Thursday 3 November 2016

BBC Radio 4 in our time - the ordeal of Gilgamesh and what it failed to say.

Berlin Museum Cylinder seal image of the story of the
Ordeal of Gilgamesh - note the 'Robot' figure (centre).

I was intrigued to hear dear old Melvyn Bragg on Radio 4 this morning discussing the poem of the 'Ordeal of Gilgamesh.'

However, there was a glaring omission or two in my view.

Had the research been done with regard to the late Zecariah Sitchin's work on the decoding of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets, of which he was probably the world's most qualified practitioner, we might have gotten more revelatory information on the program.

What the program did not mention was that Noah was a half human half deity hybrid who lived to over 900 years of age, 953 I recall, not uncommon for those hybrids of the time, think Methusalah for instance, deceased at a similar age.

Noah being a son of the Anunnaki Enki, with an Earth human, therefore a half deity.

The mission of Gilgamesh was actually to the 'Garden of Eden', called Edin on the tablets.

If you look at the above illustration from a cylinder seal, the 'Robot' like figure has much in common with something out of 1950's science fiction. But it is real.

Mr Sitchin translated that the sentinel robot had a 'rotating sword of flame' what we might call a laser. The sentinel is very similar to a US Army project of the Vietnam war called 'Shakey' which was designed as a surveillance robot which was armed. It was never used in action but the technology proved useful. It is a direct descendant of the Gilgamesh robot.

In the story Mr Sitchin relates, the Gilgamesh robot dispensed its laser onto a Deer, which it killed, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, his companion, stripped off the cooked flesh and ate it to sustain them.

Gilgamesh it was said then sent signal to the Gods and a light came down and incapacitated the Robot 'blinding it temporarily', which they finished off.

What was it guarding? The tree of life and the water of life.

Enki (mentioned in the program I think) and Enlil were two related human like creatures from a planet called Nibiru. They came to Earth to mine Gold to take back to repair the atmosphere of Nibiru, which had become damaged.

In this endeavour, they brought 300 astronauts called the Igigi who worked the mines until they rebelled as part of an internecine situation.

Then, Enki, a skilled scientist and Ninhurshag, a skilled female geneticist modified the DNA of a primate hominid with their own material to create humans like us.

However, this did not feature in the program as the mention of a tablet 'talking of the great flood' which pre-dated the Bible seemed to prevail. This tablet predated the Bible by some thousands of years which I agree with.

From my research on this subject, the Tree of life and the water of life were installed here for a reason. The pure Anunnaki such as Enki, Enlil etc. could live for many times the lifespan of us humans, limited by them through genetic modification to last for around 70 years.

To prevent the Anunnaki from aging in this semi-alien environment, my theory is that the tree was a genetically modified resource that revitalised the Anunnaki in a slow-release method, as our food fuels us by the same method. The water contained some formulation to aid this process of non-aging, likely containing necessary minerals.

But I guess that was too radical for the BBC?

If you read Mr Sitchin's the cosmic code, Edin is likened to be in the Cedar area of the Lebanon, where even today massive stone blocks exist,  unmovable by our current technology, part of a spaceport, no word of a lie, if you research into the Anunnaki deities such as Enki, Enlil and others of the original landing party.
The Abydos burial chamber Lintel verified at least 5000 years old
Note the 'modern' machinery carved onto the stone

Yes you read that right, landing party. They also have links to Atlantis, the fabled island. Enki's son Thoth, a Pharaoh of Egypt went to Atlantis and then to South America. He is partly responsible for taking people to the continent who we know now as the American Indians. They have a large amount of European genetic material in their makeup, which cannot logically be. But it is there.

The Cherokee and the Hopi Indians were given information on Clay tablets in the same vein as the Sumerians were by the Anunnaki. The American Indian people have a long tradition of contact with what they term 'star people.' I would refer you to read an excellent book called 'Encounters with Star People' by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a collection of first hand contacts with the off-planet visitors.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe

A Sumerian Clay tablet, a receipt for a Lamb from Ancient Sumeria
Taken from Chief Joseph when captured by the US Army

Indeed, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe had a Sumerian Clay tablet in his medicine bag which was thousands of years old when captured by the US Army. So how did this artefact get to America and so long ago? The tablet had been passed down many generations. The Thoth connection seems logical.

Sadly, many academics do not want to 'rock the boat' or Ark so to speak, they could easily have expanded to cover Mr Sitchin's work, but this work regarding materials written many thousands of years before the Bible (which is a collection of stories) (from the Greek, Biblios a collection of books) might upset the apple cart of the various established belief systems.

What Mr Sitchin's work does essentially, is to report the earliest known writing, from which Hebrew and later texts were established and found their way into the Bible. What the Sumerian material reveals is powerful stuff. But,. the Book of Enoch, is missing from the modern Bible, why? It 'doesn't fit' with the message in the new Bible.

Mr Sitchin has been proved right on his output, although in recent years since his passing other artefacts have been translated.

There are thousands of tablets in the various museums and a computer can translate them through OCR Optical Character Recognition in an instant. So what do these reveal? It deserves to be published.

If you want the unvarnished truth check out Mr Sitchin's work. It details how our recent human species was established.

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