Friday 22 July 2016

Governments must get qualified ministers like Donald Trump - the days of the amateur civil servant are up.

All governments must get qualified people to manage departments

It beggars belief that the responsibility of running major state departments is left in the hands of often unqualified amateurs with no relevant experience.

Give Donald Trump his due, he is a man who understands business. He knows about economics because he has to make his businesses work because he has no safety net of public money.

Donald Trump knows it, he knows things don't always work out, but he has come back. Politicians in the main, find themselves put into very senior positions of responsibility with large budgets of public money at their disposal and the inevitable outcome is they are out of their depth and screw things up.

Why are these often unqualified amateurs put into these senior positions when they clearly have no relevant or real world experience?

Real World. There, I said it. Many  of these people have never had a 'proper job' in the real world. They go from school to university to politics and that's the problem. How can someone with not even a school level biology exam qualification be a Health Minister?

It's just such a joke. It has to change.

Brexit may be that change medium.

The UK is already attracting significant interest from countries outside of the EU who want to trade with it on a big basis now they are leaving the EU. Those countries in the EU are losing a major G8 player and as such are going to have to prop up the ailing EU superstate project with almost third world level players from the former Communist Bloc.

So now more than ever, the need for people with relevant experience to take over and run the government departments is vital. Just because you knew X from school or university is no longer acceptable. That's why the government system is not performing to its full potential.

If qualified business people ran the government, the country would be far better off.

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