Thursday 29 September 2016

Suzanne Venker is the voice of reason about modern man woman relationships

Suzanne Venker is a welcome voice of reasoned
argument in the gender situation, nay crisis of today

In 1976 the equality act came into being in the United Kingdom. Designed to end discrimination between men and women, it solved some problems and created a minefield of litigation cases and situations where women wanted to act like men.

The 'stay at home wife' situation became negated,
largely through high housing costs meaning both partners had to work

Gone or going was the notion of the stay at home wife. The 70's had brought in a burn the bra militancy in which women demanded 'rights.' In some respects, they were needing the balance redressed, but as we have seen things have swung too far the other way.

Feminism at its worst

The 1980's brought us a decade of the 'young professional woman.' A decade where women came to the fore in business and led business.

Power dressing with big shoulder pads and big balls attitudes, big legal cases of discrimination and the 'have it all' new generation of women, juggling childcare, a high profile job and a marriage were the new normal.

The women were largely being sold a lie. The glossy magazines relentlessly pumped out issue after issue of girl power edicts, but the reality was not an orgasm every time you had sex, it was a general decline into Wine, for the women who wanted it all but the reality was that they were just worn out by trying to juggle too many things.

Suzanne Venker can see that it is not possible to have it all in the way it was being 'sold' to women. She is taking a more realistic and sensible approach and has a welcome input and outlook. She is saying the things that women need to listen to.

The future of humanity is about working together to reduce our consumer addictions, to care more for people and if we don't mend the man woman relationship situation, we are likely to expire due to lack of replacements.

The American Indian people had a great approach to the man woman relationship, they found boundaries and regarded the Earth as a mother, nurturing and creating life and the sky as the father.
Russell Means, American Indian activist and speaker of much sense

The Indian peoples built a great nurture based clan system that looked after young and old and those in need. The women were accorded respect and the man and woman were equal parts, like the bow and arrow, one is not much use without the other.

The late Indian activist Russell Means said of feminism, why was it necessary for Women to want to be like men? Of course the Chief Sitting Bull had drawn an obvious conclusion in his quote above many years before. Eagles do not have to be Crows.

One does not want to go back to a situation where women were treated as second class citizens, you only have to look at the Middle East to see that situation is alive and well there, sadly.

That is where the hard ball feminazis should be directing their efforts to helping their sisters there, not picking on easy targets in the West.

You only have to look at the dating site profiles to see why some women are 'Seeking Mr Darcy,' no, you're just seeking a fantasy, lady. Men are turned off by some women who think they are able 'to get' by hard bargaining.

That's why many men seek women to date from other countries, places where the rules are different. Now women are wondering why they don't get asked on dates or asked out.

The reality is most men don't want what they're selling. They think they can still have it all, but the reality is men do not want a finger wagging hardballer. You don't get that from a Thai bride.

Now the hardballers are left retreating to 'girls nights out' clasping at their white wine in glasses and going home alone. Some years ago, I started receiving a round Robin email from a person that worked with my mother as my mother didn't have email or use a computer.

What I got on a weekly basis was a man hating set of 'jokes' (I call them that with some reservation), in the end I got so fed up with this childish situation, I took issue with the sender. I got really annoyed with one of the missives and said that they ought to grow up and that the man woman problems were being created by this sort of thinking, strangely I never got any more of these emails.

If women get on through their own merits, fine, I have no problem with that. If they work for success and get it, fine. I only have issue with the ones that are power crazy zealots.

Women are being bombarded with a constant 'look good, feel good' barrage of adverts, they fail to look at what they have and enjoy it, they are striving to achieve what is most cases a 'what they don't have ' or being sold to as 'what they need' must haves that is the problem.

Men are now confused as to what these women want, they see a 'hard shell' that seems to be self sufficient and can get by without their help, even denying help. What do they do?

The attitude of some women towards men and their interests is quite sad. If a man likes his cars, sport or hobby, as long as it is not harmful and he enjoys it, so what? As long as the woman in his life is respected, loved and cared for what is the problem? The man it seems.

The problem is that the feminists see themselves as victims of nature and victims of nurture. In the American Indian society women nurture and have a very respected role, in western society, women are told to have it all and it they can't, they employ people to  'do' for them, a housekeeper, child minder, dog walker etc, etc. so they can.

That is 'having it all' that is not having a man and woman rubber band relationship of give and take, sharing. More an 'I am a woman, I am in charge, I can do all this.'

You can only spin so many plates, before they start to crash to the ground.

Keep talking Suzanne, we need a voice of reason to help right things.

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