Tuesday 2 August 2016

Alien-like Humans that walk amongst us

Natasha Henstridge in the film Species, looks human, but is a hybrid

Hopi Indian ancient epiction of a UFO crash

We do not need to look far for evidence of visitations to our planet from millennia ago by very advanced extra terrestrial species.

Many early civilisations from the African, Aboriginal, Mayan and American Indian people, have all recorded in art form and passed down through oral history, similar encounters with 'star peoples.'
The Abydos Lintel from an Egyptian burial chamber,
it shows a tantalising message from the past.
This has been verified as thousands of years old and genuine,
it depicts a modern helicopter, jet aircraft and a space craft

We are not the first humans on this planet. There is evidence that 300 million years ago, a human in our form existed, the skeleton of one was found in a coal seam of that age. It is an inconvenience for science, but we are using science's yardstick measurement to determine the evidence, they can't have it both ways.

It is conveniently explained away that modern humans are primates that came out of the trees and started walking upright 8 million years ago. That doesn't work, even if science wants it to or starts believing its own fairy tales.

Consider this, a creature, such as a primate, which has a different posture, for walking on 4 limbs, it has equal length limbs for the purpose, we don't. The location of where the spine enters the skull is different, we have a chin, primates don't.
Doing the math, the 2nd joined pair of human chromosomes does not occur in primates
this 'mutation' is not possible in nature, it requires external manipulation
this is currently beyond our expertise, so who did it?

How we walk and the relation of our ankle to the length of the foot, the bones in our foot and the muscle forensics are different. But science wants us to accept that we 'just sort of morphed from the primate,' to us.

Study what the late Lloyd Pye has to say about this subject of how we became who we are, then when you factor in the work of Maximillan de Lafayette and Zacariah Sitchin on the Anunnaki, you have something that works as an explanation.

Between religious belief systems and so-called science, those two departments have cooked up a half hearted explanation for our creation that is full of holes.

I came to the conclusion aged 12 that this planet was like an unfinished project that someone had left and gone to do something else, after reading Sitchin's work on the Anunnaki and why they left this planet, it all made sense to me. This is exactly what had happened.

More importantly, it explained how modern humans had been created and how this had been recorded and was later retold in Hebrew and beyond into other languages.

This lady has unusually large but enchanting eyes and appearance,
similar to a species described as being from the Pleidian zone in the constellation of Taurus

The American Indian tribes all have experienced 'star people,' visitors who sometimes look as we do and some who do not. Is it possible that there are beings that look identical to us who walk among us today? Of course.

Can you spot them? Yes, if you are observant and have a psychic gift, here's why. They have advanced telepathic abilities, some humans on earth do to. These entities pick this up and try to avoid people who might be able to 'read' them. They don't necessarily want to be identified. They are here to watch, learn and report.

So what are the giveaway signs? Firstly the eyes, they are often very vivid in colour and mesmerising to look at. They also look 'too' perfect. Often the hair is very neat and looks almost artificial. 

They often interact with you in short term situations, like a delivery of goods or serving you in a shop or bank. They can 'read' what they need in a short time, perhaps building up information over time.

One in a bank actually approved me for a credit card, this was amazing, the sort of hoops you normally have to go through to get one and suddenly I had one in the post within a few days. It was unreal.

So how do they provide a cover for their existence? They were born here, likely as the result of an intervention during pregnancy or at conception. Thus they are apparently adjusted to the planet and environment. Whatever they observe is likely conveyed to a resource or maybe recorded as 'video' which perhaps can be 'uploaded' at night telepathically as they rest.

The late Leonard Nimoy as Spock, the half human / Vulcan hybrid of Star Trek fame

Chances are that you may have encountered these cutouts in life already. So do the authorities know of their existence? Yes. They have in history advised those in power. They have also performed 'clean up' operations at some of our 'accident's like Fukoshima and at other similar incidents.

Could you spot an Alien Human hybrid?

So what is their purpose? One is to save us from ourselves, we are making a mess of this planet and the model of the consumer society is not sustainable. They maintain contact with the American Indian peoples to this day. When the seventh age of the American Indian comes as their prophecies have predicted, then they will likely show themselves publicly.

Perhaps those of us who spot the UFO's in the skies are perhaps from previous lives lived as American Indians and have come back to live again and this is why we are able to have this connection, when so many around us are oblivious to it, how else do we explain when people are regressed that they can recall past events without any apparent prior knowledge?

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