Saturday 17 September 2016

Meeting Human Aliens - Real Close Encounters of the Third kind

Human clones have been among us for many years

It has been the staple of many science fiction works over the years that non-humans in human form can walk amongst us often unnoticed. Truth or fiction? Here's my experiences.

Real human or not?
This lady has much larger eyes than normally found in our species

So lets start with our picture above. Many reports of human encounters with off-planet but human looking life forms often report that the creatures are human looking, Scandinavian or Nordic looking, blue eyes and blond hair, around 5feet 8 to over 6 feet, slim, some have slightly larger eyes and 'sharper' defined features than most humans.

Our lady above would fit the classic 'Nordic' reported figure. This picture has appeared in a number of videos and on websites and there is no confirmation of her status or identity.

So what have I encountered?

I have encountered a couple of Nordic types, there are classic giveaway signs, usually they just look too good, too perfect.

Often the hair looks too uniform, almost artificial. The eyes are very vivid and attract you to them. The colour is vivid and seem to have infinite depth. The skin is often flawless. The woman I saw just looked too good to be true. She was not outstandingly attractive, she was attractive but did not stand out overtly in a 'look at me' way.

This lady served me in a bank where I was paying in a cheque, now here's the weird thing. Some years before I had looked into getting a credit card but was not successful, anyway this day, the lady asked me as I hadn't got a card would I consider one, I said I thought it was useful and in a few minutes I had filled out a few basic details on a form.

I wasn't that hopeful about getting a card and in truth I didn't really need it, but a few days later one arrived through the post. It all seemed too easy. I picked up a feeling in the bank that made me think that the person I was dealing with looked too good and I thought about this for sometime afterwards. It is said that these hybrids are psychic and can pick up things you are thinking. I can see her face now, she just looked 'too good', if you know what I mean.

Second one more recently was someone collecting waste oil products. He was a male about my height and had perfect skin, the 'right' hair and vivid blue eyes. I got the feeling he was 'reading me' as I have psychic abilities.

I didn't feel uneasy, perhaps they are part of a greater monitoring plan and looking to identify people for some future plan. I guess we must give off some psychic 'key code' like a frame number that they have in their system? Like they know who to look for, maybe pick up the psychic signals that people like me have the ability? Perhaps they detect the psychics and sometimes avoid them, but sometimes may seek to identify them.

These were two Nordic types, Bridget Neilson has talked about Hybrids and Insectoids in true form in some of her videos, here are some instances of a couple of hybrid Insectoids I encountered in the last 6 months.

Most recently I have had two 'Insectoid' hybrid encounters. So how do you tell these? In both cases and this is spooky, they almost looked identical humans, the first was older by about 10-12 years I would say but here's the comparative list:

Both were:

Women, the second one aged 40's, the first one around 60 but early decade and did not look her age, both wore red dresses, were incredibly slim, were attractive and looked younger than their apparent years, had short dark hair, slight frames and were slim with no fat on, nice personality, friendly, welcoming dark eyes (brown), seemed interested in me professionally and not just superficially. Neither wore a watch or rings. Skin was very good and showed no age signs.

Encounter one was in a music venue I was playing at in April. This hybrid was with a Nordic looking lady a bit older but not a hybrid, or a Nordic in ET terms. My mother had come to see the group I was in playing at the venue and these two had joined her at a table.

I sat down during the interval and the hybrid one I felt was interested in me, was talking a lot and I had a feeling of some connection as if there was an invisible bridge between us. It sounds strange but sometimes you meet people you instantly connect with. Others can be just bland. The Nordic didn't speak much.

This hybrid lady seemed very chatty and I stayed there for about ten minutes until I was called back on stage. By the time I had finished playing, the pair had left and I did not see them again.

Encounter two was at a recruitment agency.

I had been for a job interview and in the meantime waiting for news on this, had been asked to go and see an agency I had applied for a job with. Just in case the job fell through I thought I'd go and see them.

