequences, food is no different, it is bits of this and that, lots of them and in proportions and shapes and sizes of the parts. All we do is replicate that data.

Sounds complicated?

Well, 40 years ago, if you said about a computer being able be part of  printing images in colour in your own home, that would have been said to be unlikely and expensive, if at all possible. We now have cheap printing at home, we also have cheap 3D printing at home, so the logical next step of food base materials being synthesized at home is viable. This may take 20 years but it could be a reality.

Real Steak Mince -
we already have lab produced meat of a sort

Producing intricate forms is no more than moulding in 3D -
theoretically these vegetables should be viable to produce

So, the reality could be that your food buying and cooking could be all done for you. Welcome to the future.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Proxy living and 'free data' - think big, think free, scoop the rewards

Big data is no longer going to be confined to computers in the proxy living era

The Data Protection act has the best interests of our human privacy in mind, however, those that hack and jack information couldn't care less about it.

Hackers work for the Ackers - there's money in ripping data

Big hacking on an industrial scale is nothing new, it is lucrative.

It doesn't have to be someone breaking in, it can be a disgruntled employee who copies an entire database and then leaves a company, only to sell on the information to someone who is able to collect bigtime.

This sort of data is valuable, valuable to a marketer in terms that the data is of 'live' prospects and or customers and obviously to the criminal too. No surprises there.

How will we handle data in the 'Proxy living' era that is soon to be with us? That depends on what we want from it.
Humanoid robots will be part of Proxy Living

Proxy living will take in two ways, a fixed computer system that organises and interacts with us or a humanoid replicant, that will do the same but also physical tasks too. Perhaps a combination of the two may be the ultimate proxybot.

The outcome of the humanoid robot is how it will operate, what it will experience, how like us we make it and what degree of machine learning it will possess.

This does open the way for 'free data,' a situation where the SEO search engines will interact with your proxy representative and will 'sell' or 'interest' it in whatever things that you start to suggest to it, which it builds on by machine learning.

Human dexterity robotics will mean physical proxy living robots will be viable - soon

The essence of proxy living is that you are freed up from the menial stuff in life, no more having to remember to pay bills or service the car, or buy food.

With machine learning, your proxy will do all that and some. Big Data will also monitor your fridge for example and on that basis, order your food supplies and suggest meals.

In the future, there nay be a way of taking the base ingredients of food and synthesising it in the fridge to provide you with an 'instant' type of food, essentially built genetically and purely, so that you are hard pressed to tell the difference.

Think that concept is way out? So was 3D printing and now you can buy a 3D printer at the price of what a really top line paper printer used to be.

If the Proxy chooses, they may be able to participate in a 'free' data concept. It would choose reputable resources and service providers, much as you do now with any web transaction, it would allow free data traffic of consumption and interest.

This would be only via the proxy and not with you, so you should theoretically be at low risk. What this would do would be to circumvent the current privacy laws on data collection pertaining to you as you allow this and the rewards to you would be bigger than the odd point here and there from a loyalty card. This would only be by your choosing it.


Because, unlike the loyalty card provider just serving one data source i.e. your supermarket, the data could be open to selected consumers of it, it would be rich data and provide a far bigger picture that just the one source like a supermarket's records. Imagine if it linked to Amazon, Ebay and your supermarket data, essentially your life would be a goldmine of data to be used and sold by you perhaps?

Once you go down this route, your web browsing and consumption of goods and services would be very big business, it is the new marketing direction for those brave enough to embrace it.

How you would police this is another matter!

Fibre optic computing - 'Thinking in colour' has to be the way forward for computer speed improvement.

The Human Brain - it takes a lot of computing power to match it

What is the big drawback of computing performance? In reality, the binary system is a major part, the reliance on off/on switches in computing, plus as Michio Kaku identified in one of his lectures, the bottleneck of processing in a serial fashion, not parallel fashion, essentially, I paraphrase him.

Michio Kaku - one of our great modern thinkers and scientists

As computer signals can be passed at the speed of light literally, through fibre optic cables, why not then get computers to 'think in colour'?

Essentially, the computer thinks in binary, in 'black and white' 'on and off' situations, is how the basic triggering of it works. So, why not think in colour? Your choice of how many colours you use, whether it is 8 or 256, thousands of more.

A fibre optic brain in colour -
there is no reason computing can't go this way

Although quantum computing may be a reality fast approaching, it takes a lot of money to make It happen. What if we could simplify the means of achieving what a computer does?

