Thursday 10 November 2016

Hybrid Humanoids are becoming easier to recognise - observation update

Send in the Clones -
the problem is they have been here for some time

Recently, I wrote about encounters with three 'Insectoid' human hybrid women, to recap, what was strange here was that they were all almost the 'same' base unit, just varied ages and heights.

In fact, they were almost identical to look at overall.

They featured, dark, shortish hair, very good unblemished skin, absence of jewellery, dark colour eyes, very thin build, no 'fat' on them, intelligent, personable and the hair was 'very good' almost synthetic looking.

Perfect eyes which are very vivid to look at are a giveaway

The sightings I had were, firstly, a lady about 38, around 5 feet 8, at whose wedding I was playing in a band at.

Second, also another band job at a local cinema and theatre building. She was around 5 feet two, wearing a red dress.

Third, at an employment agency, wearing red dress and around 5 feet 9.

All actually looked the same, the facial appearance was almost identical.

Egyptian bust of Neferttiti,
outstanding beauty and sculpture -
over 5000 years old

This last week, I went to another job agency and was met by a Reptillian hybrid human.

Now, interestingly enough, she was dark haired and very 'Egyptian' looking, in the Neferttiti style of face. Very striking appearance and could easily have been a model.

It wasn't overly cold and we were in an office, but she kept her long overcoat on and she had interesting eye and mouth movements, hinted at before by others as almost 'lizard like' her hand was slightly cold to the touch to.

Humans are a genetically modified species

As an aside, I have often wondered why I tend to see so many 'lookalike' people? The answer is becoming rather obvious, this is some sort of program.

When you consider probability and the billions of cells in our human bodies, even if you have a 'program' for appearance, for us to be so different looking to each other but not ugly 'mutations' means massive possibilities of variation in 'looks.'

In the past, even 30 years back, I saw people at school, that looked the same, from different years and different sexes, it was like 'she' was a female clone version of 'he' in some cases.

I'm not talking about related people, because I asked one boy if he was related to a girl in another year who looked the same? He said not.

So how with all this possible variance, can these almost 'identikit' type of people exist?

This leads to another interesting conundrum, the law of attraction, love at first sight, if you like.

What is it that when you see someone in the street, that you are instantly attracted to them? Without even speaking? What are we seeing? desiring?

Are we psychically enabled to project and receive information?

If we put aside beauty for a moment, say a man sees a woman across the street and instantly likes her, what is that equation that the brain computes to instantly 'lightbulb' the thought of 'like'?

Are we crossing paths with people from past lives, or are we attracted psychically to these people we see? Those are possibilities that we don't yet know.

I believe that we are now awakening, some of us at any rate and seeing the bigger picture. I think that we are developing or unlocking previously lost powers and growing more aware!

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