Wednesday 12 October 2016

Ancient Egypt - time to ditch the 'Afrocentric' dogma about early Pharaohs

Ancient wooden sarcophagus carving
Does this look 'African?'

I get tired of hearing this constant mantra of Africa being the start of life. Human life,  the fact is that life started in Europe and migrated to Africa.

Take this amazing carving above, it looks like a European person. The reason is that the
early Pharaohs were from European genetic descent, not African.

This example has not been 'remodelled' to look European as is the suggestion with some similar works on statuary and caskets.

Nefertiti bust at least 5000 years old and European looking.
Negro? I don't think so. Celtic origins? Likely.

And look at the craftsmanship, the Nefertiti bust above is an outstanding example of art, craft and beauty. We have no examples in African archaeological relics that are in the same league.

The Pyramids are outstandingly accurate in construction and placement

Look at the Pyramids and the Temples. We have no examples of other African areas other than Sumeria and Babylonian for example where these finely crafted and positioned buildings occur, the only thing we have is mud huts. Hardly the same league.

Fine jewellery work

The Tutankhamun death mask

Take the Tutankhamun death mask, this is such a fine piece of work that has no machining marks, it is about as proportionally correct as possible, why then do we not see this type of work continued across Africa and to this standard?

The arguments for Afrocentrism just don't stand up. We see here a variety of examples of work that clearly do not occur outside of Egypt in the rest of Africa below Sumeria.

Trying to use a politically correct and false mantra to state something that is not true does only damage. The bottom line is that some people are trying to push a 'Black African' agenda as some sort of atonement for slavery, a trade that was largely done by African Chiefs selling their own people.

If the 'Afrocentric' theory is true, the facts do not support it as true.

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