Friday 12 August 2016

Depression, anxiety, suicidal, no direction? The answer may be you could be a star seed, but don't know it. Yet!

It's written in the stars they say, it could be for you too...

So, do you feel depressed, suffer from anxiety, not sure of your purpose, why you are here? Chances are you are not mentally ill, a doctor may prescribe medication to help, but that is not the answer.

As with all these problems, find the root cause and you start the curing process. The root cause may be something you hadn't considered. You may be a star seed but don't know it. Don't turn away now, read on, you may find the answers you are looking for.

About 20 years ago, I was experiencing symptoms like the above and for no apparent reason it seemed. One day I happened to be reading a book and it had a page in called a star seed quiz.

It listed 30 statements, I started to read the list and agreed with more than I disagreed with. Out of curiosity, I jotted down the statements I found I agreed with, 26 of the statements out of 30. 26 out of 30 seemed too big an odds to discount, so I looked further into this.

I had been psychically aware since a very young age, which would help to explain a lot of what I would evaluate about what I knew about myself in the years since my reading that book. I had numerous ghost experiences, telepathy and predictions that came true. Also synchronous coincidences left me astounded as to why these apparently unconnected things were indeed linked.

Your brain is more connected to more things than you may appreciate

As I started to look into the star seed situation, I started to notice a set of key points that would come up again and again. On the face of it, these are similar symptoms that many people say they suffer from, except that they are likely seeking or looking for help in the wrong place for answers because they don't know any better.

Some people feel 'disconnected,' that is they find this planet may not feel like home or they may not feel 'at home' where they live or wherever they reside. They may move around properties a lot, they often don't join groups for very long, there are reasons for this.

The reasons are that you might be here to learn a lot and to do so you must pick and mix what you do, where you live, work and your friends even. You may feel that you lack 'purpose' and are of unsure of what you are on this planet for, is life all worth it? What is the meaning of your life?

These and many other reasons can lead to depression, anxiety, even suicidal thoughts. You are not alone and here's where help may be at hand. And its free.

We have in the last 70 years become a consumer based society, with importance based on what you earn, what you own, your status, relationships and wealth.

As a young person a long time ago, I aspired to finding a lady, getting together, house, marriage, family, career - the usual shopping list that is seen as the 'success' barometer of life. It just seemed at that time to be a natural path and something that so many others did. I was about 18 then.

But something conspired and changed all of that. The brain had not finally finished growth. The human brain does not fully develop until around 22 years of age, the frontal cortex finally matures then. The problem with this is, especially for males is that the body is developing to an adult functional stage and is changing to a state where it can be able to reproduce.

Essentially, there are a lot of chemical drivers that are strong at this stage and are starting to become more representative in the body. And this going around in your blood and through your brain, which itself an 'engine' triggered by chemical and electrical changes can bring out the star seed in you, because your awareness is becoming mature. You may start to develop your mind, perhaps educationally or in a psychic way. 

If you have star ingredients in your makeup, you may develop these around the age of 22, they will be present in a strong concentration then.

You may find yourself questioning things, like why you are here, you may feel that you have no direction, or that things are failing, or you may not be achieving. This is because you are different.

Its almost like you watch other people as an observer, you may feel isolated and never 'in the centre' of things. This is because you do have a purpose, that is to learn, observe and eventually it should become apparent why.

Saying that, you may suddenly latch onto something and feel as though you have finally discovered a purpose, only for that to not materialise as you believe it should. This can often be the case of the star seed.

The American Indians say we all live many lives and perhaps we do on this planet, as a star seed you may have to 'live many lives' within a lifetime, hence you acquire knowledge and get involved in things, whereby you provide a catalyst for someone else to change or improve their lives.

In essence, you have fulfilled a 'purpose' in that way. But the reason you are here is to fill many purposes.

Many people say we come back again and again, so I wondered why we apparently do so without accumulating the memories from those previous times into our current situation, so we can draw on them?

Perhaps it is like us building a jigsaw puzzle face down, we accumulate pieces of knowledge in our journey and set those down and do so until we finish the picture. Only when we are ready to be able to handle the knowledge at the final stage of progression do we see the puzzle turned over and literally see the bigger picture.

Recently, through research for a book project, I came across the wisdom of the American Indian people and I would advise you to seek it out. Their wisdom and knowledge is amazing, their spiritual lifestyle may appeal to especially if you have either no interest in or have fallen out of love with 'organised belief systems.' 

If you think 'New Age' started in 1967, they had the original new age thinking hundreds of years ago. They really have things taped. Their spiritual teachings go beyond what some may describe as fairy tales, they have also long been connected with visitors from off this planet.

The Indians are very aware of nature and if you are suffering, this is a good place to start. Get out into the forests, or onto the tops of hills and just observe, feel good and let the nature around you calm you and re-energise you.

For those of us who live in urban areas, we have lost the connection with the earth, our world there is sealed off with concrete and tarmac, negative energy and pollution affect us.

You may find yourself connected to or liking nature, animals, the sea, or trees. By spending time here you will connect and reconnect. Bringing positive energy into your life will change it.

It can be difficult but like swimming, once you are in the water its not so bad.

Check out this link below to learn more about the star seeds, you may find more in common with your situation than you think! You may find that you are able to use this information to make sense of things!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this Matt, greatly appreciate this content.
