Friday 22 July 2016

The Brainiocracy - bridging the gap between humans and machines

A picture from the 'Real Humans' Television Series from Sweden -
Is this our future? A world in which humanoid robots co-exist with Real Humans?

It is often the case that science fiction, can often become science fact.

If we take a look at any science fiction work, be that printed or motion picture, we often find that life does indeed eventually end up imitating art!

Perhaps a look back at the original Star Trek series and we will see many things that were television special effects, now common place a mere fifty years later.

It has been the dream of human kind to build a robotic figure in the image of themselves for millennia. Is this wise? It could be the key to our survival, because the robot is logical and it would seek to metamorphose us from the consumer parasitic existence to a balanced and less consumer based life.

Could we be a part of this? Yes.

Would hybrid Human Robots - a 'Human 2.0' be a step too far, or the future?
We could in fact build a 'beautiful race' that did not age.

We essentially are at a place where we are playing God, we are in a position where we can technologically build a new species, granted that it is an electronic and non biological one, but that particular delineation is on the verge of change.

What we have as our brains is in science terms a wetware super computer. Dr Michio Kaku, the most enthusiastic scientist on the planet says that to run a computer equivalent to the human brain would require a super computer, one which only recently has been able to surpass the giant 'plate spinning' activities involved to manage our self in the world.

Essentially, the super computer has to multi-manage complex processes, on a constant evaluation modelling basis. It essentially has to 'spin plates' and keep them spinning.

In simple terms, the computer has to manage our life support, body maintenance, awareness and planning. Because the human has 'language,' it has a different brain from the rest of the creatures on the planet, it thinks in three places constantly, the past, present and future, allowing it to create arguments and forward planning.

Looking at this as a research project, it has made me check out the human brain versus the computer brain. The two are very different. But essentially are management systems. Both use cybernetics, essentially control and feedback systems to manage their environments.

It is now possible to access and record dreams and images seen by the brain. This is leading to a situation where the human brain, which can survive in a saline environment as opposed to a blood supply source as in the human normalcy, opens the options for a human brain transplant into a humanoid, synthetic body. 

A new evolutionary scale may need to be drawn

This essentially, would have a great impact on society, 'Humans Plus' or a 'Human 2.0'  would be able to greatly expand the possibilities of their being.

Connection  to an ethereal network situation would give the 'Human 2.0' a much greater awareness, allowing video capture, up and downstreaming of 'instant' information. The 'Human 2.0' would be a multi skilled unit, being able to be an instant expert in anything. It could upload knowledge and telemetry data to the unit allowing it to become proficient and expert as normalcy. It would not have to 'machine learn' like humans do from scratch. It would have all the necessary programming to do the task, just like a CNC machine tool does.

The main difference a human and a robot has is consciousness, essentially the human spirit, if that can be brought to an artificial human platform, a 'super chassis' then the 'brain' as we know it is irrelevant and out of date.

Consider that the human brain consumes one quarter of the food energy taken in just to power it, but it is an inefficient motor that only uses 10% of its capacity, a bit like a stationary generator unit as opposed to the same engine used in a vehicle. The generator engine is often limited to a narrow power band to drive a generator, whereas the vehicle application of the engine requires power at many levels within a maximum revolutions per minute level.

The human brain can only max out to 30% at genius level, any more and it is danger of literally overheating.

The Brainiocracy is a situation where you connect the ethereal spirit, with a super micro computer, essentially you are taking an analogue to digital system model and optimising it for the best of both worlds.

You do away with the 'wet ware' human brain, but you manage the 'spirit' and awareness inside a cloud chamber, where you can interact far quicker than a human brain does. The human needs sleep and rest because the brain has to process the information 'scanned' in and done as 'work' during that day. The computer does not need to 'rest' as it just merely stores the data to 'disk.' Any 'evaluation' is done on the fly by a multi processing function.

This does change our lives, it means that we may be able to live essentially for as long as power and replacement parts are available.

The global population problem could be solved.

The human species as such may cease to be relevant in the current form it is, indeed that would be a true evolutionary process.

But would that be a step too far?

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