Saturday 23 July 2016

Knobby the Robot - Could you become a Robosexual and have sex with a Robot?

Knobby the Robot?
Development of robots with advanced sexual capability could change our relationships.

With the technological advances in humanoid robotics moving quickly, we are near a stage where a production model humanoid robot looking and acting exactly like we do is perhaps imminent.

Developments in silicon rubbers that are lifelike to the touch and body parts with strong but light skeletal structures are pushing the day ever closer when a viable human replicant with complete function will be created. Scary?

 When we say complete, we include sexually capable in that shopping list. But is that ethical? Some scientists are worried by this development, others feel it is up to the individual, so what are the arguments for and against.

CGI impression by French artist Cesar Vonc of a female sex robot or 'Sexbot.'

So the question is would you have sex with a machine? Many women do already, using motorised sex aids internally and externally so in essence, what is the difference? They seem perfectly ok with that, but some feminists are railing against the introduction of a female sex robot for male use as an example of 'objectifying women.'

Er, am I missing something? They're quite happy I presume as  feminists  to 'objectify' a male silicon battery powered phallus for their own pleasure and not be guilty of objectifying a male member then? They can't have it both ways, but it seems that's what they want.

So what are the benefits for men from female sex robots? This depends on where the development will be taken. We may just develop an animatronic female human, the sole purpose of which will be for sex, but it may be developed further to encompass a 'personality,' in that it could have conversation and learning software with which it develops a relationship with the human male. In some cases this will be more rewarding than a human male to female one.

We may hit the singularity parity level with humanoid robotic development and reach the level where the 'being' is a real life Barbie, capable of running a home and having sex too.

Another spin-off will be that the recipient of the unit will be able to choose hair colour, eye colour and skin colour, besides also being able to choose the facial features which will be built in 3D.

Learning software will enable the human partner to build a proper relationship with the robot, this is the sticking point with the 'feminists,' they are afraid that the men will prefer the human /robot relationship because the male will bond with the female robot and the female will respond and learn from the male. The robot does not have the hang-ups of a human female. Or the need for shoes and clothes. And handbags.

This builds a closer relationship, without a human female who can be spiky and difficult, he doesn't need that tension, he will obtain a female robot because it will always 'love' him and indeed grow more so by algorithmical learning. He doesn't get a divorce from the electrobot, he just reprograms the software and changes the head perhaps.

The Feminists will wake up too late to find that the males will gravitate to these hassle free forms because life is too short to say put up with a bitchy female with an agenda and an attitude.

To conclude this part, would you prefer a woman who was your ideal and was loving all the time and not difficult, or a human with all the baggage that goes with a relationship?

What about the other side of the coin? There are many 'career' women who for various reasons do not have a proper interactive male / female relationship. They often use male escorts for sex, sorry all those feminists out there, but it is a fact.

To these high flyers, a male sex robot could be their ideal sex solution, not demanding, unlikely to go off with someone else whilst they are away, able to have sex anytime with no erectile loss and as many times as she wants, she can even design his 'equipment' to suit her preferences. She might even choose a much younger man so she can play out her Cougar lust fantasies? Sounds like their ideal solution.

So is this woman a target to of the self-righteous feminists too? Likely.

The problem here is that there is a sort of hard core 'feminiazi' type of movement in vogue, to which many young women do not aspire to be part of. The self appointed pleasure deniers are the type that create and ramp up myths and the need for 'comfort blanket' solutions to problems that don't really exist. Only in their imaginations mostly.

They basically are snowflake generation cry babies seeking attention who need to grow up. We know that some women face unwanted advances, but so do some men.

These whiners are afraid that male and females relationships will suffer, well they have nothing to fear in that direction because they are the sort that no sensible bloke will bother engaging with.

Which is becoming a fact, they are creating a phenomena like the 'Viz' comic cartoon strip character 'MIllie Tant,' a rabid feminist who thinks that every man is looking to sexually take advantage of her when the truth is no one's interested and she's just a sad attention seeker, err..... sounds like life imitating art then and vice versa.

The high flying business woman who comes home to her bespoke bloke is just going to sneer at these deluded losers. She's probably just concluded a good deal somewhere abroad and to celebrate, she wants a glass of champagne and she's feeling hot for some hydraulically stiff robot cock.

Are there any benefits of a robot sex creation? Many. It solves an obvious problem for men not in a relationship, for those whose female partners may no longer want a physical relationship, for those who visit prostitutes it is a far safer alternative and the unit can be wholly styled and created to their preferences in the design stage.

The arguments of the feminists are the result of a loss of connectivity with men. Since WW2, the growth of women in the workplace has led to the 'equality' parity in the workplace but at a terrific cost. It has set them on a path of competitiveness with feminist oracles pushing them to the next level and so on.

The 'you can have it all' mantra has helped create a collection of women running from house to childcare and school, then office, to supermarket, to childcare and home to cook dinner and fall asleep at 8pm with a glass of wine in their hand, which is now mostly on the carpet. And this is 'having it all?'

The mantra 'this is your right' sort of thing has pressurised many women into this lifestyle. They now think that an over assertive aggressive 'I want' culture which should have been corrected in the kindergarten, is acceptable, but men are now just fed up and walk away.

So naturally the men will turn to Silicon Sally for companionship and a developing connection.

But hey, firebreather fems, the female sex robot means that men will no longer need to pickup women 'on the rank' for risky sex. Why go and have sex with a woman who is having sex with any Tom Dick or Harry for a living and risk catching a possibly fatal disease? This protects women as well. No risk of disease or being injured or killed even. So where are the feminazis on this one? Oh, I guess still on the tired 'objectification' argument, of seeing women as sex objects. We moved on from that some paragraphs back.

There remains the problem of human population and reproduction, in China there are 150 million males with no females thanks to the 1 child project. So, here is a ready market for female cyber partnering.

But what of the reproduction and continuation of humans? Well, maybe that will still occur human to human, but we may be moving on to a 'Project Avatar' type of situation where we are already near a stage where we can connect a human brain to a cybernetic chassis unit. A stage where real humans are old school, this where Human 2.0 comes in.

This may progress to a next stage where a human spirit can be harnessed to a small super micro computer, so an essentially 'human' directed robot with human type consciousness, emotions, decision making and logic male robot could be partnered to a female cybersex version robot in a human male artificial body.

This would, replacement parts and power plant allowing, mean a hybrid human unit could last for many more years than a normal human at full functionality. So if you had the same scenario with the female hybrid, this could work out very well.

Essentially the physical outer appearance would bear no relation to the original 'human' personality, so it would be essentially like the perfect 3D working model, built to your shopping list and you the same to hers. You can basically build your own perfect machine.

Hey, this could become like the kit car craze of the 70's and 80's!

Pimp my Bint, indeed.

The development of technology is at the level that we are seeing an arms race in the sex aid industry, the sex robots will be no exception and just like that old mobile you have in a drawer, you guessed it, the sexbots of yesteryear may still have  a place in the wardrobe of tomorrow. But look dated.

As costs diminish, it will probably work out cheaper to hitch up to Silicon Sally, you won't need to buy endless shoes and handbags, clothes, I mean its a no-brainer. I jest. Unless some idiot programs that into the system.

What I'm getting towards is that the functionality of the sex robot will advance like functionality of the mobile phone has in the last twenty plus years. As the artificial human is developed to greater likeness levels, the sexual component will be keeping pace also.

If you are looking at an attractive, welcoming female sex robot and you are invited on-board, what would you do? Most people admit even if privately, that they would partake.

If its a choice between that and hand cranking, then who gives a .....?

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