Wednesday 10 August 2016

Humans are an 'intervention' species - we did not come from Chimpanzees, here are the facts why

The oft quoted mantra humans came down from the trees is complete bullshit
The Darwinian view was made using what information was available, 250 years ago.

So, some naturalists tell us we came from an evolution of the Chimpanzee that came down from the trees one day and decided to walk upright, that's crap. Laughable. Here's why.

The 'belief' by some that a primate just happened to stand upright and decide this was a better way to get around and we evolved forward to being as we are today is not true.

Chimpanzees are said to be our closest living relative, at 98% genetically the same. So is an Alligator similar at 92%, but do we scrub about on stubby limbs and have a hard leathery skin? A house fly has 20,000 genes, the Human 30,000. See the picture?

All living creatures share the basic genetic ingredients.

What the experts don't tell you is that the 8% difference is many millions of cells different. Because that doesn't suit them. Many also come out with this 'out of Africa' Afrocentric view, that is also not correct. Hominids started in the European area and moved TO Africa, not the reverse. 

People say we Monkey around?

Lets look at some facts about Chimps v Humans.

The Human-Primate genetic 'match' gap is too wide for parity and compatibility to be true

Chimps have 4 limbs all equal length for tree climbing, they haven't evolved that out.

Humans have arms shorter in relative terms to their legs.

Chimps have far better muscle strength, their bones are more dense and stronger.

Humans have less relative strength and have lighter skeletal structure.

The Pelvis of both is obviously different because the Human walks upright, the Chimp does not do so for long periods of time. It is not built to do so.

The rib cages are opposite shapes, the Chimp is larger at the top and is funnel shaped down, the Human's is smaller and funnels outwards as it goes downwards. That is not evolution explainable, they were different from the outset.

The Human has a pronounced neck

The Chimp as with other primates has a neck / shoulders unit by contrast

The human eyes are adapted for light. The Chimp for low light conditions as found in forests. 

The Chimp can live in the wild, humans have no thick body hair and need clothes to live outside.

The feet are different in relation to where the ankle locates relevant to the base of the foot area.

The Chimp has no chin like other familiar Primates, the Human does have a chin.

The Human skull has to accommodate a different shape brain.

The Cerebral Cortex of a Chimp is 4 times smaller if laid out flat than that of a Human.

The voicebox is different as it the vocal chord arrangement

Humans use a structured language, primates do not. This is to do with the frontal cortex development which then allows the left side of the brain's language engine to function and the interplay between the two allows a growth of intelligence and development.

The Human has the 2nd Chromosomal pair joined, the Chimp and other Primates do not. The 2nd Chromosome fusing can only have been achieved by external modification, it can not happen naturally or in nature.

Human and Primate brains are different, here's why

An adult Chimpanzee is only as intelligent as an 18 month old child, do you know why? You'd think that statement might be wrong and that the Chimpanzee would be more intelligent, but that is not the case and it is to do with the brain.

A scientist decided to map the Human v Chimpanzee brain to try and map the difference in the neurons in both brains, to ascertain what was 'missing' from the Chimp side.

The scientist should have been cogniscant that the two brains are not related. The exercise had little 'relative' value, because the 'relatives' were not 'relative.' Look at all the above differences to see why this is so. And, why has the Chimpanzee not evolved intellectually like us?

So, let's go back to our comparison. What is the truth? It comes down to language. At around 18 months, the Human child starts to talk, why then? It is all to do with brain development.

The frontal cortex of the human brain develops with age and continues to do so until around 22 years of age, when it is fully formed. (The neural connections with the language engine of the left side of the brain are part of the reason, along with the development of neural intelligence that we advance over the primates.)

The difference is language. When we use language, we have to operate in three simultaneous places at once. We have to 'visualise' the past, present and future when we use speech, to say 'I did this, I am doing this, I am going to do that.'

We have to 'model' scenarios unconsciously to enable us to speak, because we are formulating 'arguments' that illustrate our actions. So we are saying we did, will do and are doing, without consciously being aware that our brain is computing the outcomes in our 'mind's eye' as we are speaking. We are also subconsciously forward planning.

The Chimpanzee on the other hand does not have this type of 'wiring' to be able to do these functions and they have not 'evolved them' in the 8 million years since they were supposed to have come down from the trees. Why, if we have and are the 'relatives' been able to and they haven't?

The bottom line is to look at the human species and ask yourself why no other animal has evolved to the apparent level that humans have? Why are the rest of the animals etc still at the level pretty much where they came in? Why are Horses not in charge for instance, or Dolphins?

Because they have not evolved further much than when they started out. Look at our technology and advancements over the last 500 years. Why in nature therefore are we so different?

We are an intervention species pure and simple, we have been modified to be advanced. The questions are who did it and for what purpose and then where did 'they' come from?

Someone from off the planet. 

Perhaps they may return to see the result of their unfinished experiment! To see how it turned out, or maybe they already know. I'm sure they have been back.

The late Lloyd Pye who spent many years researching this subject

I would direct those of you interested in our true origins to check out the work of the late Lloyd Pye, who spent many years investigating the subject of our recent human origins.

I would also suggest you see Michael Cremo's work on Forbidden archaeology that examines artefacts that are at odds with 'science.'

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