The lady I met there was an almost carbon copy of the first hybrid as above. She was taller, the first was just over 5 foot, this one was about 5 foot 9. My immediate thought on seeing this one was 'Insectoid' that just came into my head from nowhere.

I had the meeting with this lady and it was all fine, the thing about both these encounters was that on both occasions, the entities seemed switched on, attentive, not 'tired' or indifferent. They both had very slight build frames, insect like you might say.

I have this ability to pick up the vibe in the air and often can see a person and know I won't like them or get on with them, I am almost never wrong. These did not give off a negative vibe. Quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, I recall another Insectoid build female I met that was right in the mould with the other two, it was in 2015 and I had been asked to play at a wedding and the bride was pretty much a carbon copy of the second recent insectoid hybrid at the agency.

In a video interview with the American author and ET experiencer Barbara Lamb, she spoke of her encounters with Insectoid creatures, but they were in their 'true' insect like form and not in a 'human' looking version. They were she reported friendly and highly intelligent.

Obviously a human looking version would not arouse suspicion down here, but Barbara said that the beings she encountered were friendly and highly intelligent. The same impression I got from both my encounters in this section.

One other off-Earth being encounter was from a distance some years ago. I was on my mountain bike and taking in the view from an old Bronze age hill fort mound when I noticed three figures in fluorescent green next to an electricity pylon, this did not seem out of the ordinary as I thought they could be line engineers doing inspection or repair work.

I noted for some reason, their height against the pylon structure, looked away and in a few seconds looked back and they had gone. I stayed watching the location and a few minutes later a woman on a horse rode by, I noted her head height and thought I had made an error, those figures were according to my estimate 8 feet tall. Surely I was wrong. No, I wasn't it would turn out.

Some weeks later, I found a book on Russian UFO sightings by Philip Mantle and in it was a sighting of 3 green glowing human shaped entities in a park in a place called Voronezh. They were reported as 8 feet tall. Perhaps from the same origins?

A patch I had in around 1972 when I saw a similar figure in some woods

But we go much further back in time to my first sighting which was around 1972. I was with my grandparents walking through some woods and I had two strange sightings in this same location.

The first one was a Wolf. Now these have been extinct in the wild where this happened, for hundreds of years. It was walking away from me and went into some undergrowth, it was not an Alsation dog of that I am sure.

(Around this time, there were people who were permitted to own wild animals without a licence, this changed in 1976 under the Wild Animals act. This sighting predated that by 4 years. Some animals had escaped before that time into the wild and were often unreported as they did not carry ID or microchips back then and people probably didn't want the problem if they had attacked something and the matter was reported to the Police.)

The second sighting in this location was a human type figure, seen only from the back. It was wearing a brown suit (like in the above picture on the patch) that is called in the US Army Air Forces equipment book by Sweeting, a 'Tomato worm' suit because the segments look like a Tomato Worm caterpillar. Another equivalent of this is the 'Bibendum' figure used to advertise Michelin tyres you may be more familiar with.

The suit looked like light brown canvas covered innertubes and the figure was seen as it walked into some foliage and out of view, from about 30 feet away from the back only. It had a matching colour helmet on. Both were a flat and non-reflective type of material. To me it looked like flat canvas material. There were no clothing designs like that in fashion at the time.

I did not mention the figure to my grandparents, but I did mention the Wolf, although I was told it must have been a dog as Wolves were not in the countryside then. I know that was no dog. So I kept quiet about the figure I had seen in case that was rubbished too.

About 6 years later, I had my first and most amazing daylight UFO sighting, about 6 miles from that wooded location. Like all these encounters listed here, I can see all of them as clear as day if I think back to them.

Craft near identical to the one I saw, this rendering from a 1950's USAF Airman's sighting

The nuts and bolts of this story is we are not alone in my opinion. Check out a book called Encounters with Star People by an American Indian author Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, there is one story in there where an Indian man encountered a car load of human looking creatures dropped off from a craft on his land. They got a flat and he changed their tyre. I have been doing some work with one of the Indian tribes and have read much about the people, their beliefs and their wisdom which is amazing. Check this out for yourself.

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