The human brain is a computer and heat exchanger in one -
It is not equipped to run at 'full' capacity

The problem humans have with their brains is that they are about geared to operate in their environment with little room for 'upgrade.' The reason is heat. The human brain runs on around 20 watts of power, 1/4 of the food we eat's energy output in calorific value, goes to power the brain.

Therefore, ramping up the amps in the human brain is only possible to some degree. And the same problem arises with the computer, the processor gets hot.

However, if we approach the computer situation from a different angle, then we could use light and colours to solve the heat and performance problem.

Human robotics, long a staple of science fiction could become science fact -
with the use of fibre optics in their construction process

Algorythmic 'thinking' coupled to data is a means of speeding up performance by use of logical problem solving. 

Linked with fibre optic and speed of light transmission, then the computer's basic yes/no proxy transmitted in black and white, converted to colour is massively ramped up.

How much?

Look at a picture in colour on a computer in millions of RGB colours and the same one converted to 256 grey shades of the greyscale ramp. See the difference in the file size? That's not even black and white colour, the advantage is that with the right encoding and decoding engine, you massively ramp up the performance, without the heat, power and cooling problems.

You are then nearer to singularity too. Much nearer!

Sunday 22 January 2017

Help American Indian peoples to rebuild and improve their lives

Many people who were non-Indian came to support the Indian peoples

In case you were not aware, the American Indian peoples need your support to just survive. It is not the case that they all have casino wealth on their reservations.

Many Lakota people have to live in trailers that are ill equipped for the cold of the winter

The Lakota Sioux nation people who live at Pine Ridge Reservation endure a life that is difficult. They have low incomes, few have jobs, economically they are poor and problems of drugs, alcohol, depression and suicide are high incidence possibilities that impact on their lives.

Homeless people are also an issue that must be resolved
along with drugs, alcohol, suicide and depression problems

Work is being done but financial aid is required along with outside expertise. The situation is that the Lakota people are wishing to preserve their heritage and culture but they also have a modern world outside of the reservation to contend with.

Donations of basics are always welcome

It is a question of how to reconcile these differing situations, it is essential that the Sioux people do not lose their rich heritage but on the other side of the coin, they should also not lose the opportunity to learn of modernity and to use that as part of their future too.

A new house being built by hand from ecologically sound materials
in line with the beliefs of the Lakota to use resources wisely

So how did the Lakota people end up like this? The situation is largely due to the loss of their lands when America was colonised. The Lakota like the other tribes before that moved around pieces of the country and there were defined areas for each tribe to inhabit.

A modern day Lakota man surveys the Buffalo - The Lakota people have a strong
heritage with the Buffalo and are known as 'Tatanka Oyate' - The Buffalo people.

With the colonisation of their nation from other countries, the Indian peoples were pushed into accepting areas of lands to live on called reservations. These pockets of land were far smaller than the territories that they previously enjoyed.

Whilst outside the reservations people prospered, inside the people largely did not. The Indian people lived a different lifestyle than the incomers, they did not need consumerism and new technology, their way of life and aims were different.

The Lakota people must not lose their cultural heritage or access to their history

The Lakota and the other tribal peoples were likely the first ecologists, they regarded the planet as something to be protected and to only take what resources were required. They did not share the same outlook as the incomers who were fired up by the new industrial revolution for progress and advancement.

Peter Catches offering Prayers and Sacred tobacco at the Oceti Wakan site

But there is hope amongst the bad news stories, one of the Medicine Men of the Lakota people at Pine Ridge, Peter V Catches is part of a project to help his fellow Lakota people by building a communal centre called 'Oceti Wakan' or Secret Fireplace in Lakota language.

Visit the site at:-

Peter Catches the Lakota Medicine Man of the Spotted Eagle - 
Peter is a direct descendant of the famous Lakota Chief Crazy Horse

The centre looks to provide teaching of the Lakota culture and language, it also looks to provide places where Lakota people can engage and learn about their culture and to participate in events. Currently the centre is seeking donations to help this become a reality.

A large Ray Jack made Navajo Silver ring,
Ray is one of the great silversmiths of the Navajo people

It is not all bad news, the American Indians are resourceful people and some have managed to develop craft skills  into jobs that help them to prosper. Notable are the Navajo jewellers, other tribes such as the Zuni and Hopi also have silversmiths too and people from other tribes have also made some amazing pieces learning and being inspired by the original tribal designs, drawn from their heritage.

