Thursday 10 November 2016

Climate change farce - Part 2 - Heathrow can pollute for free but power stations can't and are shutting, forcing a reliance on wind power.

Didcot power station - sacrificed to the greens
So what will meet the power requirements?

We inhabit a modern, consumer driven world which requires a demand for electrical power is met.

Historically, Nuclear, Gas and Coal were the methods of fuel for the demand. We use too much electrical power. Every home nigh on has devices such as computers, televisions, smart phones, you name it, likely to need power, to charge or run it.

Against that is a ridiculous set of so-called 'climate change' reduction measures. Well, they had to change the name from 'Global Warming' because it was actually 'Global Cooling.'

600 jobs in rail freight are being lost as Coal is phased out

Thanks to the ridiculous EU superstate, we are now saddled with extreme CO2 reduction demands. And whilst Germany is BUILDING Coal fired power stations, we are closing them.

The stupidity of this is that the proposed Heathrow Airport runway extension plan will make the biggest sole polluter of CO2 in the UK - Heathrow airport, an even bigger polluter with all the extra flights and aircraft movements to come besides the construction required.

Untaxed fuel still emits massive amounts of CO2

Worse still, is that the aviation offenders use duty free fuel.

This is one of those 'you couldn't make it up' stories, if only it were so, unfortunately, it is real.

We are being forced in to a reliance on Wind Turbines, those hideously inefficient, costly and subsidy parasitical 'clean' energy producers that are around 27% efficient, if you are lucky.

The biggest killers of Bats and birds? - Wind Turbines.

Just exporting CO2 problems to far Eastern shores such as China, Vietnam etc by relocating manufacturing, is not the answer.

We need clean, reliable and immediate power in the UK, Coal can provide that. We cannot afford to piss about with Windmills. The lights will start to go out soon if we are not careful.

Donald Trump recognises this. He knows about Business and making it work, not hobbling it with stupidity, which is what he is fights against.

We can burn Coal fairly cleanly, we have 300 years worth of supply underground, this can help provide British jobs.

Why not? It is a risk worth taking, better than the risk of no power! 

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