Sunday 28 August 2016

The cybersex future brothel service to come for Robosexuals with USB-like plug and play Gonads

A 'Linda Lovelips' - the sex doll of err... choice of the 1970s, apparently -
has anyone ever tested the legal efficacy of the 'realistic vagina, mouth and anus'
USP statement from their advertising claims in a trading standards court we ask?
Things have come a long way, so to speak....

The future is Cyber Vadge and Cyber Cock, with USB-like Plug and Play Gonads

The changing demographic of human society along with social changes and rampant and rabid feminazism has led the human male to a new place and technology may provide them with what they are seeking.

Err... no thanks

The dating game has moved on from the small ads columns in local newspaper to become big business in the Cyber age. Match and similar companies head the legit end of the market. But are they facing new threats?

Yes. The Tinder and Ashley Madison generation is here. No longer do you always have to pay for your thrills, with a 'like' function on dating apps, there is the danger of a shallow relationship arena based on looks.

This combined with a rampant and rabid feminist agenda held by some women is driving men elsewhere, usually to younger women. The younger women find that the mature man is not like their youthful 16-25 year old counterpart, so they are attracted to someone who has worldly experience and is perhaps more aware of the value of long term relationships.

This often leaves a swathe of available women who now have no male in their life, so they date younger men, a Milf and Cougar set who like the freshness of sex with younger and probably shallower men.

The prissy feminists who do date but only on their terms are becoming increasingly isolated from men because is their attitude. These 'Double A battery girls' who rely on Rabbit vibros to cure their lack of male interaction will ultimately be the losers.

So what is the future?
The Female sex robot of the future perhaps?

Robot sex.

The advance in a humanoid-like technology is one of the key industry sectors in future technology. The race is on to reach a stage called 'singularity' in which discerning between a human and robot at sight is difficult. Plus the robot will have the functionality of us.
Red Light areas may be lost to cyber technology alternatives

Now this opens up a new avenue for the sex industry, true cyber sex.

So, the red light districts of old may well disappear as punters both male and female can take advantage of true plug and play technology. The future is Cyber Vadge and Cyber Cock. Punters will be able to take their own personal plug and play gonad units to plug into existing humanoid shells and have sex, safely.

Bad news for the sex industry perhaps, but it means no more females will end up dead from either disease or being murdered by their clients.

The cost of a complete cyber partner that is fully functional may be about £5000 or so as an estimate, but as a fully functional human type entity, that will be cheap. With an optional build plan, you will be able to take advantage of choosing appearance and temperament.

We can now download dreams and thoughts as 'video' it is not too far down the road to the point where we can capture and copy our spirit and incorporate this into a 'unit' that looks like us and will allow us spare parts permitting, to live for hundreds of years.

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