However, much still needs to be done to help these people and there are many non-Indian people who are coming to aid the Indians, I donate free economic and business advice to help create economic growth and jobs.

I think this is long overdue!

I came across the Lakota culture in depth a couple of years ago during research for a book project on humans and robotics and I am glad that I found out more about the Lakota heritage subject.

I have learned a lot in the last two years and it has changed my life and helped to make a lot of sense of some things. The wisdom of these people which is often many hundreds of years old is as relevant as it ever was.

We must not lose this important cultural part of America's heritage.

View of Pine Ridge from the air

Saturday 21 January 2017

Donald Trump must help the American Indian people

New President Donald Trump must help the American Indian people

Members of the Lakota Indian people from Pine Ridge

With a new President in power in the USA, intent on making America Great again, he should be aware that part of that mission is to help the American Indian people.

Most of the tribal members living on reservations are living at a standard that is unacceptable to anyone with a conscience of social compassion.

The reservations need improved living accommodation, jobs, economic viability, education for the children, healthcare and opportunities for the people to learn about their heritage and culture which cannot be lost.

We can learn much from the American Indian wisdom - we should

You may think that every reservation has a casino, that is not the case. Some reservations sit on natural resources, but it is not the way of the Indian to exploit those for wealth.

The American Indian has the answers to many of America's ills, the people do not embrace consumerism, that is a disease that makes us want things we don't really need and have to work harder to earn money to pay for them.

If you think that a life where no addiction, no consumerism, no prisons, no laws, no taxes, respect for elders and young alike, community living for the benefit of all, no drug or alcohol problems, gang warfare - and more are a hopelessly unachievable utopia, you'd be wrong.

A society had all this 500 years ago - the American Indian people.

A Lakota Indian family at Pine Ridge - it can reach -20 here in the winter
these people need our help to survive.

The sad thing is that the American Indian people have been largely forced to live on reservations, conditions on which are something that most Americans have no idea about. In a nation of 360 million people that uses 1/4 of the Planet's resources, a small part of that nation lives in conditions of poverty that should shame the people it shares the country with.

It is now no longer an option to do nothing, because these people have a heritage and culture that would amaze you if you started to learn about it. They are no sideshow or curiosity, they are the real deal and they have many of the answers people seek today.

If you are unfulfilled, addicted, not satisfied with your lot, then you need to delve into the culture of these people, you will see for yourself that you can learn much.

I have spent the last 2 years learning about these people, the Lakota people have been one tribe that I have researched and even helped with economic development advice, free of charge.

So we have a new broom, the reservations is one area Mr Trump can start sweeping.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Why America should be ashamed - The American Indian reservations disaster situation

The Sioux Indian Chief Sitting Bull - one of the greatest men to have ever lived
This quote is as relevant now as ever, we need to come together with the Indian peoples and take this advice for all of our futures

You are here

Have you heard of Pine Ridge? Standing Rock, maybe as that has been in the news recently and is nearby to the Ridge Reservation.

So what tribe is at this location? The Lakota, part of the Sioux nation.

What do you know about them? Anything? Ashamed?

This is the problem with most Americans, they have a view of the Red Man as someone on the back of a horse, shooting arrows off and issuing war cries on the hoof.

Maybe in Hollywood movies and if that is your understanding, you would do well to dig into the culture of the Red Man and to learn about their culture and heritage.

It seems General Ignorance is alive and well long after General Custer died.

When you know more, you will then come to appreciate a people you share your country with and also how important they are historically and to our future.

The Pine Ridge Reservation where Lakota people reside

This is Pine Ridge and if you are an American, you should be ashamed that this situation is going on in your country.

You may believe that Indian peoples have Casinos and other wealth, well that may be true for some, but many reservations are not so fortunate or have the wealth or life expectancy that those outside them have..

Pine Ridge has a low life expectancy  of around 53 years of age and levels of wealth are extremely low. The people are resilient and trying to survive. They need help. Ours.

Many Lakota people at Pine Ridge have to live like this,
in winter the cold can be minus 20c

Some parts of the reservation look much like the disaster areas you see in foreign countries, in these situations international aid is thrown at the problem by the bucket load. Yet Pine Ridge is but one area that needs help and now.

