Monday 25 July 2016

Political Corruptness - the Climate Change rip off

A normal solstice sunset

In the 1970's the big jump-on industry for the largely otherwise unemployable was the 'race relations' industry, that was supplanted in the 1990's by the 'Global Warming' industry, when it was found that the race relations complaints were actually coming from indigenous white people, the complete turn around of 'cause.' A new Hobby Horse was needed.

So the next industry to latch on to the boob was 'Global warming' and when that was exposed as not happening, indeed 'Global Cooling' as the statistics stated, the so-called 'Warmists' had to find another way to posit their agenda. And so they called it 'Climate change.'

But do we have other arguments for weather and climate pattern changes? Yes. Firstly, lunar orbital change.

We rely on the moon's orbit to drive our tides, we are currently moving away from the moon a little more every year and so by default, the influence of the gravitational forces on our planet lessens, just like on an electric guitar, when you reduce the pickup height away from the string, the signal gets weaker to the amplifier.

Magnetic levitation and equilibrium display

My suggestion is that the lunar trajectorial orbit has changed, rather from being as it was, a flat rotational orbit, I suggest that other planetary influence now has changed the flat linear pattern into a 'light roller coaster' effect, as we see form the funfair ride below, the moon now moves on a path where it rises and falls in its circular rotational orbital path.

Thus, the lunar gravitational effect on our planet is reduced in parts of its orbit, this leads to changes in the tide height and tidal patterns, which then affect the weather.

The funfair roundabout showing the variable linear 'orbit' of up and down movement

The Jetstream that moves around our skies and is another weather affector, is driven by the volcanic activity of the planet core. The Earth plates move periodically and as we know heat rises, this allows areas of the ocean to become hotter spots, which then when hot air hits cold air, helps to form weather patterns. The Earth plates move and rearrange themselves, as a result the hot currents are generated in different areas of the oceans.

This also affects the migratory pattern of marine life, particularly Sharks. The Great White is a migratory species that swims an orbital pattern around the oceans from Florida to Australia, it essentially follows warmer water patterns where its food sources swim. A case of 'follow my larder.'

With the Jetstream moving because of the places the water is heated have changed, we are now finding migrating Sharks are coming close to European waters as they follow the warmth.

Whereby they would tend to be spotted around the African Cape, the movement upwards of a warm water circuit nearer to Europe has meant Great Whites are now off the Cornish Coast and being caught in the Mediterranean where they were previously rare, a 7m Great White was caught off the Italian coast, miles from where it should have been off the Cape.

Similarly, other shark species like Mako have been caught off Cornwall, where they should not really occur. This was trumpeted as 'climate change,' but the reality is a far simpler explanation, it happened by natural movement of the tectonic plates. Sorry.

Oil makes the world go round

We have since the end of WW2 been moving towards a personal transport culture. Unless you lived in a city like London, well served by large capacity people movers, the tube, trains and busses, then it was a car, bicycle or foot for the rest of us.

We now have to rely on personal transport for many of our consumer needs and for those in rural areas, it is the only option in many cases. It is the price you pay for the better quality of life you get in the country. 

A vehicle excise tax on the amount of CO2 your engine generates is the norm now, not based on just ownership, but it is the wrong solution.

You may possess an older car that you rarely use on which you have to pay £240 a year duty, you may do 1000 miles a year in this car, but you may buy a car which has a zero rate duty because it is more modern design engine with lower CO2 emissions and which you can do 30,000 miles a year in for no charge.

Which does the most damage? Surely the answer is obvious. The basic factor is, the more fuel you buy and consume, the greater the penalty for polluting should ultimately be which can be met through the fuel.

Don't think that your vehicle excise duty goes on roads, it goes to prop up the welfare state, they told me that when I worked for them. This makes any 'environmentally friendly' excise policies hot air and 'driving a green car' makes no difference. It's all about money in the end.

One of the biggest rip offs is 'Carbon Credits,' essentially buying a licence to pollute. What this does is in our sector of the world,  is enables a company to buy the right to pollute, the need is to clean up the energy outfall or find alternative energy means, less polluting and to stop the pollution before it starts, not the sticking plaster solution at the end.

Then we do not talk about the elephant in the sky, the jet aircraft. Air travel has expanded enormously since WW2, yet when we talk about CO2 reduction, we always steer away from any mention of the travel industry and air travel's contribution.

Indeed, actually talking of extra runways at airports, like Heathrow, when you need to reduce or relocate is ludicrous. Aircraft are not taxed for CO2 output, when a chancellor proposed this, there was outcry and the idea quietly dropped. We have airports in major urban conurbations, the risk of accident is reasonable. To add to the problem, increases the risk.

The jet engine is now much more efficient than ever, but the fact remains, that a jet engine at Jetstream level altitude of 30,000 feet does create warmth that can affect the weather.

The rise in Asian manufacturing capacity creates its own problem with pollution. Yet it is a hot potato that no one wants to mess with, for cultural and economic reasons most likely. We only have to look at some industrialised parts of China to see the problems of pollution, both air and waterborne have and continue to create. 

This is it seems is the price we have to pay for cheap goods, whilst in the West we are heavily penalised for producing a fraction of the world's pollution and perceived climate altering problems, those elsewhere stick two fingers up and laugh as they continue to pollute without penalty, it would seem.
The UK has 300 years of coal supply in the ground

The nonsense of the situation is that in the UK, we have a 300 year supply of good quality coal, yet because of a stupid EU climate agreement we were signed up to, we are now decommissioning and demolishing coal fired power stations.

Yet in Germany, they are building new ones. This is the sort of complete stupidity that goes on. We can produce clean burn power based on coal. Just like Germany.

American forests are senselessly being felled and wood converted to wood fuel pellets

But oh no, we have to import from America, pellets of reformed wood to burn, which are shipped across the Atlantic by polluting cargo ships. The forests are felled and the trees chipped and made into wood pellets, they are then burned in UK power stations. The so-called 'carbon footprint' of this exercise is far more CO2 heavy than burning coal.

WHY? Because these trees are counted as 'renewable energy' so was coal, it was a tree once!

So what about solar or wind power? Too costly and not viable. Solar, only when there is day light, wind, only when the wind is blowing and not too much. Token windmill tilting.

The answer is free energy. This has been known about for decades but it is free and would destabilise the economy if used.

So there you are, this is the surreal reality if there is such a thing of why we are in this confusing place! 


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