Tuesday 2 August 2016

The trouble with 'Soft touch' Sweden is it is now living to regret it's too-liberal policies, particularly on immigration

Blonde haired Aryans are the typical 'stereotypical' Swedes
But new 'immigrants' might get this 'immodest display' banned 

Think of Sweden and you'll probably stereotype it with Abba and blonde Nordic people. It is the land from which one side of my family comes from.

But it has for years been a model of a libertarian, socially aware society with a strong, principalled outlook.

Rather than being known historically as a caring and socially responsible society, for years it has been known of as a soft touch for immigration.

Over the years a steady but not too overwhelming stream of migrants has chosen to come there, not for the cold weather and the salty Herrings, but the EU Citizenship.

As perhaps the most liberal EU country, it was probably the easiest country to enter as a migrant from outside of the EU, with which to gain citizenship.

Often, the destination of many migrants was not ultimately this arctic circle Nordic gem with cities like the historically rich Stockholm, but countries like the United Kingdom, because English was the language and to be in a country where it is spoken is the aim, not that you would have any trouble in Sweden with English, just about everyone learns it. 

The problem was that these immigrants were largely being told that in England you could get a free house, healthcare and welfare handouts, without having to pay in. So of course, these migrants, usually single men of military service age went on the move hoping to get there.

Swedish flag but for how long?

The land of the midnight sun, famous prior to 1974 only as the land of the Vikings, famous for their nautical endeavours has now recently been the subject of a mass influx of mainly Middle Eastern single male migrants. In recent times this has shown an epidemic of crime, with sexual crimes, violence and harassment of women in Sweden on an unprecedented scale.

Immigration statistics

Not that you would know that. The politically correct clampdown on the reporting of the racial categories of offenders has backfired, with reports and statistics being reported outside of the mainstream media. And also the graphic pictures of victims, alive or otherwise.

The changing face of Sweden

This leads to a dangerous situation. With the authorities seemingly intent in keeping the lid on horrific crimes which have also included murder, this provides fuel for the far right supporters and their numbers swell because of it.

Perhaps the normally placid Swedes might now be quietly talking about the 'invasion' that is blighting their country and creating division. We have seen in Germany what happens when denial and cover up occurs, the news does get out and the people get angry and angrier because they have been lied to.

Indeed, the normally relaxed man in the (Stockholm) street so to speak, is not going to tolerate this sort of behaviour in his civilised country. For much longer.

The welcome has gone sour

But he is not alone. Germany, Denmark, Finland and other countries are becoming multi-cultural dustbins where crimes against residents are becoming widespread and may erupt into civil unrest if something is not done.

The problem is that these immigrants think that they can bring their 'culture' to these modern and civilised countries. They can't.

Their particular brand of mysoginistic conflict against white women is striking matches in a dry tinderbox situation where the ghettoised migrant populations do not integrate, but congregate.

These self-appointed arbiters of what the status quo should be then try and impose their own cultural point of view on the host country.

Typically when these immigrants often queue jump into social housing, ahead of the resident people, it causes resentment.

Indeed, it is now safe for many of these immigrants to be returned to where they came from.

For those in charge, sitting on their hands is not an option, repatriation is the model they should choose. Those that wish to integrate and contribute to their host society without breaking the law are not the problem, it those that rampage through their host countries trying to impose their own cultures and beliefs where they have no right.

For liberal Sweden, it needs to take off the rose tinted spectacles and smell the coffee. It, like Germany and other nations where large immigration has occurred, can not afford to be seen as a soft touch or apparently tolerant, it has to go in hard and deal with the problem.

Because the immigrants are now laughing at how soft and stupid their hosts are as a result of 'soft-touch' policies.

And the architects of this mass immigration including Mrs Merkiel are starting to look very silly now it is all going wrong. Some of us could see what was going to happen, it didn't take a genius to see how this was going to unfold. Badly.

Some might call me a racist for highlighting this situation, I am not, it is reality, if you don't like it, go and see for yourself and talk to the people who have lived there for generations.

This is a wake up call that should not have had to have been made.

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