Monday 17 October 2016

Roswell, with a chance of Elvis - 2017 The 70th Anniversary of the Roswell Crash and 30th Anniversary of the death if Elvis Presley - how they are connected!

Roswell is always a popular hot potato and I found a recent story on the subject, with a connection to Elvis Presley. Oh, and it is the 70th anniversary of Roswell, next year in 2017.

This came up by chance or was it meant to have been so? I thought I should investigate. Investigation and coincidence, seem to be things that I can't shake off. Perhaps part of my purpose on this planet.

A young Elvis Presley at the Sun Studios 1954

Yes folks, Elvis Presley may have left the building in 1977, but he has a spooky connection to the Roswell UFO incident of 1947.

2017 marks the 70th anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash and also the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death. Elvis was 12 when Roswell happened.

So you're saying how are those related? In quite a few ways. But there's a twist and we'll put that out for you to look at a bit further down the page. A twist, yes and not in the Chubby Checker sense of the word.

So Elvis lived near to Memphis, of which there is also a place in Egypt called Memphis, where at a place called Abydos, there is an empty Sarcophagus for the Pharaoh Manesh, who died and was buried in Ireland, home of the Celtic people. So what was an ancient Pharaoh doing in Ireland? Well, Thoth, an early Egyptian Pharaoh was an Atlantean and believed to be sharing that connection.

The Egyptian Pyramid Extra Terrestrial

In one of the Pyramids, a mummified extra terrestrial was found in a burial chamber in recent years. The physical appearance of this creature was as some might ascribe to the Star People, that many Indians have encountered, as I have read in Ardy Sixkiller Clarke's book.

In Abydos, a Pyramid there contains the Abydos lintel panel, shown here, which has many futuristic images on it, although it is verified as being from about 5000BC. (Abydos being where Manesh should be buried, had he not died from a Wasp sting in Ireland.)

The Abydos lintel c. 5000BC

And strangely enough, the panel has no machining or carving marks, even today that would be very difficult to achieve, but back then they did not have the metallurgy to make the tools to do this work in the first place!

Elvis was 1/16th Cherokee and we can go back a long way to a Hopi rock glyph of a UFO crash, so a bit of a connection in genetics.

The Hopi were given clay tablets of wisdom, much in the way that the Sumerians were given thieir information by the Anunnaki. Nibiru, their home planet is due to make an appearance soon, so could it coincide with 2017 and the Roswell anniversary?

I always knew Elvis was 'different'. Now I know why he had that star quality, he was partly one of the 'star people' from another era. Almost like some sort of modern messiah.

Hopi Indian glyph of a crashed UFO

Artist's rendering of the Roswell UFO, similar aren't they?

But it gets stranger.

In 1970, a fan gave Elvis Presley as a gift some pieces of materiel he claimed to have found at the Roswell crash site, before the military and police arrived on the scene. Mac Braesel was the rancher who found the original Roswell crash site and debris.

Metal artefact from the Roswell Crash, said to have been given to Elvis Presley

Braesel is also a name found in Ireland, home of the Celtic people who had strong links to Brazil. The Atlanteans are said to have set up a community in Brazil. Connection? Surely a coincidence that cannot be ignored?

The Atlanteans are said to have passed on certain psychic gifts to the American Indian peoples, plus some spiritual ideas like care of the planet, not harming animals etc.

Now back to Elvis and the gift of the artefact in 1970.

This was a piece of metal about the size of a paperback book, which framed a piece of glass. The metal immediately attracted Elvis to it. The metal seemed to give off a white glow. But it was the glass that was more interesting.

He said looking through it, the world looked more beautiful.

Elvis kept the metal pieces from which the 'glass' was extracted. He thought about having rings made from the metal pieces, but the metal seemed to have its own 'memory' and couldn't be worked with.

I have heard this about Roswell metal too, Jesse Marcel Jr said this about metal he had examined from the crash that his father showed him, it seemed to have 'memory'. Also that it could not be cut, burnt or worked.

Elvis had the glass put into a pair of sunglasses by his personal optician

When he looked through the glasses, he could see the past and the future, Paiute Indians and Buffalo on meadows and also Dinosaurs. He could also see the universe and billions of stars. He also foresaw his own demise and threw the sunglasses away. This is not the first time I have heard of this type of glass from out of our world having these sorts of future and past viewing properties.

In a roundabout way, all things are connected as we know.

Lets see if anything returns in July 2017.

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