Saturday 23 July 2016

When a star seed finds their true purpose, it is the most amazing feeling

Feel out of place on this Planet? You are not alone. Chances are you are a Star Seed.

So what is all about this planet we are on? When I was about 12, I suddenly asked myself this question. I had realised that this planet didn't make sense, it was like an unfinished project that someone had left half done. Many years later, I would read about the Anunnaki people who had created life here and then left abruptly after the great flood thousands of years ago.

If you feel you don't quite fit in with the rest of people, you are not alone, try looking at the Star Seed Quiz, you can find many variants of them on the web. You will be surprised when you rack up 25 out of 30 statements you may agree with. 

I long had plans to be like everyone else to have the usual milestones of house, family etc but try as I might, these things never seemed to fall into place. I made all the efforts to do so, but it just seemed at every turn, something put me off course.

I found this very disheartening and saddening, I aspired to all these things that appeared 'normal,' but it just seemed never to be the case that others seemingly just fell into.

Now looking back, it appears that there is a greater plan, it is said by many including the American Indians that we live many lifetimes, so I am no longer sad that my aspirations have not as yet worked out, perhaps they will in time. If we have the option to return in the future, perhaps then things may be fulfilling in that direction.

I seemed to have a situation where I would rarely belong to anything for more than 2 years I would then move on like clockwork. I moved house a lot and could make friends but always seemed to be on to new things. It just made no sense, why this moving on? It was for a reason.

I wondered why, but just kept going. By chance a relative gave me a book they didn't want and in it was a section that asked 'are you a star seed? I found a checklist of 30 questions, traits if you like and of the thirty, I agreed straight with 25 and partly with another.

The American Indians call them star people

This seemed like no coincidence and there are many more like me it would seem. I read that a star seed has a purpose and I was trying to reason out my purpose, 'you were sent here for a purpose,' I was being told in things I read, but what purpose?

It seemed a year or so ago, I found my purpose.

Some years back, a company I worked for was taken over and many jobs including mine were lost. So, I ended up in the Police service. for about seven years until I was injured on duty and had to leave.

But that job gave me scope to use investigation powers that I had already been developing, for researching things. Almost like a destiny had been arranged.

So to round up, it became clear that all these short term objectives had indeed a purpose. For me to be someone who could be in a place but on the periphery, observing and learning and then moving on, all the while gaining knowledge for future use.

All of my life I have tended to gravitate towards older people, I found children rather childish when I was growing up. Indeed, when I had the opportunity to go out with an adult and see their working environment and be a part of that it felt as though I should be there and that school and that scene was irrelevant. This was where the future was. School was where the past was. It's a star seed trait, it was there all along.

This great learning and observation process seemed to be my true purpose and it was the most amazing feeling to find that out. You see, a star seed on this planet comes here without any idea of their true mission, they just have to work it out.

Now I knew, I was to learn and observe but what then? It all seemed rather pointless,unless you had a purpose for all this. Mine was a two fold purpose.

I had always been interested in writing and after leaving the Police, I wrote two books whilst I was looking for something else to do as a job. Since that time I have written over twenty books and counting, mostly crime fiction but some factual works too.

That seemed to be one strand of it, the other was to use the accumulated knowledge.

I had been aware through my work with paranormal investigation that the American Indian people had strong beliefs in extra terrestrial visitors as had many original peoples in other places, Australia, Africa etc.

I have for many years found a connection with nature and love to go out to local areas of the countryside where I live.

I was researching for a book on future humans an robotics, it involved me going back to the
development of computers and observing their development and how they related and worked in relation to the human brain systems.

Somehow in this research, I picked up a youtube video of the American Indian wisdom.
I started to read these and wanted to know more, because these facets of knowledge were amazing, so I started to look into this and came across their connection to the Star People.

I came across another video on the reservations that many Indians lived on and the situation there was pretty dire. It seemed obvious for me that this needed to be changed, so I set about using my skills and experience in business development to put forward a plan for them to use their skills, experience and heritage in a way that could build prosperity and provide jobs, but in a way that did so with limited consumption of resources, much in line with their past ways.

This maybe is just the beginning, but I am in a phase now where I have a platform that anyone in the world can read what I have to say, perhaps my example might show others that they too have a purpose as yet unknown.
Mayan / Hopi Indian symbol that was formed in Silbury, Wiltshire over 300 feet across!

So to the end and maybe you are wondering what next?
Well, there might be another dimension to help with the explanation of all this purpose which through the work with the American Indian people I have come to see. Above is a piece of the Brenham Meteorite, a Pallasite that contains Nickel, Iron and Olivine.

These materials do not occur in this combination on Earth, but have come from somewhere out in the Universe perhaps from something bigger, from which our planet was a part of.

Now the Hopi Indians refer to meteorites as 'Diamonds from the sky,' or 'falling stars' the Lakota Indian phrase that translates to near that is 'Mahpiya.' That, is very similar I am told to tone of the first words I ever spoke. Is that a coincidence? Perhaps my destiny was always to help the Lakota people in some way and this has come full circle. Indeed, the Lakota believe that the circle represents things going and coming around.

Perhaps that this has all come full circle for me to. I use a piece of Brenham Meteorite as a dowsing pendulum for asking questions, you would be surprised how accurate the messages are.

I used it recently to look into an unsolved murder case and the replies it indicated were very interesting.

The journey continues.....


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