Tuesday 2 August 2016

Genderbending chemicals leading to nasty and aggressive females and gender identity crisis issues

The Who song asks 'Who are you?' but should that be 'what are you?'

Five generations ago the female hormonal contraceptive pill was introduced which was a major breakthrough in birth control, but what have been the side effects and are we now seeing payback time for the cost of sex without consequences?

There is no doubt that the pill was a liberator for women but the flipside of the coin is the accumulation of synthetic hormones in our water supplies, accumulation in the organs of the body, the effects on the male population and the effects on the human brain, without forgetting the real warning sign writ large - the gender neutral Numans generation.

When you consider that marine life is now being affected by these supersynth chemical cocktails, every female ejects x per litre into the water at least 8 times a day, that builds up, over the billions by years multiplyer, those synths are not being neutralised, hence they are building and building in our water supplies. And in our bodies.

Peter Frampton's 1970's song 'I want you to show me the way' shows us
the gender bending situation is leading to a 'which toilet' crisis,
where there is little option of a so-called 'third way.'

We are seeing a problem especially in large urban areas where water is recycled, it can surely be no mistake the coreallation between falling sperm count since the pill introduction.

The brain effects are worrying and can be 'visible' believe it or not. Your brain essentially is a chemical engine that relies on chemical checks and balances to work, introducing 'alien' versions of present chemicals can lead to unbalance. Manic Depression, or the trendier term 'Bi-polar disorder' is because chemicals within the brain lead to imbalance and as such, erratic and depressive behaviour exhibited by the human.

What essentially the pill chemicals does is take the normal levels of some present chemicals and dumps in a cocktail that overloads the body and tricks the brain into producing chemicals which prevent conception implantation.

Now we base this on a 'low dose' situation, but like Diesel fuel on the skin, it is accumulative, especially over time and when fertility stops, a sudden 'deceleration' occurs a bit like going 'cold Turkey' and then you may need an HRT fix to ease that path.

Recently, I have known of two cases where contraceptive implants into the arm have led to women experiencing mood swings and a confused state with concentration problems being identified. Once they had these removed, they were fine.

We always have had people 'cross dressing' for want of a better word, not staying with 'stereo typical' modes of clothing as an example, trousers on women excepting. But we are now seeing a sort of 'confusion' in boys who are said to 'identify' elsewhere from the male development, wanting to wear typically female associated clothes and choose female associated toys, as we would generalise.

This is creating a sort of third gender path, a 'numan' that must be the result of the chemicals tripping the brain neuron relays. The recent ramping up of these cases must mean that the levels are rising to a point where tripping out of the normal relay positions is becoming more of a 'normalcy,' in some people this may not cause any 'situations,' but in those who have a slight chemical difference to start with, the effects are more obvious.

This may be a result of a generation by generational accumulation of these chemicals passed through the female to the female and into the eggs of each generation, building in a minute imbalance which has now reached dangerous levels.

Indeed, not just contained in each generation, but added to each new generation in a drip feed situation. Essentially, stockpiling and adding to the problem. 

We should understand that although we are all basically the same constructionally, the minute detail differences in this case the chemical balance levels in the brain and body generally, means that some people may be 'tripped' by external ingestion of chemicals, over time. They may be more susceptible to subtle changes, whereas others need more 'dosage' to become affected.

But we are also seeing another dimension to the chemical situation, which is the angry and aggressive female. Having observed women since the 1970's in social and work situations it is interesting to note an attitude and behaviour change. The women then were not so 'confrontational,' they just seemed to conduct themselves differently.

Bitchfight alert!

This must be due to the accumulative chemical situation. It was rare to read in the papers or see on the news in the 1970's women becoming violent and killing by women was very rare. Now there has been some sort of shift, like an earth plate has moved, releasing something toxic. We are seeing more and more woman responsible for violence, including road rage, murders and not just reactive killing but planned and malice aforethought killings and violence. Occurences like this used to be very rare. Not so much now.

In the 1970's behavioural terms like 'ladylike' and 'unladylike' were often bandied about and such typically unrepresentative behaviour was not common. I have seen for myself that there has been change over this time and not for the better, so what is the cause? It can only be accumulative levels of chemicals in the body. And those must be male hormone synthetics which are generating the anger? From the contraceptive pill.

When you do the math as they say, you look at all the parts in the equation and the common linking factor is the chemical cocktail that has been growing in female ecosystems for about the last 60 years.

That is without the inclusion of incidental causations such as leaching of compounds from decomposing plastics and the ingestions from chemicals released from them into the ecosystem.

We need to get this situation in hand before we are no longer able to reproduce.

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