Thursday 10 November 2016

Will China end up getting Trumped?

This President means Business -
Because Donald Trump understands business, money and jobs.

Like him or not, newly elected President Trump is something few, if any former American Presidents have been - a business man who understands business, money and jobs.

I have said recently, that the time for amateurs in government is over. How can a person be employed as in charge of transport one week and then seamlessly move to health a week later? inexpertise is a weak point that allows corruption, or was that the point of it?

The Brexit split is something America now seems set to echo

The Brexit split was met with real anguish from those on the opposite side of the voting paper when the UK made its choice. Well, too bad for the losers, the decision was made, democratically. Just because it didn't go your way, that's your hard luck.

And that's the reaction in the US to Donald Trump being elected, some folks just can't accept that their point of view was not shared. Well, that's showbiz folks and no hanging or dimpled chads in sight on this occasion.

The talks of trade are notable. With the hapless Obama sending us 'right to the back of the queue' for daring to Brexit, our friend Donald wants us right at the front. I can do business with this man, already.

Well, Obie never liked the UK much because of Kenya, did he? Anyway, goodbye to President Doolittle and hopefully Donald will reinstate the Winston Churchill bust removed through a 'lack of space wasn't it?

His 'Yes we can' was hollow rhetoric and turned out to be 'no he can't or didn't. The poor black folks who voted for change got more of the same old, same old. So that's why many voted for Donald Trump.

China has prospered jobwise at the expense of the rest of the world

If we turn to that economic and manufacturing powerhouse that is China, this is one nation where our new man wants to reclaim jobs back from.

Basic Income Guarantee has been proven on paper to be cheaper
than Social Security in the USA, even if paid to everyone over 16 in the USA

He understands the economy because he runs businesses. Its time for him to start going to work, to create those jobs back home and to reform government, to cut out the dead wood and the excess from Government or lack of it.

Time to rid America of the shoddy shambles that is Obamacare that is costing more than three times as much to buy into than anticipated, for ordinary people, time to introduce Basic Income Guarantee to cut the social security bill, yet leave people better off. 'Yes he can' where Obie failed.

The problem with overseas manufacturing has been the crumby trade deals. NAFTA was one deal that the new President wants out of apparently.

One thing the new President has done, much like the UK getting out of Brexit, is smashing the silent under government - the New World Order, tenets of which the EU wants to promulgate for as long as it can to control worldwide trade and money wealth.

No wonder a 'yesterday's man' like Tony Blair is desperate to get back into UK politics, he wants to perpetuate this United States of Europe and get Brexit overturned, but the system of that is failing, now Britain has voted to go, others will follow suit.

France and the  Netherlands, just two countries who have had enough of being told what to do and how many immigrants they must take, a situation which is causing unrest, despite the liberals calling anyone who raises the subject a racist. They want referenda and to leave.

The EU is the latest example of how the 'European project' is doomed - the historical figures who tried to conquer and maintain a European super state project were - The Romans, Napoleon and Adolf Hitler  - all met with defeat and failure.

The current incarnation of the EU control mechanism is failing too. This self-appointed club is about over and done with. Even Mr Trump questions NATO and whether the US should be a part of it?

Clearly, if we do not express aggression to Mr Putin, he is not likely to trouble us.

Now we see a new era where we might get the sort of Gorbachev - Reagan relationship between the US and Russia, we can only hope that this can lead to countering the real, common enemy we face.

Clearly, our present and future collective enemy is Islamic terrorism and that will be the focus from now.

That war is against a sect of people who have hijacked a belief system and used it as a means of control and wealth gathering, by means of terror and subjugation. 

It is the work of cowards and the inadequate, by people who can do nothing positive for humanity or make anything, except trouble. They can't fight real soldiers and they don't because they are not up to it.

Donald Trump is not one to shy away from that problem. Thankfully.

Perhaps the tide will turn and 2017 will be a splendid year, better than this 2016 has been.

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