Thursday 25 August 2016

Post Brexit result jobs market is better - for a number of reasons

The EU is now facing a collapse of the 'Project' post UK voting to leave

Some months after 'Project Fear' failed to stop the rout, Britain is leaving the EU building, albeit slowly. So has Britain collapsed? Far from it.

Although a lot of speculative bidding was done on the eve of the Brexit vote, those that anticipated a remain, sadly lost a lot more than their shirts when the vote went against them.

But far from gloom and disaster predictions, Britain has not crashed and burned, au contraire, countries are queueing up to negotiate trading deals. So the scaremongering didn't work. Thank goodness.

In the months that followed the leave vote, there has been a shift in the jobs market, more opportunities and why is that?

Partly to do with immigration falling. The future of unlimited it seems immigration is over, there is no automatic right to remain for outside visitors and migrants have been making renewed efforts to get into Britain from the European continent.

What Britain needs is an Australian style points system, so that we can choose who we allow in to the country. We don't need any more Mullahs spouting hate or terrorists so that is one demographic sector or two we can get rid of from our list of people.

Seriously though, the drop in migrants many who come here for agricultural work is down to the advances in Robotic Machinery. These new advances displace human labour, they are able to work for longer and even identify produce at the peak time for picking.

The new interest in Britain has also started to come through into orders from companies to British manufacturing firms which is welcome.

Over the next 10 years 9 million people's jobs will be displaced by robotics and automation, the problem will be how to fix that gap. And how to pay the displaced. That's easy, a basic income guarantee (BIG) is the answer and is cheaper than the current employment model.

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