Tuesday 19 July 2016

The New Age came as the product of Roswell

         Ancient Hopi Indian glyph depicting a craft like one that crashed at Roswell

Do you not think it strange that a mere 20 years after the Roswell Crash of July 1947, that a 'peace and love' generation emerged into public consciousness and popular culture?

Has a generation been seeded from that voyage? or a combined situation where the spirits of American Indian people who have lived before, are coming back to live in the physical bodies of people in these times to try and steer us to a better way of life?

It is no mere coincidence either that many of the statements they made in the 1967 onwards time were lifted from the American Indian way of life prior to European colonisation?

Joni Mitchell's song 'Woodstock' has a line in that sums this up , 'We've got to get ourselves back to the garden.' Did Joni know the interpretation of this line or was it some chance remark or written unconciously from a thought that was put into her mind?

I have been looking at the American Indian wisdom and knowledge for a while now and I am always finding some piece of it that is really profound and common sense.

Recently reading  books called Encounters with star people and Star Ancestors both written by American Indian authors, much of what we are looking for as answers is evident.

Also evident is why the information and media discussion of extra terrestrial life is trying to be covered over.

Fear and paranoia of the organised powers that be is one reason, the acknowledgement that something else off this planet has more technology than us is also the thing that those people are afraid of.

It may yet come when a life form other than ours shows itself.

The American Indian people have been living with contact from off this planet for millennia. To them it is normal and the majority of contact is benevolent and helpful. It is not in the main the classic abduction scenario that some experience.

Indeed, the star visitors gave the gift of knowledge, of how to use herbs and nature to heal and also left information on tablets about their origins, these were given to the Mayans, Hopi and Cherokee peoples.

The white collar 'conservative' backlash against the 'Peace and Love' movement was largely because the movement came from knowledge that was an alternative to the consumer driven white picket fence middle class American way of life.

The American Indian did not need drugs or alcohol to reach a higher plane of consciousness, that was the failing of the mostly white 'Peace and Love' generation, they could not reach the higher plane because mostly they were not able to connect spiritually.

The way you can connect is through having the gift to receive contact like I am lucky to have experienced. You can't buy it or channel it through holding crystals. To the American Indian it is hard wired into them. It only needs ceremony to awaken it.

Perhaps in this time, many non-American Indian people are the reincarnation of American Indians who have lived previously and that is why there is more awareness of what is happening on the planet and to it and people who see that there needs to be change. 

Because of the great numbers of American Indians who have passed on, it is likely inevitable now that their souls are finding new vehicles for the next stage of the great journey in this life, here and today.

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