Tuesday 2 August 2016

Human 2.0, the next stage of the species - the human - trans human - robot interface arrives

Transhuman engineering could be the next mega industry to come

Is the human species at the zenith of its development? Is there room for improvement or another option?

The human species is different to anything else on the planet, why? because it is an intervention species. Our supposedly closest link is a chimpanzee but that is not a viable reality, because even at about 98% similar, the disparity in genetic connections runs into the millions and means that the two could never breed. Even the Bonobo and Chimpanzee with an identical 98 % match cannot breed with each other. Some Gorilla species which look near identical are not compatible to breed.

Note the 2nd human chromosome joined as a pair,
this does not occur in nature it can only be done by modification, externally.
Something did this to our species. Nature did not.

So the human as we are today is advanced, but unless we can progress to using 30% of our brains as someone on the genius level does, we are going to remain as we are.

That said, we cannot use more than that capacity because of the heat issues the brain activity would generate and also the amount of energy the brain would consume from the food we intake, might not be enough, so where next?

Our spirit is an ethereal situation, it is our consciousness,
we still are aware of it even if we leave our bodies in near-death situations
therefore it must be external to our brains

Our situation does have an alternative, that is a plug and play humanoid shell. Used as a carrier, the human brain could be incorporated into this adjunctive shell. If you have ever experienced a near death experience and left your earth body, you will know that you are able to have a conscious and aware functioning experience without your 'human chassis.'

Your 'human chassis' has enough of a basic operating system in the brain to keep the vital resources running constantly. We know this because we do not die when we fall asleep.

Therefore, the 'spirit' if you like, the coherent force of life we all have, can be 'read' by computers and the details downloaded, dreams can now be captured. So we can perhaps move to a situation where we create a synthetic human, that can have its parts renewed and then keep the spirit living almost infinitely.

Real Human Robots from the Swedish Television series 'Real Humans.'
These autonomous humans are human robots called  'Hubots.'
A small number were created as organic and hybrid human robots - essentially Human 2.0

To do this, we are then creating a new sub species of ourselves, a Human 2.0. By this method, we can if the 'standard' human is lost to a disaster, relaunch and be immune to most things, if the spirit is retained as an ethereal and non-biological entity, then the human 2.0 is almost in most terms, indestructible.

So what is this future human's future? It depends. The end game of the human as we know it changes as Human 2.0 becomes normal, no longer is it conditioned to a situation of reproduction to ensure survival of the species.

Whilst in theory it can enjoy the things we do now, will it need them? What about consumerism and possessions? Moving to an ethereal 'virtual' awareness model, much like a Google car autonomous unit, the 'entity' may be artificially aware as a computer can be, by receiving data from sensors, but it does not have 'human consciousness' which the spirit has.

Certainly a move away from the current human model, may mean that the new powerplant of the future for these entities might require an organic fuel supply. Therefore farming may change to accommodate this.

The 'identity' or the 'spirit' in this human 2.0 may move on further from this concept, it may use a small super mini computer, with fibre optic cabling to cut down on heat generation and as such it could create and use a virtual concept of reality. But this sort of misses the point about what it is to be human, to have that spirit. To be an individual and not another clone of another clone.

But essentially, this upgrade scenario is no different from taking a hard disk from one computer to another. It's just for humans, we can't do this yet. We don't have a donor chassis for the job ready made, unless a person who had been killed, was kept in animated suspension with vital life resources artificially kept going until a suitable live brain unit and head was attached.

Human 2.0 is way to release those who have paralysis of the limbs, once we can transition to a level of robotic reality of appearance and movement, the use of a human 'conscious' 'CPU' for want of a better phrase, offers genuine release and freedom. Essentially, this person is no longer trapped and waiting to die. Once re-engineered, it has life again, meaningful life.

With development, our current 'organic' model human could be replaced by another 'organic' humanoid, which may have recyclable parts or self-renewing parts, derived from an organic situation, fuel and regeneration capability. Just instead of being as we are, we can be regrown by computerised 3D printing, 'self mapping.'

We have to ask ourselves, what quality of life we really want in the future, how long as individuals do we really want to live? what is our purpose in life and do we have a future?

The Human 2.0 is like the autonomous robot of tomorrow, it is up for discussion and the discussion needs to be had right now.

The Human Race or Species has to decide where it is going in the future, the current consumer society driven model is no longer viable.

The human of tomorrow has to be business like, it needs some purpose and objective, it needs more than junk television and fast food to fill its time.

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