Saturday 16 September 2023

Ineos Grenadier shows the way forward is Petrol and Diesel and NOT Battery Electric Vehicles


Jim Ratcliffe the motive force behind the Ineos Grenadier
stands by a classic old Series type Landrover

Jim Ratcliffe has invested £400 Million in the production of the Ineos Grenadier, what some might see as a Landrover of the old school, for tomorrow.For which he should be roundly applauded, having the foresight to see where the future actually is.

The Grenadier is no vanity project, it is a well though out vehicle without the over complication of electronic circuitry that bedevils just about all modern automotive output from the 1990's onwards.

He also sensibly sees that Petrol and Diesel vehicles do have a future in our transport provision beyond the stupidly arrived at 2030 ban, where there is no practical and completely suitable transport solution ready for implementation on that arbitrarily imposed date.

Yahoo Poll September 2023 on EV Purchase

Politicians grabbing headlines with sweeping statements have been exposed by leading industrialists who have stated that there was no practical solution to take the place of Petrol and Diesel vehicles in place when these arbitrarily made dates have been announced.

Indeed it has seems like some sort of a contest has been in place to see who can usurp the previous implementation date.

Germany has wisely, unlike the blinkered British Government (which is carried along on a thin veneer of wokery), to allow after 2030, the continued sale of Petrol and Diesel vehicles that can use alternative synthetic Petrol and Diesel fuels.

Porsche states that it will sell such vehicles 'for the foreseeable future' which is past 2030 at any rate.

This looks quite conclusive

Like Porsche, Jim Ratcliffe can see the limitations of the Battery Vehicle, they will fail for the same reasons that they did in the 1900's - range and battery.

Whilst Jim Ratcliffe sees some future in Battery, it is for city and shorter trips potentially viable, the problem is that the 6 year battery life is the killer, along with the increased cost of vehicles reliant on battery power and of course the charging issues.

It shows the stupidity and blinkered rush down Electric Avenue - that at the outset of all this, no one made the decision to standardise the charger plug pin layout or plug size. A schoolboy error of epic proportions.

Jim Ratcliffe may have the last laugh, whilst other manufacturers have been grudgingly cajoled down Electric Avenue to build electric for the future, this may all end in failure and his Grenadiers are still rolling off the production lines.

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