This may look idyllic from the air, but the reality on the ground is different

Change needs to happen at Pine Ridge. It needs to change a number of situations that impact on the lives and the futures of the Lakota people. Their future must be safeguarded.

I have been helping with free business development and economic advice, to generate wealth and to build some jobs with some of the Lakota people, but in line with the Lakota people's beliefs in safeguarding resources and only taking what you need.

The Oceti Wakan project groundwork
offering of tobacco and prayers

The Oceti Wakan project is a project which has a number of aims, to build the community, to ensure that the knowledge and culture of the Lakota Heritage is not lost and to provide assistance and guidance for the young.

The Ceremonial House floorplan

There is a plan to build a Ceremonial House centre that will allow events to take place under cover. Oceti Wakan means 'Sacred fireplace' in the Lakota language.

Peter V Catches the Medicine man, the last surviving member of the original founders responsible for the Oceti Wakan project

Peter V Catches has been instrumental in the Oceti Wakan project and he comes from a heritage of medicine men. He can trace his line directly back to the famous Indian known as Crazy Horse.

The plan is to build a wellness centre where the spiritual needs and future generations of the Lakota people can enjoy their cultural identity. Here are the Wellness Centre's aims -

• We have an elder who would love to start a drum group to teach our young boys the sacred songs of our people.
• We have elder women who want to use a quilting circle to mentor young Lakota girls.
• We have a program that we can set up right away call telehealth/telepsychiatry services if we had a place for counseling our young people.
• We want to have ongoing parenting classes.
• The tribe wants us to start up our prevention classes again for prevention of alcohol and drug abuse for youth.
• We have a need a place for support groups for grieving, addiction, and co-dependency.
• We will be setting up some of our ‘Lakota Language Learning Stations’ for those who want to work to learn the Lakota language.
• We will have a home for a lending library of books that we have been collecting for the young people to learn about themselves and the wisdom of the ages. (There is no public library in Pine Ridge.)

There is a website where you can learn from this project and to donate it is at:-

I have donated to this cause in the last year and at Christmas 2016 and in 2017.

The Ceremonial costume of the Lakota people must be perpetuated and not lost

The White Buffalo - the most important symbol of the Lakota nation
from the legend of the 'White Buffalo Calf woman.'
'Tatanka Oyate' means 'Buffalo People' in Lakota language

So we go back to our beginnings of this post and ask what you know about the American Indians?

If I asked you if you would like to live in a world with no taxes, no greed, no crime, no prisons, no consumerism, where the young and old were all part of a community and cared for, where all were included?

You'd probably say that was some unattainable utopia. You would be wrong.

In fact, if you lived in America in 1500, as a Lakota, that would be normal.

The White Buffalo calf woman is said to have materialised from the Buffalo into the form of a woman who instructed the Lakota people.

As with many tribes, the Lakota people have contact with what they call 'Star People.' Theirs originate from the Pleiades, the constellation of Taurus the Bull, so perhaps no coincidence that the Buffalo should be such an important symbol on this planet for them.

As an aside, the Hopi refer to the extra terrestrials they called 'Ant Friends' that helped them many generations ago as 'Anu nnaki' -  when you consider that the Hopi have many words that are very similar to the Sumerian language from what is now Iraq, this must be more than mere coincidence. 

If you check out their wisdom and knowledge of the tribes, then you will understand just how incredible these people are.

This Eagle landed at Standing Rock recently at the situation

At the recent Standing Rock situation, an Eagle landed near some of the tribal people and stayed for an hour, this Eagle allowed the people there to touch it. This is more than just nature, an Eagle would never allow this normally, this is an example of a people who have not lost their connection to nature and their spirituality. This was beyond nature.

America has an opportunity to now do something about this situation the tribes endure. This situation must change. We are running out of time and planet, we need to reel back from the consumerism that we 'enjoy' or are slaves to.

Standing Rock, one lady with a feather faces 'militarised' Law enforcement

People like the Lakota cannot be allowed to fade out from our collective memory or history, we must help them to attain their rightful status and them have the recognition they deserve.

America has some collective guilt about slavery, yet I do not see the same sort of recognition for the treatment of the Indian Tribes and their peoples.

You would have thought that a 'black' President might have done more in his two terms for the tribal peoples? His reign is about over, it is a shame that we have not seen the great steps that should have been taken.

So, it is up to us ordinary people to come together and help the tribal peoples and shame the government into action.