Saturday 9 July 2016

Why the American Indian people are an example to us all

So, you want to live in a perfect society with no drug or alcohol problems, no crime, no prisons or convicts, with natural medication, where generations help each other, where the women are treated with respect and decide many things in the structure of the society?

The type of society that safeguards and uses only the resources it needs and has a respect for nature and wildlife?

You might call that a utopian society and just a pipe dream, but until the 1800's the American Indian peoples regarded these situations as 'normal'.

The colonisation of America was tolerated by the Indian peoples because at the start of it, the incomers were no threat. Sadly, government got involved and the treaties that were made were disregarded and the Indians persecuted.

That influx and the consequences was told to the American Indians well before there were settlers from across the seas arriving.

They were told of a procession of occurrences which were all recorded and recounted and no surprise, the majority that were predicted, have come true, one stage is still to pass and the indication is that this will happen. Then, the Indian peoples have to show us the way forward it is prophesised.

If you think that Hitler exterminating 6 million Jews was bad, think about the 8 million American Indians who were killed in their own country.

This is why the American Indians should be accorded a status and regard as one of the most important groups of people on this planet. How can you help redress this problem? Like me, I offer them advice on how to responsibly build prosperity and jobs in their reservations.

If you look up Native American wisdom, you will find many examples that show that these people are extremely advanced in their knowledge and thinking.

They are far from the Hollywood depiction of Savages.

They are the people we should be listening to, if we are to save our society from destruction, they have the answers.

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