Sunday 9 July 2017

Is the concept of a 'Planet of the Apes' scenario bullshit? What does anthropology tell us?

Darwinism, science has shown, needs revision 

Origin of species

The title of Darwin's work from 250 years ago.

Evolution is a theory of how 'we' got here, but look at the evidence - if we did 'come down from the trees and start walking upright,' then why have the primates other than what we became, not done likewise?

The reason is, because this is wrong.
Our 2nd pair of chromosomes are fused - this does not occur in nature

We may be around 90% similar in genetic material to a Chimpanzee, but there the similarity ends.

We are not the same animal, even the Anthropologists have to admit that the Chimpanzee 'build' could not have evolved into us.

We were seeded by off-planet superior humanoids -
Check out the  work of Zacariah Sitchin and Lloyd Pye on this

So, where do we come from?

Not here, totally. We come from off this planet in part, however firstly, we are descended from a Primate from Earth, but one that was 'terraformed' here - that is brought here and acclimatised to the planet.

Our current 'human' species is the third such version of 'humans', the previous incarnations two were destroyed by war.

We were created by the fusion of genetic material from technologically superior beings thousands of years ago with the 'base' Primate / hominid type of creature, terraformed on Earth, so we are technically an 'alien' species.

We can reproduce with these Primate entities - the famous Zana case in Russia is proof of that, but we CANNOT reproduce with a Chimpanzee.

The Chimpanzee is at 10% genetic variance, too far away from us genetically to work. Even some mountain Gorillas cannot interbreed, their 'close' genetic match is not close enough.

Our brain is highly advanced -
the Chimpanzee brain is nowhere near as advanced as ours after 18 months age

It's the brain that is the key. Or rather, language.

Humans exist in three simultaneous planes, the past, the present and the future when we use language.

Subconsciously, we 'model' what we speak, our brain is a 'wetware' super computer that builds scenarios and when we are speaking, later intentions and actions are all being modelled and tested at fantastic speed, unconsciously.

The statement 'I am going to the shop' you might say to someone, already builds the outcome that you might do this action, unless a change of circumstance happens and your reason for a trip to the shop is negated, like someone goes there for you.

Language is the driver that has built the human brain.

So bullshit or not?

Well, if we go by the scientific evidence, then the reality is that the film is just a film, fiction.

It never will be scientific fact.

The adult Chimpanzee has the same 'level of brain' as an 18 month old human child, the child advances over the primate when the child starts to talk and that develops the human's brain in spectacular fashion and leaves the Chimpanzee behind.

Going back to our original points on evolution, why have animals not really evolved much past their original 'job description?' -  again it is down to the brain.

We have language, a type of language that is unique and that is why we are different, our brains have been engineered to be different.

The reality is that we have been created by off-planet intervention and the book of Genesis shows us that, a work that drew on the earlier clay tablet inscriptions of the ancient Sumerians, many of which have been decoded by Zacariah Sitchin.

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