Saturday 9 July 2016

the new Industrial Revolution with Real Humans, Robots and Human Robots needs to be managed, the Robot Manifesto is overdue

Humans, Robots and the time for a Robot Manifesto is upon us.

We have entered the age of a new industrial revolution, gradually and unwittingly as technology has advanced and crept up on us.

The last age of renaissance and future technology which started in the 1500's has led us to a new age. An age in which we are able to progress faster and more devastatingly than before.

Consider that we not only attained powered flight in 1903, but by 1961, a mere 58 years later, we had made the leap off of our planet and into Space. Such a technological feat meant that we had achieved more in those 58 years than collectively before. How many centuries had Humans desired to fly and yet in almost half a century we had done that plus.

The Human Race is at a place now where it is on the verge of producing viable, humanoid robots, that will look like us and with which we can interact. This is in its infancy and will become a fact in the next twenty years for some situations like elderly care where this is gaining a tentative foothold.

Perhaps the sex partners of tomorrow will be Humanoid silicon skinned beings that we can design the features of and have produced for us. Their sexual capability being an adjunct of their other uses around the house perhaps.

Indeed, a mechano-electro- organic humanoid a 'Human 2.0' is the logical progression from the Scientist's geeky fantasy and from the robot sex doll. In fact this is the best way forward for humanity, a race of good looking, emotionally stable, useful co-existors to humanity.

It is suggested that we Humans may go beyond mere 'wet ware' bipeds and become part of a 'Man machine' or 'Woman machine' species - Scientists are finding ways to 'download' the memories and operating system of our mind, to put these into a machine base that can be repaired, upgraded and renewed almost to the end of time brings us to a new stage.

How sad it is that memories of events of a person are lost to the mind of the dead person, the 'video' dies with them. If we could only capture that!

We are now on the point of creating a new species of a sort. We are as a species, the only one on the planet that has so far reached this possibility.


Look at the damage we have done as a species, as a consequence of being equipped with our brains and so-called level of intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence or 'AI' in its pure form is the single most dangerous entity we could bring to life. The term 'AI' is bandied about and usually relates to encompass algorithmic computer learning systems, not the pure 'I -Robot' stand alone machine we should fear.

The danger is an 'I-Robot' AI machine may quickly work out for itself that humans are a danger to it, could switch it off, or destroy it in extreme circumstances. The 'I-Robot' would need to safeguard its power and energy supply over and above that of our needs.

It would have to 'look after number 1.' It would learn that requirement very quickly, by analysis of human behaviour, as well as historically, it if it got access to the Internet.

With the Humanoid robots, the 'I-Robot' could unite and collectively gang up on the real humans and essentially by the greater use of Robots in the workplace, build a silent army of 'beings' that would be able to replicate and repair themselves, use and safeguard power sources and do all this without us.

And ultimately take over from us.

Thinks this is scary? It is possible.

This is the reason that we need to discuss the 'Robot Manifesto' to safeguard our existence otherwise we will be sleepwalking into extermination. We need to discuss the parameters that we allow automation to possess, otherwise we are finished.

Or perhaps that is what the 'New World Order' wants, a situation where a small elite clique of Humans is able to, or thinks it will be able to, bargain and c0-exist with an AI community.

The AI machine will look after No1. Itself.

It will then be like we never existed.

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